I moved to Canada but kept up with the English news via BBC.
As for the vote, the yes side was based a lot on rhetoric which sadly just didn't match the real world. They knew they didn't have the full support so they lowered the voting age since teens generally said they were pro separatist and they allowed Scottish national anywhere in the world to vote... Except if they were residing in England. Several other little things like that.
basicaly there has been a separatist sentiment for a long time and Alex Sammond got into power using that and building it up, saying how much better they would be without it, how much more money their govt. would have due to the oil fields, things like having free university and healthcare and no prescription charge for the elderly etc.
sadly he and many supporters ignored the fact they have almost all of that already supported by the entire UK taxes. The also ignored that if they gained separation:
They don't have a currency anymore since they couldn't use the pound, and they would be immediately removed from the EU and would have to take the several year process to re-apply so couldn't use the euro either. Their national debt which is handled separately to the other countries would begin to default. The couldn't guarantee any national loans due to lack of a stable economy and currency. Their economy would take a massive initial hit since it would be severed from the UK and they would instantly loose access to all EU trade agreements meaning they would pay more and be charged more to trade anywhere in Europe including the UK. Their tax base is not high enough to actually afford everything they are talking about so they would either desperately overspend to get their failing economy on track then go bankrupt or be forced to cancel every big excess public expense like the free healthcare and university which is currently highly subsidized by the UK.
It was a dumb time to push it and a dumb vote.