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Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Howdy! i'm a science fan!

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Hi, welcome to the site. Don't troll, spam, and no warrior fan fictions for your storygames please. :)

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Warrior? As in the warriors with the swords?

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

No I wish, just look in the new storygames, Fan Fiction, or Fantasy and you will see what I mean.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Cats? I've never heard of cats that are warriors.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago
Research it on google. There are a crapton of books about it. Oh and welcome to the site.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Yep. I'm directly on the warrior cat website now, and thanks.

Oh grand, more shitty books by the same author who wrote warrior cats.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

I was going to tell you that Warrior Cats are terrible stories but it seems I was beaten to it. Just to add though, anything under the title of the mutant cats automatically shoots down the author's competence level.

Anyway, welcome to the site, glad to have you. :)


Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Thanks. Glad to see you to.

And I won't read any stories with the word "cat" in them.

Also, how did you get a profile picture?

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago
I beieve it's in the pictures part of my stuff? I'm not sure since i've never wanted a profile picture so don't know how to get one.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

If anything, just read "warior catz!!!1!" because it shows you EXACTLY what is seen in all the other stories minus the kitty sex.

About the picture, I just found an image I liked, uploaded it to my pictures, then put it as my profile picture.

You can upload an image to you pictures in the "Pictures" section of "My Stuff".

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

I don't understand all this porn and sex with cats. Also, I don't understand the she-cat and toms

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago
Hello. Welcome to the site, and enjoy your stay. :D

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

^ Same as what she... umm or is it a he? Anyway, same as what that said.Yep, so, welcome.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago
I'm a me. :3

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Nope. Your profile said you were a male :p Hehehe. Gotcha!

I'm a me aswell then :3

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

WintersDaughter, did it again! cheeky

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Opps! I did it again!

Hit me baby one more time!! :p lol

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago


Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Welcome to the site!

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Wait...I swear you've made another post or something...

...Anyhow welcome, and chicken defies science.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Yeah I did but it got deleted.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

What about religion?

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

What about religion?

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Just curious if he's a fan of religion.

Howdy Everybody!

11 years ago

Not at all.

I'm not a christian or anything at all.