It'd be really useful if the page number was listed somewhere on the page editing screen. As it is, if you want to find out the system number of the page you're currently on, you have to scroll through the list of all the pages on a link leading to that page until you find the gray highlighted one. This is especially annoying for games that use a lot of $DEST codes, and have pages with identical names. Having the page's system number visible somewhere on the page's editing screen (say, near the title) would save a lot of time.
Not sure how easy this would be to code into the editor, however. Is this at all a realistic request?
(If the answer to this is "sure, that's easy to do", then it would also be nice to have page system numbers listed on the item effect screens/starting page/variable destination list too.)
(EDIT: Since I'm here, it would also be nice to be able to check my game's word count without going halfway through the publishing process)