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Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago
im going to attempt to write a Batman Storygame, and because his rogues gallery is extremely important i thought asking who to include or not include may be smart

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago
First and foremost you're going to want to have him hunt down whichever villain stole your shift key and spellchecker or the game won't survive long enough for this to matter.

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago
sorry, that post was kind of spur of the moment. the effort i put into random forum posts hopefully isn’t representative of the rest of my writing

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago
Well I mean I did look at your profiile, and:

the Joker has staged a mass brakout at Arkham, and threatened to detentionate a series of bombs at midnight, tonight time is not on your side as you must track down the joker and take down as many nuttjobs as you can before the night is done

...I assumed that was the story in question. I'm a big fan of Batman and right now Chris' the Question fanfic is the closest thing we have, so I hope you're able to finish yours. Just, proofreading is important and that's the step that seems to get ignored more than any other when people put new stories out so I hope you'll spend some time on it or recruit some help.

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago

Joker is the obvious answer but I've always really found the tragedy regarding how Mr Freeze came to be very compelling. I hope one day he will get a more serious movie adaption than Arnold spewing out ice puns.

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago
thanks, Joker and Mr. Freeze will definitely be in it

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago

Condiment King obviously.

Which Batman Rogues to use?

6 years ago
I want to provide a different opinion here, but not quite a devil's advocate sort of approach, just dissenting perhaps.

I think writing the joker in a compelling way is very challenging. If I were doing what you are I wouldn't use the joker at all. Until several 'episodes,' so to speak, are under your belt avoiding his most notorious villain.

If you give readers a series of smaller adventures, making available to us multiple paths to the end, you can slowly carve out your own picture of the Bat and his personal saga as you see it. Every author who takes up the task of writing batman takes a different interpretation as is.

I've always evaluated batman's canon adventure on a case by case basis. Each run has to be looked at individually. They can't necessarily be viewed as canon together, for a lot of reasons. One being all the regular citizens of Gotham would be dead or gone by about halfway through, etc.

Batman, and the batfamily, are almost always more interesting when viewed in a microcosm rather than in the overall DC universe. As the world gets bigger, batman either become absurd and impersonal, or impractical.

I am a tremendous fan of Batman. I have been since I was a young boy. Reading more and more of the source material has increased my love for the character, and made me very weary of the writers given the pen to establish his canon.

Good luck! Rooting for you.