Are we allowed curse in these?
I'm new, and I've got some ideas for stories, but I want to know if we're allowed have strong language in them.
Of course you fucking can! Just make sure you have the right maturity rating, like the other guy said.
Of course you can! weeza all loves the maximum use of profanity.
I would only use it in dialog, because it only detracts from narration.
Fuck yeah we can motherfucker!
Hell yeah! Fucking profanity is god damn amazing motherfucker!
Are we aloud to fucking swear? Of course we can motherfucker! My first word was Dick and now I'm a true profanity user! >:D
Are we allowed to fucking curse? Of course we fucking can.
My bad... E.E
We are permitted, yes.
Watch your profanity.
I can't help but watch this over and over again.
No. Do not use profanity here, in your stories, or on PM. It's wrong and shows an obvious lack of education. I mean, what did you think this was? did you think this was HAROLD OF THE FUCKING DEAD, YOU SHRIMP DICK FUCK NUGGET!!!
No, just no.
You ruined it. *stands up* You just ruined profanity for me. It's done.