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Another New Person

3 years ago
And that new person is me. Hi everyone! I've been working on a storygame on this site for the past week or two and I just realised that I haven't even introduced myself. Poor form, I know. So hi.

Another New Person

3 years ago
Welcome! Let us know if you have any questions.

What's your game about?

Another New Person

3 years ago
It's (rather ambitiously) a meta sort of thing, where the player is a character - think OneShot or Deltarune, if you're familiar with either. Except this isn't a video game.

As for the actual story, it varies. Not as in "haha it varies because storygame because branching paths," but as in there's a choice early on that gives you the option of playing through one of two (or three, not yet finalised) unique scenarios. But the overarching idea is that the protagonist is trapped within a narrative that he may or may not want to leave, or may or may not discover the true nature of. While maybe of questionable originality, I'm having fun writing it so far.

Anyway, thanks for the welcome, I shall indeed post any questions I have in the future.

Another New Person

3 years ago
I'm not familiar with either of those but this does sound like a cool idea. There's a lot that can be done with the format, although ultimately how a story is recieved boils down to how entertaining the writing itself is, so don't skimp on that.

Also, just make sure there's End Game links available any time the character dies or anywhere else it makes sense. Don't do the thing where players get looped back to the beginning until they figure out the "right" solution, people haaaate that and it seems to be a common pitfall with newbies who are trying to do something unusual or puzzle based.

Another New Person

3 years ago
Right, I'll keep that in mind. I wasn't planning on looping anyone back to the start, but I'll make sure to actively avoid it from now on. Thanks for the advice.

Another New Person

3 years ago

Welcome to the site! Your current description of your storygame seems rather vague, but with a hefty amount already written, I hope we'll see it finished sometime soon!

Another New Person

3 years ago
Would it be bad if I said that I'm barely halfway through? Also yeah, I reckon I'll update the description.

Another New Person

3 years ago

Nah, not at all. Halfway through a 40k story is where I wish I was at this point in the contest!

Another New Person

3 years ago

Welcome to the site! 
if you need any criticism on your writing before you publish it, put some sections in the creative corner. People will be more than happy to give you some pointers. 

Another New Person

3 years ago
Good to know, thank you!

Another New Person

3 years ago

Welcome to the site! Good luck with your first story game. There is a bunch of awesome articles written here if you need help, or ask in the forums. 

Another New Person

3 years ago
Thanks! Those articles look really useful, I'll definitely give them a read when I can.

Another New Person

3 years ago
Welcome to the site. I do hope you enjoy your time here.

Another New Person

3 years ago

Enjoy the site!