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5 years ago

Hey I wanted to introduce myself. I am an amazing writer, and am mizal's cat! Just wanted to exist so that I could remind my owner of the biggest mistake of their life.


5 years ago

Is this zombie29? Or Darkfox432? Or perhaps a different person?

Either way, this probably isn't going to end well for you. 


5 years ago

I don't get it.  Why is a cat capitalized?  What's the mistake?  Is the mistake having a cat?  I have so little to go on here.


5 years ago
Serpent, this is pretty weak. This is like Corgi level trolling. Send me an idea pitch and outline of your shitposting plans next time and I'll help you edit them, okay?


5 years ago

Got it. At least I get to keep the profile with the snazzy M and a name that's flaring with personality 


5 years ago

Way to snipe a name. What's Next, EndMasterButWholesome?

Or, perhaps, Zombie30?

Maybe even a CastorPoorPoetMan!

Actually, according to unspoken CYStian law, Zombie's corpse is yours. Should you inevitably die, that's the husk that will await your soul.


5 years ago

I need to acquire many corpses. I'll have an army