It would help the admins out too. Currently we have to keep track of who we're banning with a long list of names and IPs (AKA The Graveyard and other threads)
To my knowledge Amazingwilson was not banned though. I know he said he was PCGenie's buddy, but that's about it.
I would very much enjoy that feature, for I often wonder whether or not a user troll has been banned. Plus, it would add a bit of "tangibility" to the act (other than end saying "Banned").
I'm not sure how appropriate that is for a younger audience. xD
I think this is a fine idea.
I think this should be accepted along with the aspects Mizal suggested. Maybe that picture could automatically be set to a banned persons profile pic or something.
Maybe just a red [BANNED] under their name on previous forum posts or PMs, and have it be under their username in the profile.
The banned avatar might be a bad idea, as anyone that isn't banned could set their avatar to that.
Why not just make a broken trophy on their profile page, and when highlighted it shows the reason he/she was banned.
Because there's really no reason for that. No neeed to glorify the banned or make it less simple then it needs to be. A reason for a banning doesn't need to be on display, especially since alts get banned all the time.