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Hey Guys!

6 years ago

Hello everyone! I'm very new here, of course, and just wanted to introduce myself. This seems like a really tight-knit, awesome community and I hope I can join you all with my writing!

My name is Julie and I'm planning on taking AP Language this upcoming fall semester.  I hope that this site can make me a better writer with some extra practice and I'm excited to publish my first game soon! I'm also extremely excited to read some amazing stories--I haven't delved in too much yet, but it seems really awesome here. I posted some more stuff about myself on my profile, so if you want to check that out, go right ahead. 

So yeah, that's about it. Let me know what to expect or just say hi! I'd love to hear what you have to say and I'll likely have a few questions of my own soon. Thanks!

Hey Guys!

6 years ago
Welcome to the site! You seem like a person who can type words and sentences and everything so I'm sure you'll do fine.

Reading and reviewing a few of the top rated stories just to get an idea of some of the possibilities and the quality level readers are looking for is usually recommended, although giving feedback on the newer or not so great stories can help the authors a lot too.

Reviewers can be kind of tough here and (brutally) honest critical feedback is encouraged, but as long as you don't have too thin a skin and publish a complete story with choices that matter, written in coherent English it's hard to go wrong. Although smaller projects are best to start with when you're just starting out until you get a handle on the editor and the kind of mess structuring a CYOA can turn into.

Hey Guys!

6 years ago
Welcome to the site!

Feel free to ask lots of questions here. Also, jump in the forums and post passages. You can always ask for feedback and it might take a day or two, but you'll get some opinions from different people on the site.

Hey Guys!

6 years ago

:) Hi! Welcome! I think Mizal and Ogre11 have covered the basics. If you have the time, I know some awesome stories you can use for inspiration if you like. I will use copy and paste to recommend to you what I recommend to others:

I especially recommend the works by BerkaZerka, Ogre11, and EbonVasilis. So far I have only been able to read some of each of their impressive works in the limited time I am here. I suspect all their works are awesome!

BerkaZerka’s Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival) is extremely well written [I managed to get the best possible ending!] and kept my eyes glued to the phone I use (though it does have violence/gore and some language), he has also got great puzzles and games (Some of which I have still not completed. They’re awesome!). Ogre11’s awesome works I have read/played so far include: Spy Mission (You gotta see the different endings), Cryogenic Failure (Again, you gotta see the different endings), UFO at School, Alien Abduction, Finding the Muse (this will definitely help aspiring writers). Of EbonVasilis’s works, so far I have read his epic A Chosen Hero (I’ve got to read more of his works!). I have also played DavidG’s The Tower of Rowena, played Zephyrme2847’s & mudshadow63’s [and they, amazingly, were only 11 and 4 when they created this!] Kittens of FAT, played cMitchell3’s Get out Alive, read Will11’s true story Climbing Beyond The Clouds, read MinnieKing’s inspirational message Addition, and read the short mouse hero story by pinkalily21, Alone in the Forest. There are great writers and future great writers to be found on this site.

I hope you do well in your studies and have an awesome time on the site!

Hey Guys!

6 years ago

Hello, new blood. I'm Steve, pleasure to meet you. Hopefully, you enjoy the site and all that. Oh, and if you can, please get a profile picture soon enough so I can distinguish you, I'm not good with names and it's getting harder with the new rush of people who've shown up.

Hey Guys!

6 years ago
Hey x2

Hey Guys!

6 years ago

Thank you for all your welcome messages and tips for getting started! It really means a lot, and I'll try to upload a profile picture soon too!