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Point docking

2 years ago

I'm not exactly new here, but I'm not very familiar with how the point system works, specificallly point docking. I have a notification that I was docked points, but I don't why.  The note with it said, "Bravo! -Thara". 

I'm no so much worried about losing points, but if I did something wrong I'd rather not unknowingly repeat my mistake.

Point docking

2 years ago


Point docking

2 years ago

*Takes a bow*

Still confused, but thanks.

Point docking

2 years ago

No. Because I had to delete your comments that were repeatedly "bravo!" 

Did you sniff paint as a kid, liked how it smelled, then drank it? 

Point docking

2 years ago

I commented bravo on the stories I really liked. I don't know why you had to delete them, but I aplogize for the inconvenience.

White smells the best, like crushed ants. But red has the full-bodied flavor of thick, succulent, melted plastic. 

Point docking

2 years ago

Eh I see identical comments without any variation across multiple stories as a form of spam in a sense. Like a copy and paste, y'know. I even gave you ten points to soften the initial blow. 

Aren't you glad? 

You should be. Another mod would probaly have just not done that. But I am very magnanimous and fair. And good.

Point docking

2 years ago

I gotcha. If I bother to comment I will avoid being repetitive, and put in more effort into hightlighting the specific positives. I was in a hurry and just wanted the author to have more positive feedback. Some of the lower rated horror games on here are really promising.

You have made my labored lamentations give birth to wholehearted rejoicing. I shall proclaim the virtues of your generous mercies to both kings and commonfolk alike.

Point docking

2 years ago


And yes, feel free to do the other thing as well.

Happy reading.

Point docking

2 years ago
I bet if you rated both of Thara's games an 8, this little problem would go away.

Point docking

2 years ago

Only if I get to leave "Bravo!" as a comment on at least one of them. ;)

Point docking

2 years ago

While participation and commenting is greatly appreciated, at least some effort should be put into the comments. Otherwise they're kinda useless.