Meh, my bro said it was deshida, but I'm guessing it was another meaning. Oh well, deshita.
But that's seriously cool that you take a language. Was it an elective or extracurricular course?
You know, I always like meeting people who not just learn a language to fulfill a school requisite, but actually take the time to learn and appreciate the language and the culture and the history of a nation. In this case, I don't like Otaku who only like Anime and don't take the time to really delve into the true face of Japan. I mean 95% of the Otaku I've met only watch Anime in English. I get a similar feeling of disappointment when I watch or read articles in the mainstream news regarding video game news. In terms of news, the mainstream people don't know what their talking about and overall regard video games as just a toy or something that little kids deal with, when in fact it's an entire culture. Their obliviousness detracts from the merit of their clarity in the subject, and ultimately feels more awkward and time-wasting than your grandparents trying to figure out how to work a cellphone. But I digress; I really only like discussing Japanese and other countries' cultures with people who have an active interest in them. Personally, it feels more genuine and fulfilling to understand a society and then enjoy their entertainment or whatever is mainstream (that other people only focus on) so that the enjoyment is genuine. That's also why when I go around the world on an epic quest of vacation (ie honeymoon, ya know) I would actually want to rent an area and live in the country for a week or two, or maybe several months to a year - of course I would prepare myself thoroughly how to speak and the country's customs. It's that kind of interaction that I think is truly lost in regular-old tourism.
One paragraph down, one to go:
Actually, my brother is taking Japanese in college next year, but has been studying it since, oh, sixth grade I believe, at home. He's quite a good speaker, and we both practice while watching Anime. He's actually applied to be a transfer student to Japan for next or next-next year, which is 1. mind blowing and 2. awesome. It'll be fantastic for him to go abroad, especially since he loves Japan more than America. No joke, he hates American culture, and so do I in a way. As for me, I'll study Japanese in college (along with Russian, which my brother also takes) because I want to become a game designer, and Japanese would be invaluable to learn. I'll stay here in the states and I'm thinking seriously about entering ROTC.
Yeah, so that's a rant and a half for you.