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Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

What is the only solution?

You claim to enjoy trolling children, but where's the proof?

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Am I to be insulted by the almighty mizal? I am flattered. I enjoy trolling children on video games, I don't really spend much time looking for fights on here. If you want me to make a YouTube video of it, I suppose I could do that. I probably have a long message fight somewhere on my psn account too. Playing AA Proving Grounds you'll find yourself face palming more than actually playing the game. 
As for my name, I mean myself. I am the only solution. At least that's what I was going for. Clearly, it failed.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
An appropriate answer to 'what is TheOnlySolution' in that case would be an autobiography with as many embellishments as possible.

Trolling children is actually a favored site wide pass time so you'd fit in well if you decided to participate more, but I suppose you already knew that if greeted me as the almighty Mizal. (Uppercase, thank you.)

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Ha, some people never change. It's good to be back after being away for a few years. I don't remember my old accounts password, but I couldn't forget you, Mizal. Glad to see that some familiar names here, lots of new ones too.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Who were you before?

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

hayesa, and ThatRandomGuy are the only two that I can remember. I loved picking fights then. It was almost always you, or Steve, fuck the ones with Steve were fucking long. Me and him either had the same view, or the complete opposite. I was one of those shit bag kids you guys enjoyed trolling. I lingered for a bit, but then left after Kiel was stripped of his moderator role because he let some other person that was not qualified use his account. 

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Well welcome back. I'm sure Steve has missed you.

There was a little more to the Kiel thing than that though. She made a second secret admin account and then let somebody else have access to that one, and it was more the childish overreaction and running off with fingers in her ears that made the removal a permanent thing, but, not really time to get into it now and the full story would probably be easier to copy and paste from one of the other times it's come up.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Oh I'm sure he did. @Steve24833 come on over here and give your old enemy a hug would you? What will we debate on now that I am back?

So that's what happened with Kiel? Well I can't say I knew her, but even I didn't take her for that kind of person that would abuse her power. She seemed like a good person, but that is not always the case. Thanks for the welcome back, I'll try to be less of a pain in the ass this time.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
I'm almost sure Kiel's a guy, Mizal's phone is probably just being stupid again and suggesting wrong words.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

I think that makes sense, wasn't EndMaster saying that Kiel was a he, and that he had a thing for another guy? Fuck I can't remember, but not important. I'm sure I could get the whole story from EndMaster if I asked, but I don't want to bother him with something that doesn't really matter anymore. I wonder if Kiel ever made another account is lurking in the shadows...

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Kiel was never banned I believe, so he could come back with his original account whenever he wanted. He did come back once later to republish his stories that he took down when leaving, but TOW got unpublished again later because the backgrounds were hosted on a site that was shutting down and the story was almost impossible to read.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Would you want to though under that name with everyone knowing who you are? I would have to say, it would be interesting to see.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
It wasn't really a big deal until he made it a big deal with turning off PMs and vanishing to begin the elaborate shadow campaign against 3J, that's why it's so funny. He had admin powers temporarily removed in private and when 3J tried to talk with him, again in private, had such a glorious and bizarre meltdown it got dragged into the spotlight and went down in CYS history.

Literally the only reason anyone knows about any of this in the first place is because he turned out to have the emotional stability of a toddler. I used to like Kiel but it was just JJJ got him out of there just in time.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Oh right, just a typo. 'He', I meant to say he. That's the socially polite thing now.

Which there's obviously nothing wrong with so I really can't speak to the purpose of the elaborate web of lies or the pretend wife and all, but, I guess writers of all people are just really good at creating fiction? So not surprising when you think about it. (For that matter I never believe anything the rest of you say, unless it's something like wearing fedoras and trenchcoats which no one would ever possibly have a reason to invent.)

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Are his story games on here? Because I'm not seeing any, but I could be blind.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
He took them down a long time when he left the site, then at some point put at least one of them up again, but photobucket broke it when they changed something with their site so it was unpublished again for being basically unreadable.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Just the Game of Life or Death one.

Now I remember you as ThatRandomGuy since you got banned for duel cheating. At least I think you got banned, it all starts to blur after awhile. I know you got docked 1000 points.

Anyway, since it was just duel cheating (As opposed to something more serious like being Ryder, Azure, Phoenix, etc) your debt to society is paid.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Yes I remember, I tried to move all my points from hayesa to ThatRandomGuy I think. And Ryder, another name that I have not heard in a long time. He use to just fill this site with shit. Is he still around? And I don't think I know those last two although Phoenix sounds very familiar. What did he do?

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Ryder doesn't pop up quite as much any more.

DrkPhoenix is basically the new Ryder with less cat raping and more fake girlfriend sock puppets. Which I guess is a step up. In fact just banned him again the other night, I think he's up in the triple digits with alt accounts now.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

*Facepalm* Really? We have failed as a species if we allow people like this to exist.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
The bullshit suicide threats and the white knight puppet he made for himself were funnier.

And then that time a few months ago when he reported us all for cyberbullying. (To who, he didn't say...)

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Depends on your ideological leanings.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Evening, Alexander. I see you're back, then.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Fucking hell, he remembers my name. Do I start running?

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Wait a minute, how do you know my name?

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

You said your username. I remembered what it meant.

Edit: You also got confused every time I knew it in the past.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Well Hayes is my last name, did I really tell you my first name? 

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Your username was Hayesa, not Hayes. the A at the end was for Alexander. When you moved to that random guy, you were similarly constantly confused when I casually said your name, because you never seemed to believe you'd said it.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Well fuck, let me just tell you where I live, and how the door is unlocked at all times, and that I have no weapons here to defend myself other than a kitchen knife that can barely cut open a box. I hate 15 year old me. He's retarded. Anyway Steve please don't find me because my retarded self seemed  like all this was a good idea.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

As I recall, I've already found you retarded because you think stupid things and have stupid beliefs, or for the light of me, I can't remember any in particular. If I'd have to guess, I'd have said anti-American, collectivist leanings with an Authoritarian bent.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Yeah that would do it. The argument I remember the most is the furry one. You think it is ok to fuck animals. That's the only one I really can remember because of how fucked up it is.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

If I'm to remind you, I won every argument we ever had because you were the kind of idiot who put your whole name up on the internet.

Anyhow, still hold those beliefs? That'd be fun.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

You think you win the argument because I put my name on here? Sure it's retarded, but that just means you're more retarded by losing to me, and I'm sure I won that furry one. 

And yes I still hold most of my beliefs, Donald Trump is better than Hillary, fucking animals is wrong, and probably whatever else I argued for I'd probably still argue for it.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

No, you lost because you're an idiot, the kind of idiot who put their name up. But you definitely, definitely didn't win the bestiality one. You lost that one quite badly, which pretty much everyone saw, because you never actually put forward any reasoning.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

You know what I'm going to do? Nothing, I'm going to just walk away. I know I was stupid in the past, and you seem to take great pleasure in it. I want to be a helpful member of this community this time, less cancerous, stupid, and with less fighting, but you seem to enjoy picking at me. I wished we could have a better start, but clearly you don't want that, which is fine. The Irish do hold the best grudges don't they?

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Grudges? Grudges are born of resentment or ill will. I felt only elation at your return and the prospect of once again tearing down your beliefs and making you look like a fool. I genuinely disappointed at the idea you're going to be a little bitch this time who is still stupid enough to hold your negative beliefs, but not fun enough to argue them,.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Ah Steve you still believe I am the kid I once was. No, no not at all. You wish to provoke me, get me mad. That's how you won, I would always start using my feelings because I was pissed off, and not keeping a level head and use reason. Sorry Steve, not going to work this time. But feel free to keep yelling at a guy that wishes to do better and better, and be the guy that wishes to destroy that. Avoiding you is not a bitch move. It's a smart move. Anyone would lose their mind talking to you, and I did. Took years to get it back.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

That's not true. I don't wish to provoke you or get you mad, but that's definitely not how I won. I won because I'm super intelligent and really, really good at arguing. I mean, I'd hope I am, I've won quite a few debating trophies and that's the profession I'm going into. So yeah, you lost because I'm great. Vain to say, but true.

Oh, and it's definitely a coward move. Unless you're the fucking Hulk, it's not that hard to have an argument without getting angry. If you can't do that and have to avoid arguing about your beliefs with me rather than be able to civilly discuss them, you might actually still be the same kid you once were. Doesn't bode well for your future.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Well then we must have a different definition of civilized. As you always resorted to name calling, and just finding any way you could to provoke me as a person rather than staying on topic. I enjoyed the ones where we avoided this, those ones are good, but you are already calling me a "little bitch". Once you start this is no longer a debate, but an argument. I prefer debates, they are much better at getting points across, and I can respect you, but you prefer arguments. If you are going to school to debate, then you of all people should know the difference.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Well no, you get insulted for displaying cowardice and refusing the debate. If you had wanted a debate, I'd be more than happy to even go as far as cutting swear words entirely from my vocab and not insulting you. However, if you don't wish to defend your ideas and debate at all, the requirement for civility falls away.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Please you were rarely civil, you always used swear words, which I can understand because it is to strengthen the point, but you also made sure to target me as a person as well. It didn't happen off the start I will give you that, but the longer it went on, the less civil you were. Maybe this has changed? We will see.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Sure I did, because you never asked me not to. If you'd like to have me cut them out in a debate, I happily will. But, if you don't ask me to, I'm not going to, because I like swear words.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Re-read my comment. I said I understood why you swore, but you attacked me as a person. Which turns a debate, which you claim you like, into an argument, and that a person like you should understand the difference between the two. 

I'm fine with swearing, I do it myself, but I want a debate, not an argument, and that's what you gave me. An argument. You just called yourself super intelligent, but you completely misread my comment oh wise one.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

I'm just going to take Mizal's advice and stop. You have certainly changed old friend, and not for the better.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

I've already offered to not insult you if you want a debate, so perhaps you should do the rereading. 

"I'd be more than happy to even go as far as cutting swear words entirely from my vocab and not insulting you."

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Just stop replying.

This is the only advice you ever need in these matters and the only time you're ever going to get it.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
@Endmaster I just realized we accidentally derailed the noob outreach and friendship thread again, can we get a split?

I'd hate for someone to get tagged here and be confused and overwhelmed by all the words.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago

Good idea, me and Steve are already starting to go back at it.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Exactly, the brutal rape that's about to occur is not for the eyes of innocent children.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago


Even gave it a catchy new title.

Dead Meat - catching and releasing thread

6 years ago
Thank you.

Just a pity it's a little early in the morning for popcorn.