Yesterday, I had the weirdest conversation with a homeless guy on the street. He kept insisting that I was a 'rich kid' (even though I look like a ragamuffin), even after I repeatedly told him that my family was of a moderate income and definitely not 'rich'. This continued for almost a half hour because he decided to follow me. I finally told him I'd call the police if he kept following me and he just stood there as I walked away, screaming about how 'spoiled rich kids' are stuck-up and I was living proof of it. Yes, I am proof rich kids are stuck up because I walked away from a hobo.
Another weird conversation I've had was actually on my school bus. This older kid, he looked seventeen so I'm guessing he was a senior, sparked up a conversation with two girls and this somehow transitioned into a debate on bra size? Worst yet, I somehow got dragged into it. He was convinced that women who are, ahem, 'small' in that department can fit into larger bras because of some kind of bra conspiracy created by Victoria's Secret. No, he was not joking and no, I did not tell him my size. He was under the impression that there's some kind of zipper system built into the sides of the bra and hidden behind a fake sheet of fabric.
Those are the two weirdest conversations I've ever had. I really doubt anyone can top mine, but what's the weirdest conversation you've ever had?