Thinking that playa is chasing after him, Dr. Lucky runs through a secret door, only to come out in another room face to face with CovElite. Another chase ensues, ending in the Drawing Room, where Cov corners the old bastard and Eye Pokes ~1 the hell out of him.
Amazingly the good doctor anticipates the two-finger variety and puts up the ‘hand-to-nose defense’. Alas – Cov went with the single-finger-style and skewers Dr. Lucky’s brain!
As Dr. Lucky sinks to the floor, Cov rips the jaundice-yellow amulet from the doctor’s neck and puts it on. He suddenly has a sense of the monster Shoggoth thing’s alien thoughts – and it takes the entirety of his will not to instantly go mad. The massive thing meanwhile, is now consuming the rest of the Mansion.
Everyone runs to Cov’s side – protected from the thrashing tentacles all around for the moment, but the ceiling threatens to fall in at any second!
Cove uses the Amulet to instill a rage in one side of the monster’s mind – and the Shoggoth suddenly lashes out at the south side of the building – knocking the whole thing to smithereens!
Cov then induces a momentary calm in the beast and everyone flees out the gaping front side of the Mansion.
After getting far enough away, everyone turns and watches the entire Lucky Mansion wrapped in giant tentacles and then get pulled into the ground. There is nothing more to do now than just stand there stunned – glad to even be alive!
That’s when everyone realizes that poor Aman isn’t with them… My god! He must not have made it out!
Beneath the rubble and quivering black tentacles drawing him downward, Aman’s crushed body breathes out its last anguished breath. As it does however, Aman’s mustache twitches suddenly – then inexplicably flies off Aman’s face and up into the night sky.
It flies over the woods to land on the side of a hill and there slowly oozes out an evil black tar. The bubbling goo takes on shape and then coalesces into a human-like shape. A few moments later, Aman rises up from the hillside and adjusts his glorious mustache. Dusting himself off, he then heads down the hillside to join the others down below.
Amazed to see Aman still alive – everyone goes over and pats him heartily on the back.
When asked how he got out, he simply replies – “Secret Doors.”