I wanted to publish Chapter 1 today but I need to wait two days since I'm new to the site.
I'm not sure what kind of example I could post to help you.
Say every character have variables like Life, Gold, Morale, Sanity, etc.
Aetheris has access to the mana variable in chapter 1, but not favor or stamina.
Sulven has access to the favor variable in chapter 2, but not mana or stamina.
Gale has access to the armor and stamina variables in chapter 3, but not mana or favor.
Pixen has access to all of them in chapter 4.
Aetheris comes back in chapter 5, and continues with his stats from the end of chapter 1.
That's the gist of what I'd need I think.
The global pagescript idea seams correct for what use I seek. I still need to read a lot of articles on this site, some are enlightening truly, now that I know what they're about. From beginner to expert, I'll read them all before tonight.
I'll complete the lecture before asking any more questions, I think it's best. I didn't read the right articles the first time.
It took me to the Sherlock Holmes tutorial story and that didn't really help me know what scripting was. Now I've found the section with a thorough explanation. Let's see if I manage something after that.
Thanks truly. I appreciate your help.