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The Seer of Possibilities

7 years ago

I’m working on a story based on that creepy pasta I read. Anyone interested in working with me?

The Seer of Possibilities

7 years ago

Probably not. 

Reason One: You are completely new. You have no reputation, and no one has any idea how go you are at writing, scripting etc. 

Reason Two: You’ve put close to zero effort into this OP, and that doesn’t bode well. Chances are you’ll give up writing this after a couple hours, or turn in something absolutely trash, 

I suppose I could go into more detail, but those are just two reasons why people would refuse you. If they do accept, however, congrats and good luck. My advice is to go publish a storygame by yourself, and then come back and make your offer again. 

Someone else can go over the many flaws in co-authorship: 

The Seer of Possibilities

7 years ago

I guess your right. Maybe I should wait.

The Seer of Possibilities

7 years ago
I'd at least recommend putting up some sample pages or maybe even a short story or two in the CC first. Or at the very least writing a few detailed reviews to show you're at least familiar with what a good or bad storygame LOOKS like.

That said, most people here who are serious about writing are already buried in their own projects. Added to that, co-authoring can actually make finishing a story more difficult in ways, and the way it works is abusable enough that it's not something you typically want to do with someone you don't know very well.

The Seer of Possibilities

7 years ago

Write the story, or another story yourself first.  It doesn't have to be some 60,000,000 word epic, but something on the smaller scale would do.  And as the others said, read some of the stories in the Top Rated Storygames section.  Write reviews for the lesser stories, see what does and doesn't work, post a few short stories.  Then when you're a bit more established and know some of the members, then possibly you can get a trusted co-author.