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How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago


I'm working on a new choose your own adventure game, and i was wondering if there is any way to link to a page without having to "link" to a page.  Meaning is there any way to choose a prior page without having it link back into the other choices?

If that still is confusing, this might help demonstrate what i'm trying to ask.


Route b-choice 2- transition link-outcome 2 

Route b-choice 1- transition link- outcome 1 


I want to know how to link to the transitional link for ease without reconnecting to the other route.

Sorry, that might be a bit confusing.  Thanks for working with me.



How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago
Still not really understanding what you're trying to accomplish. What is a transitional link supposed to mean? Do you mean like, a common page both routes see before going back to their own route?

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago
Wow, that's worded atrociously.

Are you trying to do this?

Player has previously been to page 5. Page 5 had three options. Player chose Option A.

Player is currently at page 8. Player clicks a link and goes back to page 5. Page 5 now has two options. Option A is no longer there.


If that's what you're trying to do, use link restrictions. It's the stop sign button, only available in the advanced editor.

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago

Yeah, i know, sorry.  It's not really easy to describe...Say i want to, instead of copying and pasting (because i am so far into a story arch and it would be a pain in the a** to go back) want to offer the same choices on a different story arch with the same text with an overall different outcome.  How would i accomplish this?


I'll give you an example from my story.

Someone chose to recruit group "a" people way back in the beginning.  They could either keep just group a, or recruit more.  If they recruit more, wayyyy down the road it will effect the story arch.

I want to take all of the descriptions and options from that, but with the twist at the end without linking back to the original outcome.

Does that make a little more sense?

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago
So the only thing your changing is the ending? Use a variable.

Variable: RECRUITS : min value = 0 : max value = 1 : start value = 0

If the player chooses to recruit the people, put this in the link script:

In the link script for when it's time to get to the ending:

Obviously, you insert your own value for the page number.

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago

Is that only a setting in advanced?  I'm using the basic editor.

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago
Use a variable to store their decision, then when the story branches off due to the decision, make that page have two links. Show only the link they should see by using variable restrictions.

This is the way to do it with the basic editor.

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago

How exactly does one do thar?  Could you give me the step by step in the basic editor?  I know next to nothing about this, just got into writing story games.  Thank you!

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago

Have you tried reading the articles on this stuff yet?

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago

No.  As i said, completely lost.

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago
Play around with it until you figure it out or read the articles. Only babies need spoon fed.

How to Copy Destinations...?

8 years ago
Just use the advanced editor. If there's something in it you don't need, you can just ignore that.

EDIT: Killa's way will work fine. But if you think you may use other variables and scripting, it may be easier to just go advanced now.