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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Who does not want it?

I don't

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I would prefer if it wouldn't be in the game (you are talking about in the game, aren't you?), but I am prepared to deal with it.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
So we got 2 votes. 3 If we count ugilick.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Consider this is a protest for the Nations game.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I dont like it, at all, but i know how we can fix it. haha

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
3 Come one people.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

"If all the players don't want it you would listen. " - Cool74

Fair enough, get all the players of the game to openly vote against nuclear winter and there will be no nuclear winter. Simple as that.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

REaly? thats so cool of you.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
This is awesome. Heres to democracy.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I also do not want a Nuclear winter.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
4 now out of 8 i think.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Not counting the UK because they are destroyed.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

If Russia is gone for 24 hours, then Germany and China can speak for them.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Killa_Robot -

Ugilick - No

Cool74 - No

SindriV - No

Guanyin -

October -

Erudite -

English_Kniggets -

Fergie14233 -


I think that is all the people who need to vote.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Chriscane - No



Nuclear winter

13 years ago
English-Kniggets has to vote? He started the whole thing AND he is obliterated.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

So's Cool and Erudite, but they're still players.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

The English-Kniggets is out of the game isnt he?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

"English Kniggets is dead right" "No"

"English Kniggets is out of the game right?" "No"

*guy raises hand*

"English Kniggets is out of the game right?" "..."

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
How could he be still in. With not a single citizen reaming.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
English-Kinght was just blowen off the face of the planet. He has no push in the game anymore.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

So where you lol

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
But he's not dead, English-Knigget is dead isn't he (or is it one of those Marvel super-villain thing, where the end page is always of the bad guy showing signs of life)

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Nope my country is in melt down but I only took a couple and I survived. He took 1000 nukes in the face. He is gone.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
And probably Ireland as well.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

and everything around it...

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
And everything around that.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Yeah sorry Ireland.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

The point is you don't have any pull in the game anymore either, your country is gone lol. But he's a player, so he has a vote.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I do. My country was not blown to simitherns I can get help and I can survive you said there was survivors. So I can come back he can't

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Survivors who want nothing to do with the government. Even your last state is only held by force because you sent your navey to Hawaii

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Well if he is out of the game, will he still have a say?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

who is "he"?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
This is bo My president survived and Hawaii was not hit. There was obviously survivors. If I get help and supplies I could easily bounce back.

English Knight does not have that opition. His entire people were killed.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
And everyone in the close proximity...and the ones in the not-so-close proximity.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

BEcause i will literly make sure he is out if he isnt.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

We have three completely dead superpowers lol.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

USA, France, and the UK

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
But...if cool and Erudite won't have a say, then English-Knigget won't have a say either, will he?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

and vice versa

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
So, if we agree that cool won't have a say in this, because he was nuked, then the same will apply to Erudite and English-Knigget. I can agree with that.

Cool, take one for the team?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
That is not true. Again.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
My president survived and Hawaii was not hit. There was obviously survivors. If I get help and supplies I could easily bounce back.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago


Survivors who want nothing to do with the government. Even your last state is only held by force because you sent your navey to Hawaii

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Still have that last state still in the game.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago


Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I have also all my military across the world some of who are still out there so I can call them back and began to retake america after radiation subisades.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

*sigh* Cool PLEASE read my posts, I've been over this a couple of times before.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Some stayed, Right there read and weep.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Do you realy want the GM weaping?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I have also all my military across the world

Read it and weep.

Any who, I'm saying you can't retake it, but it would be extremely slow and a lot of guys would die from rad poisoning.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I have also all my military across the world some of who are still out there

Taking a sentence out of context bo sham sham.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Saying the same thing repeatedly isn't the best persuasion tactic lol.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Well, if the rest of us bring cool back into the game, and to a some measure of his former power, will he have a say where English-Knigget and Erudite will not?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

nope. he's still based out of Hawaii, and I don't see why he has powers over English and Erudite.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Uh because I have communication satellites. Because I was not blown to smithereens.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Neither was Erudite or English. You have no more say than Ugi or Fergie.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
How is getting hit with Over 1000 nukes not being blown to smithereens. I am not auguring Erudite just English.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
No it is a fact. Even if I am supressing them. I am still in the game. Unless someone invades there. I also call all my military from all over the world that remains to get there behinds there. Bo just accept I am still in already. All my money is in electronic banks.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I'm not saying that you're out, just that you aren't exactly a major player. Most of your army deserted, like I said, and you have next to no exports, basically what you see in Hawaii is what you get.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Well that is more then Kinght has.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

1. Never denied that

2. Doesn't make a difference.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Yes it does. If he has nothing left. He has no control in the game. I have things left so I have control in the game.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

IF i personally make sure he is dead, then does he not have a say?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Sure, but your army will probably be glow in the dark when they get back.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

We can just wear radiation suits. or fly over with bombers and finish the job that way.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Wow, and I thought he was already suffering from an extreme overkill.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

If America and Germany have bunkers, why don't the British?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
They probably do, but the nukes probably digged their way to Australia.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Agreed, 1000 nukes?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago


Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Make sure you have them in hazemat suits.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

haha, thats what i just said.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I get home for work and everyone is blowing up my inbox. There are pages and pages of back-and-forth in the forums that'll take forever to read.

Anybody what to sum up this Nuclear Winter thing for me?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
we don't want it bo does. We vote so that Bo makes it not happen.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

The UK decided to be flaming homosexuals and nuke america and France, in responce the US nuked the UK and everybody is screwed because of an Un realistic nuclear Winter, unless everyone says they dont like that idea.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Since we're being unrealistic, I think we should all get TELEKINETIC SUPERPOWERS!

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

we are using them right now.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Oh...carry on then.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I have no problem with a lack of realism, so long as it doesnt RUIN the game.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Currently, the United States has a total of 5113 active nuclear warheads, out of a total of 9600 stockpiled.

So if I fired all those at English. How could he possible survive. Interested for your replay bo.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago


Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Of course you do, we're just trying to convince Bo not to count your vote.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
And be careful, I might just say Ni to you!

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Your dead your opinion has no influence.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

For the love of god cool...

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
You have given no reason to how he could possibly survive the 5113 active nuclear warheads, out of a total of 9600 stockpiled fired at him. I clearly survived for multiple reasons.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Lol "Cool, the white house was nuked" "NO! I was in Hawaii at the time. No wait, I was in a plane at the time. NO WAIT, I was in a nuclear bunker at the time!" You're lucky your alive big guy. I told you, what, three times now that English could easily have a bunker?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I just responded to that on the nations forum. Even if He is alive he has no citizens to control. It just took me a while to get all my information in my brain in the right order.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
England went through the Battle of Britain. They know about being bombed. Then there was the entire Cold War with Russian nukes aimed at them. I'm sure they've got bunkers. They probably have bunkers for their bunkers.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I tried to explain that, it didn't work :(

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
How many nuclear bunkers do they have. Sources and numbers people. You have no proof other then what you think. I gave sources and facts.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

You gave "I hide in a nuclear bunker" then showed me how you nuked England and screwed everyone else over in the process.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Already did that. IDS remember Airforce control. There is hiding in a bunker.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Just like England can, sorry cool but if you can't convince me saying the same thing won't help.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Were are your sources I produced mine. Where are yours.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Hold on, I'll look for 'em. Of course my main source is common sense, but I wouldn't expect you to look through something as complicated as that.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
OK. So he survived but did any of his people.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Three, Three sources


Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Four, four houses.

HA HA HA (I'm going for Sesame Street, you got that right?)

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
So if I vote yes then we might have nuclear winter. Which means that winters will start getting colder over the next few years? So maybe a dozen turns from now the ice caps will start to expand. A dozen turns from that (about three years, game time) icebergs start encroaching on the ruins of Canada and the UK?

I don't think this game is going to last that long, nuclear winter or no.

Or is this going to be a Day After Tomorrow kinda nuclear winter?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

BAck to causing global warming guys.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
We could just say Ni to English-Knigget until he submits.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

We are not the nights that say NI, so NI!

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
:( works!

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Back to this? Has it already been discussed. I swear, you miss a few hours and you miss so much!

So if it has been discussed then what conclusion did you guys come to?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
That if this does not work we increase carbon immusions to cause global warming.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
It is, if I understand it right.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Just say yes and makes happy please????

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Nah, if anything works on him, it's Ni.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Killa_Robot -

Ugilick - No

Cool74 - No

SindriV - No

Guanyin - No

October -

Erudite -

English_Kniggets - Yes (working on that guys, hold on)

Fergie14233 -

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Now, now. I never cast a vote, one way or the other.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Why would you want nuclear winter.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

some people like a high-stress game. a 5000nuke nuclear winter is perty stressful.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Remember due to the anti ballistics it became 2500

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

My bad, slightly slower.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
You guys are still going on about this?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Right, so the nuclear winter is clearly happening, and we have to deal with that.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Not if all living players vote no.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Yeah we need Fergie to get on Euridite and Genyu to vote.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

A few others as well, dont worry about Fergie though.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
The only one I worry about is Eurdite.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

the other 2500 still went off right? ust not in there inteded target.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
They were blown up above the atmosphere so no.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
You know, that first part is true. I do like a high-stress game. I like tense negotiations where not all the facts are known.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

So um, are you gonna vote no or what? Please vote no.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I'm sorry, my bad. yes or no please.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I'll vote no. I don't really want a nuclear winter.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Thank you very much.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Killa_Robot -

Ugilick - No

Cool74 - No

chriscane- No

SindriV - No

Guanyin - No

October - No (told me in PMs should post here soon)

Erudite -

English_Kniggets - Yes (working on that guys, hold on)

Fergie14233 -

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Only two votes left guys, you worked faster than I thought.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

3 actually. But fergie's vote is in the bag.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Honestly, we all know Fergie will say no at that point Euridite that is the wild card.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I'll say no...

For now

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Killa_Robot -No

Ugilick - No

Cool74 - No

chriscane- No

SindriV - No

Guanyin - No

October - Yes (changed in the forum game. Ugilick help here)

Erudite -

English_Kniggets - Yes (working on that guys, hold on)

Fergie14233 -

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

What totally uncool.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
He thinks nuclear winter is a possibility. You can argue with him better then I can.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Well rather its a possibility or not it WILL ruin the game.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Well talk to him. You are better at prusiasion then I am.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

No here, for now.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I'm pretty sure Bo is really busy. And if the game ends, someone else can just host a new one.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Okay, what happens with a nuclear winter? Basically our winters get extremely cold, ice caps grow, what else? What is so bad about a nuclear winter that everyone doesn't want it? I'm happy to vote no, but what's so bad about including it in the game?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
In the game that me and Bo took this from Nuclear winter = End of game. They progress over countries basiclly the next Ice age.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

The fact that it will wipe out a several nations and mess everybodies economies up. And that its going to happen if we dont not let  it exist.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Killa_Robot -No

Ugilick - No

Cool74 - No

chriscane- No

SindriV - No

Guanyin - No

October - Yes (the matter is under discussion)

Erudite - No

English_Kniggets - Yes (working on that guys, hold on)

Fergie14233 - (this one is in the bag)

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Even though it makes the game less realistic, if nobody else wants a nuclear winter I'm happy to vote no.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Play ground zero if you want an accurate showing of Nuclear events. ( its a joke )

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I voted no because it seems to be what everyone else wants. I've learned not to rock the boat too much here.

But personally, I don't see anything wrong with continuing this game into an Ice Age. So our people start dying off and we have to start thinking about human survival rather than world conquest. If that's the way the game goes then that's the way it goes.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I agree with that. It'd be more fun to have a nuclear winter and face it as a challenge in my opinion (but if the majority are against it I'm not going to hold up the show).

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Killa_Robot -No

Ugilick - No

Cool74 - No

chriscane- No

SindriV - No

Guanyin - No

October - No

Erudite - No

English_Kniggets - Yes (working on that guys, hold on)

Fergie14233 - (this one is in the bag)

Looks like once English is eliminated next turn Nuclear winters is a no go.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Yay for political assassination!

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

If it saves BILLIONS of people, then indeed, YAY.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
I agree.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Uhh... those billions are likely already dead. the UK's nukes are gone, the USA used their stockpile and now reside in Hawaii, and France is in no condition to launch theres... I think Europe is stabilized for now.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

The people in russia would be killed. noreway Sweden Finland Candad Greenland etc.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago


Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot about the whole freezing to death thing.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago
Pretty big thing to forget.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Eh, I know. Doing other things right now.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Oh, and Iceland, that would be awefull.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Killed by irony.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

I like that we are calling it nuclear winner.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

I thought it would be a nice change :) You going to Chad's tomorrow?

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

where did that come from? no im not, didnt hear anything about it. talked to him earlyer about koth and wurmcoil engines.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

He might have been talking about church ... Do you get texts?

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Ya, its church he was talking about.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago
Agian ?

Nuclear winner

13 years ago

Sir, it's obviously private business if we're talking in an open forum about it.

Nuclear winner

13 years ago
There is something called PMs so you don't have to clutter our forums with Private business.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Why exactly wouldn't Nuclear Winter work in the first place?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

To my significant surprise the only thing i could find was that the idea was "Highly exagerated, but possible"

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Lol, the entire thing that it's based around is smoke and dust. Literally. Did you see the mushroom cloud videos about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? That smoke needs to go somewhere, and that somewhere is the atmosphere. With more smoke in the air, the less heat from the sun penetrates to the Earth. With less heat (although it would fix global warming) makes the Ice caps expand. Expanded ice caps means more heat reflected. So it's basically a repeating cycle till the ice age is over.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago


Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Then consider that modern nukes are several times the streingth of the A-bomb (I forgot just how much) which means that much more dust. Which is why Cool launching 5000 didn't exactly help.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
But. That is in the case of 10s of thousands of bombs detonating at once. This was not the case.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Can you prove that? The smoke is already piling up up there...

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
As Ugilick said it is exaggerated. The last time something like that happened was when a meteor hit the earth. That was big enough to make the Gulf of Mexico. It might get colder but it would not bring on a nuclear winter the size or scale of what you are saying.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
The Gulf of Mexico wasn't created by a meteor. It isn't a giant impact crater. But there is a crater on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico

But you are right that a meteor did hit earth and threw up enough dirt and ash into the atmosphere to dim the sun. But that didn't cause some sort of flash freeze, instantly creating mile-high glaciers in the temperate zones. It took years for the planet to get that cold. Decades went by, life dying out, as the dimly lit days got colder and colder.

Eventually, yeah, centuries had gone by and the glaciers had started moving south. There was still enough particulate in the air a thousand years later to keep the planet cool.

Can using thousands of nukes all at once do that? I can see it happening. Plus that stuff in the air is radioactive, so that's nice.

But in the terms of our game, I don't think the game would necessarily have to end because of nuclear winter. We'd just have to change our strategies to survive.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Your forgetting the super volcano

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

There are alot of thearies.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I was thinking, if we do something to cause ANOTHER Nuclear winter, then I'm ok with it.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Like I said. I doubt it would be on this size and scale.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

No I mean even a ridiculouse one. haha

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Great now bo is going to have one of the NPCs launch nukes.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

It would take thousands again.

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

I was actually considering having NK launch some, but nobody's messing with him atm

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Why would North Korea do that?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago
Because they are crazy?

Nuclear winter

13 years ago

Which is why I cancelled it.