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My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Hi, I'm Thomas La Homme and I came across this site and thought this would be a great place to try to create an interactive story. My only experience with this sort of thing were aborted attempts at Choose Your Own Adventure role-playing games I'd worked on as a teenager in the 80's. Since then, I've only written poetry, lyrics, and stories. It may be a while before I present anything on this site (I can be a painfully slow writer at times). I'm going to be spending the next few weeks going over the articles on the game mechanics and how to get them to work-- it was easier for writers back in the day when you just told the reader "If you want to go through the wooden door, go to page 34" or "Go to 34". I am interested in the options that allow the reader to collect items. Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself. I am happy sites like these exist since I never got over the bug for gamebooks since I first discovered them when I was in Junior High School.  

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Don't worry, a lot of us are slow writers :D
Welcome and I look forward to reading your stuff Thomas!

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Thanks a bunch!

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your stay here.

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Thanks. I'm still learning the ropes here. 

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Hey, how's it going?

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago
Welcome to the site!

CYOAs can be a lot of work to complete if you're new to writing them, the way they're structured means they can be pretty quick to get away from you. Reading through the Top Rated storygames might give you an idea what the editor's capable of. (and of course a lot are just fun to read)

Drop by the Writing Workshop if you need any advice or feedback on your work, and the Advanced Editor board is there for more specific scripting questions once you've gone over the articles.

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Thanks. I'll probably need a lot of help just getting starting. I seem to have a lot of ideas but not enough focus. Better to start with something small, I guess. 

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Hey there Thomas, pleasure to meet you. Please get a profile picture so I can remember who you are, and enjoy the site.

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Hi, yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how to get a profile pic up. Promise I will, though. :)

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Welcome, and don't be afraid to DM me if you need any assistance. 

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Thanks. I really appreciate that. 

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

I’m also new to the site.  So far, I like it here.  I hope you continue to have a positive experience.  Good luck with your writing!

My Nervous Newbie Introduction

7 years ago

Howdy Thomas. I'm also a Noob in this site. Nice to meet you.