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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

This is a really spontaneous thing here. I love it. I've been working on mine off and on all day. Who else is submitting one?

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I am going to try thats for sure dunno if i will have time


Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Man, you've just gotta pump that crap out. Even if it doesn't win have fun doing it. That's what I finally learned. You have to just enjoy writing. If you start the project just to see it done, you won't get it done. You have to write for writing's sake. At least I have to. Enjoy what you do.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

lol well writing for writings sake lets see,

7 incomplete editorials, An unfinished draft for an architect on how stupid he is and why his design will not work for a music hall unless he follows my advice, (incompetent F***), 3 poems, a book, 4 short stories, and a story game for this website.

ok the writing is done, now i have to read a 30 page transcript on why this aforementioned drone wants his design to be this certain way and what he has permits and coding for, then I have to correct the rest of that BS So I can get a paycheck. lol

.... So ya I could fit it in sometime in between that :)

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Well, God speed bud.

I just hope there are enough entries for the contest to count.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I just naturally have trouble adhereing to the iambic pentameter

Must of my poems are more, bizarre and abstract, I write like Poe.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Sometimes I find myself wanting to throw in the 11 syllable alternative, Shakespeare did this from time to time, but I don't know if Madglee will accept it. There are some things that are okay to do, but strictly speaking you can't. There is more than one type of sonnet for instance. I'm assuming he meant the Elizabethan sonnet.

I really like the structure of sonnets. It takes artistic dexterity to work inside the parameters of iambic pentameter. Which isn't to speak badly of anyone who doesn't like it. That would be non-sense. There are plenty of other feats of artistic prowess, as noted. Poe was a great poet, and everyone ought to know it. 

At any rate, if we get enough participation, a good time should be had by all. 

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Ok I finished mine

I actually would liek for you to read it and tell me what you think

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Ok i submitted mine, waiting to see approval of it I guess

Ugi I sent it to you as well to see what ya thought lol

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

"3) Must also include a romantic interest, male, female, neutral, or otherwise. Romantic interest is not necessarily sex or love."

With a horror theme....

Show of hands, how many people will be including "traps"?

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

No mine is a love story.

iambic pentameter included 14 lines

BUT with a Poe twist in structure and grammatical coherence


Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I'm trying, but I'll probably fail.

Never made a coherent poem in my life lol.

First quatrain done, like a boss.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

just google something Im sure there are plenty on the web to get inspiration from. or if you are an experienced writer just free form it and then edit afterwards

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Yeah, I had to look up how to actually do one haha.

Though I ended up making it a tetrameter rather than a pentameter (it felt more natural with four).

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

ya thats usually how I write a poem or i include that weird 2 line break  then go back to what i was doing

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Are conjunctions fine to have in poems?

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I always say no as a poem is - to me- formal

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Gotcha, done then.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

but that's just my honest opinion I think if you can get away with the rhyme scheme then you should be fine but I shied away from it

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

The conjunctions are there to fit in more words haha. Without the two conjunctions it'd be the wrong length, but I found an alternative line I like anyway.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Can't, Won't, and You'll are no nos in my opinion. However, some contractions sound to me more elegant than their unreduced form. 

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Let's and he's are the ones I used I think.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I find "Let us" to be much more elegant than let's (Despite the fact that it sounds like the word lettuce)

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Yeah, it felt weird to begin with, which is why I asked. I later rewrote the last line.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Certain contractions set a tone. Let's gives a more youthful energy to me, but Let us gives off an air of sophistication and elegance.

Here, I'll try to make an example.

"Let us fly on the feathered wings of kings

Let us reach out and touch the starry heaven

Let us see, eyes open for what life brings

Let me see, once gone, my life's impression."

Compare that against this.

"Let's run in the fields and over the hills

Let's Roam in woods to find our treasure,

Let's turn every stone to find all the thrills

Let's gain from life every single pleasure."

Not the best, but I hope you see what I'm talking about. 'Let us' would not have felt right in the second poem, instead, in my opinion at any rate, 'let's give the piece a nice touch, whereas in the first poem 'let us' is an integral part of setting the tone.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

"let's" just seems... childish? or immature to me in comparison

Not that I am Milton or Twain Or Shakespeare for that matter just saying

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

You say childish like it's a bad thing. HAha, maybe that is just the feeling the author is trying to give. (The author in this case is me.)

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Cheeky then ;)

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Ah, sorry if that come off rude. 

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

absolutely not read my responses

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

sorry if I came off rude, wasn't my intention

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

It didn't. We're cool. Curse text and its inability to portray human emotions.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Everyone sees things differently.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

NOOO Childish is a thing that A LOT of writers skimp on. That playful energy is amazing when it is portrayed properly in text

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

"to see through a child's eyes" Is something we all try to do and rarely achieve, society and time calluses us and steals our youth. Every writer should play a child once or twice in their stories

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Here, here! I heard it said once, "The creative adult is the child who survived."

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

absolutely! I liek that, I do believe that's an instant facebook status

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Guys check the thread. I had to clarify exactly what I mean by "sonnet," fool that I am.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Oh good, that's the way I did it haha.

Well, I did 8 syllables each line...

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Yours is good, but yes, should be 10 syllables per line, 14 lines, abab cdcd efef gg. See the thread, it explains. Totally my fault for not clarifying and I apologize for messing up the first contest I've run.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

the thread seems to have... vanished?


Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Moved to News & Updates Forum...

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

This is fun - I can't wait to see what everyone did haha!  ^v^

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

You do one?

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Yep. I slapped one together last night after seeing the thread. It would make a Shakespearean bard spin in his grave, but I had to at least give it a whirl  ;)

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I'm curious who will win. No idea who here is able to actually write good sonnets lol.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

ok ok I re wrote mine since my Poe sonnet wasn't structured right my new submission is in

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Working on one. 

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

galobtter pointed out that Iambic Pentameter also requires the rhythm to be daDUM daDUM for the syllables. That's definitely true and he is right. However, for the purpose of this mini-contest, I didn't mention that because it's just too much of a pain in the ass.

As long as you have 14 lines with 10 syllables each, and meet the other requirements, you're good to go.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I'm gonna see if I can write it tomorrow or some other time.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Show of hands who has actually turned one in, with the new revised standard?


Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Nope lol.

As it stands I'm pretty sure mine is disqualified.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

ahh but wern't you really excited about yours? 

I hope it gets sent in, is Mad going to be just showing the winner? or show all entries? I am really interested to read what everyone came up with

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I imagine he'll show everyone's (probably in the order he liked them).

I was excited about it, but I can't rewrite it in the proper format, so I'm fine with leaving it as is.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

ahh i gotcha

You gonna try to write another? or just leave it as is

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Leave it as it is.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Anyone who's cool with it can send me a message. My plan was to show first, second, and third. But if you want yours to be read, as this is so subjective, feel free to send me a PM and I would be glad to post it and comment.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 'Dishonorable Mention' work for me haha!   ^-^

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I'm for this as well

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Me too

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

yep im with it as well

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

will there be a consolation prize? maybe like 10 points or something lol?

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

I suppose we'll just see how generous I am feeling.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago


Of course, I am going to see whether i can make it better, but I have a version.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Wil be starting mine after I get home from dive practice today :)



Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Turns out I have work today and tomorrow so -just my luck- I'll likely be working on it Wednesday since it's my only offday this week so far :P

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Mine is officially finished! :D

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

yeeeeeah I don't think I'm gonna do it. I'm lazy.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

You are also too lazy to update your profile...17 to 18....

God damn it, why do I always use … so much.  See? I used it now...And again.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Well, just finished mine. I'll likely get the dishonorable mention, but whatever. :P

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

LOL :) Stache it up bud.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago


YAY !!!

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Personally, I would like to see everyone's, including first, second and third.

Also this is my first forum post here in like, 11 months. Hello everyone.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago


I suck at sonnets so I probably won't be posting mine because when I finally finish it will be to embarrassing.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Welcome back! 

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago


Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago


Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

The sky

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

WAZZAP: It's the new Honey Bee Dating App for your smartphone.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Glad to see you again  =)

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

reminder bump to get your entries in tonight

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Good to see you! Don't be a stranger.

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Hello! And ugi isn't really an emo kid, he's just going through a phase right now...

Madglee Pop Contest

11 years ago

Now he's turned all Asian and stuff haha!