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Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Recently I was involved in an argument involving which is better cats or dogs? I beleive the answer is dogs. But I wanted to know what you guys think. Any  thoughts?

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Yeah, dogs ftw. They've always felt more loyal to me. Not that there aren't loyal cats as well, but I mean by average.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
Dogs are the best. My dog hunts mice squirrels and cats. They guard and protect. While cats hid and steal.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Exactly my point. Dogs can sniff out drugs, stop criminals, and hunt deer.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
I think kittens are cuter, but cats get dumb and mean more often than dogs, so I probably like dogs better. Plus, some dogs can be cute too.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I have a picture of a cute dog my friend has if you want me to prove that dogs can be as cute as cats.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I kinda prefer cats. Dog needs too much attention, and the licking isn't cool especially if you think too much about viruses like I do. Another awesome thing about cats is that even untrained cats don't just defecate everywhere. Picking up poop isn't fun.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I have had a dog that we didn't even have to teach him and he went in the bushes always.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

We had to "potty train" ours with little mats (we mostly had small dogs) untill they got it right, but at least they don't poop indoors anymore.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
Dogs mouth is actually cleaner then humans.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

But their digestive system allows them to literally eat shit, and often times they do. Plus, chances are if there is a germ or bacteria or whatever in our mouths (becides common diseases like the flu), chances are our immune systems can handle it.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Dogs have been specifically trained by humans to be fiercely loyal since the first wolf was domesticated. This has resulted in an intense loyalty as well as love that has travelled down the dogs' (I guess you would call it a family chain? For the life of me I can't remember the term) into all breeds that I have heard of. Other than their unconditional love (unless emotional trauma is involved), dogs still tend to be highly moldable, so you can train them to do what you want within reason, be it gaurd dog, or just something to love. Also, I heard about this study (can't cite it) about how people with dogs tend to be able to vent their sadness to them, which makes them feel better afterwards.

Cats definately have the cuteness factor when they are younger, but that's not the only thing they are good for. Cats can also be used to clear your house (and the surrounding area) of vermin. Also, lets not forget how adorable kittens are when they are playing ^-^. Anyway, their cuteness soon fades as they grow older, and they basically just lay around inside or spend all their time outside, and you'll only see them a couple of times a day. Also I heard (can't cite this either, but I would give it less credibility than the dog study) that cats don't love their owner, just the fact that their owner feeds them and takes care of them.

All in all, even though I have had both species as pets and my favorite pet was even a cat, I like dogs more.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Dogs are really cool. I even know one that hates violence. If you hit someone or kick someone it goes beserk. And won't stop barking until you leave the other person alone.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

In out house we have a little dog that grew about 4 inches since it was a puppy, and it still rules all the other dogs lol.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Dogs are better pets, better companions, but some people prefer cats.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
My German Shepard is named Zeus because of his size. He is the most friendly dog around. Until you threaten me and my family, it is like a switch. He goes from lovable to scary in seconds, which is a great comfort. His grand-father was actually a German attack dog, so maybe that is why he has that switch.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I personally like cats more through personal experience, I used to own a little puppy pug named Cookie who would always attack me and bite my feet (Then the next day got stolen in the middle of the night...) And my cat Ms. Priss is much less evil, shes very nice and sleeps in my closet, she's just so much nicer.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I see where you come from but I still hold dogs close to my heart.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

ha, I saw this show on the Animal Planet not to long ago called "Cats vs. Dogs" and DOGS WON! Only by 1 point though. I think it's just the general preference of the human being caused by personal experiences and how close you can be with something that you can't understand (language wise).

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Oh yeah, I prefer dogs over cats.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Well I saw a Dogs 101 show (Or was it Cats 101?) and they asked a commercial question, what kind of animal has a higher household population (In America), a cat or a dog? When the commercial break ended, apperently more households have cats than dogs, but there are more dogs in the average household than cats. So I guess they're some extent. (I still like cats more though.)

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I've seen both, it was so cute! The reason was because most people who do own cats own more than 1 (I know a friend who has 5), while families that dogs normally have 1 or 2, so the answer was that there are more cats used as pets than dogs.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
5 vote dogs 2 vote cats.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I always just assumed this thread was about a remake of that movie Cats and Dogs from ages ago or something so I never bothered looking at it XD

Dogs are definitely better. They're loyal and their love is the closest thing you can get to unconditional. They also look and act a lot cooler than cats do, more down-to-earth/less stuck-up - there's tonnes of advantages.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I have 2 dogs, but I like cats better. Also, like October, I thought this was a discussion of the Cats vs Dogs movie.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Naw I just wanted to know what you people think.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
Whats with the 2011 part?

Do you do this every year? It bugs me that its there, and I'm not really sure why.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Probably a play on movie titles. If we did do this every year, I not sure how I would feel. Though, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be good.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago


Dogs are smarter, even though some don't act like it. A dog can learn the names of 100 toys and if you tell him/her one of the names it will bring you that toy from the pile (I've seen 2 dogs do this) and they can learn that within a year. But it takes cats 2-3 years to learn 1 simple trick.

So another way dogs dominate cats.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
I love all domesticated animals. Cats, dogs, fish, Cool74 (hehe jk). My friend and her roommates got 3 kittens total, and I absolutely adore them. I love most dogs, though I don't care for yippy little rat dogs. I would feel no remorse throwing them off a very high cliff.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

"Anything that bounces when it barks, not a dog. Anything that I can drop-kick over the back fence, not a dog! Anything that is regularly scared by a running leaf, not a dog!!"    -Jeff Dunham

Yeah, I hate little rat dogs as well. I'm only okay with Dachunds because i think they're adorable. ^_^

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

What's with this irrational hatred of small dogs? All I've seen is "I hate little rat dogs" with no reasons lol. Small dogs, although not as good as attack dogs (unless its a pug, those things are vicous!), are great gaurd dogs  that aren't to intimidating for visitors. Plus they fit in your lap :)

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
Actually, Fergie, I saw this scientific study that a few people did on dogs, and this one person(or, I think it was actually two guys) had taught their dog to learn the names of over 1000 of his toys. So many that even they couldn't remember the names of them all and had to write the name on the toy. Plus, they taught this dog some verbs as well. The dog could understand what they wanted him to do with each toy, be it to go to the toy, or bring them the toy, or something like that.

Last I heard, they wanted to see if this dog could learn the difference between subjects and objects in a sentence (like "bring toy1 to toy2"). I thought it was pretty amazing.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. I couldn't remember if it was 1000 or 100.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I've always prefered dogs. They're much more fun and lovable:)

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
If I were older, I'd probably want a cat, I think they're just generally easier to take care of, and more clam. I think that they're good for people who don't want to deal with the jumping and running around, as they're usually more likely to just wanna laze around and just.... be soft and cute.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I'm not sure that proves dogs are smarter than cats. I think that jsut proves that dogs are willing to learn, and cats are just too independent to sit with you for hours to learn 1000 different names for toys. Cats aren't dogs, you can't expect them to enjoy being told what to do.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
I agree. Especially considering that they didn't even try to test any cats in this study. Maybe the cat could do the same thing, or maybe even better. I still think its an awesome study, though!

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

I told you guys, it takes 2-3 years for a cat to learn one simple trick! So, maybe the cat could do the same thing, but it would take a lot longer!

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Just so you know the 2011 thing was just cause I wanted to put it. I will not do the same thing each year.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
Sweet. Good to know.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

It was just that last time I was around a cat it was in my personal space.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
You know, I'm actually curious to see if there are any studies on how fast cats learn, compared to dogs.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Bet there is somewhere.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
I'm going to see if I can find a study :)

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Good luck to you.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
So, what I've been able to figure out is that its hard to tell because the intelligence of each individual dog/cat differs greatly.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Tada. Just like the intelligence of humans are different from animals like dolphins.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Everyone knows that mice are the smartest creatures on Earth followed by dolphins then humans... obviously.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago


Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

.... No one got the reference?

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
care to share?

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

Hitchikers guide to the galaxy of course!

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
Awww... damn, I read that book and everything... Why do I not remember that?

Its been a while, I guess.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago
I feel like an idiot now.

Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago


Cats vs. Dogs 2011

13 years ago

hehe... just kidding.