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What do you use to plan+write stories?

5 years ago

I'm planning on simply using OneNote and Word, but would you recommend any other software? Specifically, stuff that is geared towards CYOA writing?

What do you use to plan+write stories?

5 years ago
Visio and can help with flowcharting.

What do you use to plan+write stories?

5 years ago

bubbl is great! thanks for the suggestion!

What do you use to plan+write stories?

5 years ago
I've always just written my plots out in paragraph form even for CYOAs so I just use Scrivener, but the same company has a program called Scapple I've been meaning to try out that looks like it would be very good for plotting branching stories. There's a free 30 day trial.

What do you use to plan+write stories?

5 years ago
As you may have already noticed, many writers have different styles and ways to track their stories. I prefer written maps on paper, but then typing the story in Word.