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one month ago
I have two variables being randomized both with 1D52, and they roll the same thing everytime. How do I fix this?


one month ago
"The same thing every time"

Does that mean that every time you start the game you get the same number, such as 12 and 27?

Or does that mean that every time you generate a number you get the same value twice, like 41 and 41?


one month ago
Everytime I generate a number, I get the same value twice, like 41 and 41. The variables are completely empty too.


one month ago
Are you generating on the same page, in the same section of code? If they are generated within a millisecond of one another, the seed hasn't changed...


one month ago
Yeah I'm just using the advanced variable tool. I select reset then type 1D52. They're both on the same link to the next page.


one month ago
I was really hoping that wasn't the case...that could really use fixing sometime


one month ago
"known diceroll issue. just gotta use separate dice" was what Ford grunted when I asked.


one month ago
How do you use seperate dice?

Read it wrong, it says seperate not sep r ate


one month ago
Could do something like
%DIE1 := 1D52
%DIE2 := 1D104

IF %DIE2 > 52 THEN %DIE2 := %DIE2 - 52

Should get you same result, 2 dice rolls that are up to 52 in value.