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mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

I have been wondering for a while what your opinions are on Mac's and PC's?

What do you guys think the advantages and disadvantages are for both, and also, what do you use and would you consider switching to the opposite platform, and when I talk about PC's, it can be any brand (Linovo, Asus, Dell).

*Macs versus PCs

8 years ago

Apostrophes don't make words plural.

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

Thats a trick question as the answer is clearly PlayStation four.


mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

[obligatory Linux plug]

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

Macs may be what "real" producers use, and they're... pretty(?), but I like gaming and being able to build my own system too much to ever not prefer Windows.

Though, at least Apple doesn't force you to restart for updates...

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

I like gaming too much, and I think the OS is just easier to use for me. The Macs are pretty and shiny as hardware, but I think I'm the only one to think that the OS software is uglier compared to Windows (but maybe that's just because I Rainmeter up my desktop).

As a side: I've been considering Linux... Does anyone have the pros and cons? Apparently it runs faster. But I have concerns on which programs will run and which one's won't if I switch (for example, the games I've got on Steam) And I've searched up the main ones and don't really like how they look ^^ Anyone want to share their experience?

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago


No Virusses.

Penguin mascot.


Steam's mostly broken, as well as anything you can play on it.

Users are all hipsters.

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago


Lol dafuqs linix lol

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago


mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

The mac design's, and the mac produce's, but every time I try to do 'something fun and/or  u'se an adobe program for a function higher than a filter or 'setting's adju'stment, the computer 'shit's it'self to death. So, Micro'soft all the way.

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

... What's with all the apostrophes?

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

Methink's you 'should look at the title and learn your'self 'some proper grammer.

mac's versus PC's

8 years ago


mac's versus PC's

8 years ago

If you like DRM, god-awful Apple Music being crammed down your jugular every two seconds and no freedom, use Mac.