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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

it deleted my game

10 years ago

I took 2 weeks to make it and it deleted today help me

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Of course I'll help you.

Here's some tissues to wipe away those tears. 

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Tetris, I can't be certain, but I THINK JJJ-thebanisher can get your game back. Just wait for a bit and hopefully he will help you.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

to nn thing thats just sad and to madbrad200 thank YOU

it deleted my game

10 years ago


Like I said though, I can't be certain.

it deleted my game

10 years ago



it deleted my game

10 years ago

Nothing compared to a lot of members xD

If you want some experience points, come help out in the "[Point Rewards] Draw My Attention 3" thread. We would all appreciate it.

Helping out in the "Advanced Editor Forum", "Feature Wishing Well" and "Bugs & Problems" might get you some points. Or you could continuously be friendly and greet people in the "Newbie Central".

If you don't like the forums though, rating and leaving good comments on games will give you some points.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

I deleted your storygame. Please view this article. @TETRIS239

it deleted my game

10 years ago

at least give me my game back so i can fix it

it deleted my game

10 years ago
Your game sucked was rated lowly by many members of the site and so it was deemed not up to standards and therefore deleted.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

nobody rated it it was out for 4 hours

it deleted my game

10 years ago
I rated it. It sucked. I'm sure others rated it as well. Put effort into your stories before publishing them, then maybe you can create something that won't be deleted right away :P

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Recommending a storygame for deletion:

the survivors of the virus advanced

- This storygame contains the following that makes it subject to be deleted.

  • Grammar and style poor enough that it cannot be ignored
  • A plot which is poor or nonexistent
  • Poor pacing (usually characterized by frequent and unpredictable end game links)
  • A lack of important decisions
  • Length of 1/8

- For the love of all things good and evil 3J, PLEASE just delete this game. It is awful, the worst I have ever seen and has absolutely no redeeming qualities. I'd go so far as to say that it's a troll story. Don't even give me points if need be. Just make it go away.


This is why your storygame was deleted.  

it deleted my game

10 years ago

The power of Danaos repels you!

it deleted my game

10 years ago

^You mean this was you, Danose?

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Of course it was me. Who else did you think it was? I am THE critical reviewer of CYS. It is in my nature.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Did you happen to notice that I misspelled your name, Danose? 

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Yes but I decided to ignore it. Fortune smiles upon you this day.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

And so my bait went unbit.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

I rated it...

it deleted my game

10 years ago

What was your game called?

it deleted my game

10 years ago

the survivors of the virus

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Here's a few tips:

1. Capitalize the title and the beginning of every sentence.

2. Put a little more effort into it. My storygames suck but I put more pages into them.

3. Ask someone to edit your story next time. I'll be happy to help you if you want.

4. Make more links in your storygames.

Sincerely, 11302

PS I like cake.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

I'm curious. Why isn't your username 12345, as oppose to 11302?

it deleted my game

10 years ago

I don't know.....

it deleted my game

10 years ago

You don't know, or you don't want to know? Because I'm sure if you really want to know, you would. 

it deleted my game

10 years ago

I seriously just pressed a few buttons when I was making my profile and it asked me for my name. So I really don't know.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Accidently, or on purpose?

it deleted my game

10 years ago

On purpose.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

So in this case, you do know. Your name is 11302 because you purposely pressed random numbers, not you have no idea how you come to have it.  

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Why is this a big deal again?

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Who said it was a big deal? ;P

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Gandalf said it was a big deal.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Oh? And when did he said that? 

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Before the conversation began.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Hey, Tetris. Listen, I know two weeks seems like a lot of time and effort--though I'm not sure how it took you two weeks since you've only been a member for one week-- indecision... but yeah, I'm sure it's unpleasant seeing one of your first games get the boot. 

Still, I'm glad to see you're encouraged to try again. Here's a tip: Ask someone to double check your work before you post again, they may be able to help you polish it so that it's up to site standards.

it deleted my game

10 years ago


it deleted my game

10 years ago

Damn, and I was hoping the beginning of the undead apocalypse was arriving at last.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Dam, you totally crushed my dreams. 

it deleted my game

10 years ago

It seems pretty similar to a zombie game...

it deleted my game

10 years ago

While I don't doubt the game should have been removed, maybe we should unpublish bad games first, and pm the author telling them why, to actually give them a chance to improve it.

If they just throw it back up and it's the same thing, then we can delete it.

I know you (JJJ) say in the past this happened a lot, but to my knowledge actually removing games was pretty rare in the past (I'm pretty sure it was only removed if it had like, porn or something). I don't think that's applicable here, when we're actually using standards to remove things. We want to encourage quality, not discourage writing.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

It literally happened with more than 50% of the games that I unpublished when the member was still an active user. Frequently, I'd get no PM back, they'd just sneakily republish. I wouldn't say that removing games was rare in the past, maybe only slightly rarer than now.

If a storygame is so bad that it doesn't meet the very weak minimum site standards, then I'm not going to bother unpublishing it and risk having it come back from the dead (remember, it won't go back on the 'new games' list, and we probably won't find it for awhile). If someone writes a storygame that bad, then they aren't losing much time. Tetris claims that it took him two weeks to write that game, but he had only had an account for a few days when the game was published. In reality, the storygame probably took an hour.

I don't think we're discouraging writing, I think that we're encouraging writers to put more effort into their writing.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Fair enough. I still think it would be discouraging to have your storygame flat out deleted though.

I think the fact they can sneakily republish is more of the issue here.

it deleted my game

10 years ago

Agree. It's also disrespectful. 

it deleted my game

10 years ago
Also, with a post -that- bad, any improvement that they are going to make to a game that wouldn't include basically scrapping everything but the most basic idea and starting over isn't going to turn it into a -good- game. It might manage to turn it into an acceptable game but still not very good quality, so I agree with making them really start over.