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Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Alright I just finished watching this on deadliest warrior and vampires won. They factored in all the stuff.

But I think zombies should have won thoughts?

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

If it can bleed, it can be killed by a ninja. As long as the ninja's alone, otherwise Conservation of Ninjutsu comes into play.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago
Ninja lost to spartan so bad analogy.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Good point.

Despite the ninja is experienced with those weapons and used to fighting armored targets it couldn't over come the spartans training.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

You forget the main point- a Ninja wouldn't fight face to face. And especially wouldn't climb out of his tree to stalk the Spartan on the ground when he has such nice free arms to put a poison dart into from a safe hiding spot.

Basically the fight was flawed from ins conception. in a straight fight, yes the spartan probably would win. No the Ninja would never have a fair fight since their training was stealth and surprise killings.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Spartans fought Persians and Athenians for there whole lives. Both were clever and would think to ambush the Spartan. They were trained to react to anything. You know how they were "toughened"? They were left in the mountains and had to find there own way back with only a loincloth. A ninja stabbed a guy in the back yay your in. 

No offense  to ninjas I love ninjas but there story is a bit... Cowardly.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

* smart, their story is smart. 

Spartan strategy: charge at the bull and beat it to death with your shield

ninja strategy: blind the bull, poison him, blow him up, cripple him, trap him, and if none of that works, wait until he falls asleep and slit his throat in the darkness.

who's strategy wins?

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Actually the Spartans had several real strategies and a ninja stabbed people in the back!!!

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago


ok, now that I've gotten my caps lock off, spartans did indeed have strategies, but let's face it, they weren't that good. Their actual good strategies were stolen from the greeks (I.E: the phalanx formation, which was still really just a lesser version of the perfected phalanx that the romans would later use) 

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

True the ninjas were lethal and feared. But despite their borrowed strategies they were effective and feared they were great feared from England to Persia.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

I think their reputations were really earned after that fatal mistake by the Persians to attack the Spartans early on in the attempt to conquer Greece 

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

That is by far there most famous stand but hey also fought in the battle of plateaus and warred against Athenians and Persia once before the battle of Thermopylae... I really like spartan history.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago


Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

I didn't get much time to watch the video.

Even though I'm not really sure about everything that they took into consideration with this, I would have to say that unfortunately they could be right.

The only way I would say that they are absolutely right is if the vampires you think about have super human speed as well as strength. Take that extra speed and extra strength, then add in the fact that they still have the ability to strategize and think about every move they make. They can intelligently attack and defend, unlike your typical zombie. Super speed and super strength vampires will win every time. There would be no way for them to be outsmarted by the horde and they would move too fast to get trapped in a giant mob of them.

On the other hand, if the vampire has the same speed as a typical human, then their odds of surviving are only increased because of the extra strength. Even though they are stronger, they can still only move so fast. Everybody has that point of being overwhelmed and if the mob gets big enough, even a vampire wont be able to hold their own. Without that extra speed, the chances of getting trapped in that overwhelming situation becomes greater, even with more strength.

This is just my opinion though.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

For me this debate always lead to the one resource they both needed. 

The vampire's need humans to both infect and survive on. This means that the zombies would be killing off their food supply and if it was a full-blown outbreak I would think any vampire would die out quickly due to their need to bite people to feed on them and that there would be less food to go around in the first place.

The zombies would just be normal, they bite the human to infect it and move on. Due to the likely nature of there being more humans than vampires that would mean the infection would be able to spread quickly during a large outbreak. The problem here is that they would all rot away and the survivors would come out from hiding to restore the world. 

So all in all the zombie would win over vampires. That's my 0.2 cent's

Edit: On another note for the vampires; they tend to leave bite marks...

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Wouldn't a vampire be able to feed off of the zombies? They still have blood inside of them. Even with the virus, couldn't a vampire's immune system be able to override it? I don't think I've ever heard of a vampire coming down with the flu or anything like that.

Or animals for that matter? I rarely see zombies attacking animals, let alone being able to catch one. I have heard of vampires feeding on animals though.

...This is above my pay grade...

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Straight up fight: Vamps

Traditionally, vamps are already stronger, quicker than humans making them more than a match for the average zombie. Combine that with extra powers they may have, one vamp could easily take several zombies by themselves even bare handed.

Zombies bites aren't going to affect them for the simple fact that they're undead too and immune to diseases and viruses. If they weren't, they'd die from the many many diseases they could get from plain old human blood.

In fact vamps probably aren't even going to register to zombie senses. Traditionally zombies only get aggressive when they detect the living and ignore other zombies. Vamps also being undead, would probably "look" like fellow zombies.

A vamp could probably just walk through a mass of them and kill them at his leisure. They wouldn't be able to feed on zombie blood though. If they could, then they wouldn't have to stalk humans all the time they could just visit the morgues or dig up fresh graves to feed.

Zombie Apocalypse Scenario: A vamp could still survive it, but it wouldn't be any easier for them than it would be for a human for other reasons.

With some preparation vamp could ride out the apocalypse until all the zombies rotted away/"starved" or just dealt with to a point where they weren't a threat to humanity anymore.

The ambitious project would be to gather a group of humans, charm them and have an ongoing source of food. Vamps don't necessarily kill every time they feed. The problem though is they essentially have to become "cattle farmers". Maybe the vamp doesn't need traditional food and water, but the humans still do. So he's going to have to pitch in to help his "survivors" from time to time. And of course he's only really going to be able to help when the sun isn't out.

Of course assuming the vamp has managed to build his little compound filled with brainwashed humans, and it's relatively safe and self sufficient, his biggest danger is potentially another vampire wanting in on the action.

If the vamp isn't proud, he could theoretically just live off of animal blood. Usually vamps only drink it if they get desperate, but it's enough to sustain them and they've got the abilities to stalk down wild animals. Of course this is assuming the zombies aren't also feeding on animals, but the vamp could always catch and breed rats.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

But wait! Sparkle Vampires could help out during the day haha!  (sarcasm)

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Somebody write a story about a vampires survival during a zombie apocalypse. Do it now! :P

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Too busy. And in a straight up fight vamps would win.

But just like in the video the zombie is a virus and carries it in its body which goes around decreasing vampire food supply. And the virus has the possibility to cross species and infect vamps the only way I see a vampire living off zombies is if it has had continual exposure to this and has been for generations so its body could build a defense.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

Again, it makes no sense for zombies to even attack vampires in the first place considering they're all undead and zombies do not attack other zombies. They want something with a beating heart last I checked... and the virus shouldn't negatively effect other undeads anyway. What's it gonna do? Kill them? >_> Why? It doesn't kill any other creature, so that's unreasonable. All it does to humans (and theoretically animals, too) is turn them. It cannot turn vampires into undead, they already ARE undead, so...  the virus is really a moot point when it comes to this fight.

Zombies turning vampires makes about as much sense as vampires turning zombies, it just doesn't work that way. :P

...Unless, of course, you're watching Underworld. In which case, while zombies may be out of the equation (for the moment), you can actually make a new species by having someone bitten by both a vamp and a werewolf. Maybe Zompires / Vambies are the next new thing, I dunno. 

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

"Vambie" sounds like a vampiric deer.

Zombies vs. vampires

11 years ago

yes LMAO