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Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

Can someone explain the idea behind this to me? I mean, I understand how it would work if you have a game that you either win or lose or if you have one "best" ending v. a few not so great endings, but how would you rate something that has multiple endings--not "winning" and "losing," just different ones?

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

It really depends. How many death endings are there? Is the game challenging to make the correct decisions? When and if there is item usage, is it obvious to use the item? Or do you need to search around for the answer? 

Depending on how you're game goes, it will be difficult or easy. Usually, I'd suggest that a difficulty of 4 or so for games that don't have true endings, and that it's hard to die in. Of course, if it's easy to die, and that most choices end in death, then it should be difficult, and rated higher.

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

Ok, that helps. Thanks :)

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

You're welcome. :)

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

I'd agree with Aman on this and also do a few of the high rated ones and use them to judge. However how would you rate a story length if it has many branches? Say you could follow the fastest branch to an ending in 10 mins easily but the longest ones take a lot more time and careful choices to reach so could tie you up for an hour or two. Would you take the re-playability into account?

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

The length is calculated automatically, so you don't need to worry about that when making a story. I'm not sure how exactly it works but I think it rates how long it would take to read all the pages.

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

That's pretty cool.

What I wish was that there was a search option to look for all games of a given rating, length, difficulty, etc.

Difficulty Ratings?

11 years ago

Well there is a filter. It's not really a "search feature" but if you're in a category, you can filter by min to max length and difficulty, but only set a minimum rating. And that could at least get mostly the same job done.

And yeah, I read on one of the older forum posts that there's a formula that calculates it depending on words per page, links per page, total pages, total links... somehow. In the magical world of math....