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Introduce yourself and get to know the community.


10 years ago

Hey there, just wanted to introduce myself.

I've been a long time lurker of these forums but I've finally made an account and I'm working on my own game!

Any helpful comments for a newbie like me is appreciated :)



10 years ago

Welcome to the site! Great that you made an account, it means you get to be involved in all the madness at the forums.


10 years ago

Welcome to CYS. Hope you enjoy your stay. :)


10 years ago

I hope you brought the stuff. And some beard trimmers.


10 years ago

Welcome to the site :)

As with all newbies, I offer you the finest roast chicken in return for your pledged allegiance to the Pyro Faction. (You've been lurking here for a long time so you know what I'm talking about, yes?)


10 years ago

I have seen the faction scheme pop up in some forums posts, however I don't understand the origins of these factions. As a long time lurker I was mainly involved in the story games part of this website, so I am not entirely aware of what you're talking about.

Enlighten me please :)

p.s: I don't want to make any commitment yet, maybe another faction might offer me a better deal :P


10 years ago


Well, nothing that the ice bastards can offer you anyways :P

As to faction origins, here goes:

ONCE upon a time, there was EndMaster, the mighty God of Death who destroyed worlds after worlds, leaving nothing but the ashes of the once-great civilizations behind. And out of those ashes, two 'godly' beings were born, destined to meet and fight each other in a never ending battle to the death. They were Aman, the Mustache God, and BerkaZerka, God of Penguins (with mallets). And fight they did, while the mortals took sides/remained neutral/caused general chaos and watched the show. However, the mortals were not content with merely watching, and itched to experience the satisfaction of war and destruction.
Thus, a great man bestowed with new-found powers from the God of Fire founded the Pyro Faction. The God of Ice was unimpressed by this, and thus selected a special person to lead the Ice Faction to glorious victory. Like Aman and BerkaZerka, these two factions were destined to destroy each other. In the great Ice-Pyro War, the Pyro Faction, lead by Silverflame and consisting of me and Raywolf were pitted against the Ice Faction, lead by Lexi and consisting of Penguinsharpshooter and FeanoronForge  - chaos ensued as Amy2, hugo and galobtter helped destroy both sides, Alvin summoned creatures of the Land of Imagination and Drakilian unleashed a terrible abomination onto the world, then waged war on Fireplay which ended in the destruction of the moon (correct me if I'm wrong.) EndMaster appeared just as Aman and BerkaZerka went into hiding, but both factions foolishly fought on, oblivious to the impending danger. Thus, the Pyro Faction was completely destroyed save for one person, and once again EndMaster left nothing but the remains of the world behind.
Sometime later, the Pyro Faction was revived by a plea to the God of Life, and with the new addition of eatsleepslay, it rose to be greater than ever to continue its destined battle with the Ice. And so it stands today, in all its glory, as does all the other neutrals/chaos sides. But the war seems to be on a hold for now, so enjoy these moments of peace while you still can, for it shall not last very long. (Nevertheless the Pyros are still recruiting, so I urge you to join :D)


10 years ago

For the time being I'll remain neutral, like so many other members of these forums ;)


10 years ago

Actually, We destroyed mercury, and the earth, and then mercury again, and mars, and a few separate dimensions.


10 years ago

then I and my awesomeness built a bridge from Saturn to Europa made of marshmellows, but then I got hungry and ate the bridge... So long story short, There is no bridge from Saturn to Europa...


10 years ago

Actually Drak is telling the truth, we did do all that. (as much truth you can pull from an insanity RP. xD)


10 years ago

I can't believe I learning history here. I suddenly see a lot clearer. 

Too bad lightning doesn't belong to either ice or fire. I be a powerful mercenary but not loyal! I loyal to me self!


10 years ago



10 years ago

Kunichiwa (I may have spelt that wrong)

Or should I say ohayo considering its past midnight?


10 years ago

Dont forget my faction....


10 years ago

Pfft. What faction is that? The invisible one? 


10 years ago



10 years ago

Japanese words for hello:

Konnichiwa - general

Ohaiyo gozaimasu - morning

Konbanwa - evening

Oyasumi nasai - night


10 years ago

welcome lol


10 years ago

Have a great time on the site! We're all one big, dysfunctional family! But now you're one of us!

DNA EXTRACT.10100011100100101....ING INITIATED.


10 years ago

A little late, but glad to have you with us! Good luck with your story-game projects  :)


10 years ago

Someone forgot the Marmot faction....

the Marmots are the creators of Endmaster and french fries.

 And we have cake, and IT'S NOT A LIE. Only we won't share it with you.


10 years ago

Feh. Silly marmot, Endmaster's for kids!


10 years ago

What chaotic world are you from?!

Back foul spirit, BACK I SAY!! (O.o)>  (*+*\)