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Greetings, All

10 months ago
I just stumbled across this site yesterday as I was looking for something exciting to do while I take a hiatus from video gaming. The first story I encountered was Dungeon Stompage! by BerkaZerka and, holy frick, I fell in love immediately. I have written D&D campaigns for over 20 years and I am thinking that this may be a perfect outlet for that since I have recently moved and no longer have access to my D&D group.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and I look forward to my time here!

Greetings, All

10 months ago

Welcome! There are plenty of great stories around here, and anything rated above 5.5 is generally worth a read. You can check out the featured stories in certain genres if you would like to see the best ones, but even those that go unnoticed could be surprisingly good.

Greetings, All

10 months ago
Pleesee to be informed of your exstence. Have fun reeding a thing or writting a thing. Be fourwarmed, we take writting very siriously here. Take you're time and injoy yourself

Greetings, All

10 months ago

Welcome welcome! Sorry to hear about the consequences for the move, but we're glad to have you at least. If you submit a storygame, we'd be glad to read it! Hope you enjoy your time here.

Greetings, All

10 months ago
Welcome to the site! That's rough about the D&D group though. I guess voice or video chat is an option, but I know that's not the same thing at all.

It's occurred to me before though that writing IF can be a lot like some very one sided DMing, designing scenarios with a lot of potential outcomes in mind would be a pretty similar skillset anyway. (Maybe you could get your old players to read it to suggest ways they'd throw a wrench in it all and set everything on fire to add some more off the wall branches lol.)

Greetings, All

10 months ago

Hey howdy! Welcome. Echoing mizal's comments here, writing CYS games very much scratches that DMing itch for me in times when I don't have a campaign running 

Greetings, All

10 months ago
Hi! Welcome. :^)

Sorry to hear about your D&D group - that’s a shame. The group I played in for years recently broke up (who knew there could be so much drama! though I guess that’s one of the pitfalls of spending every weekend together since forever) so I sort of feel your pain.

Do you have any campaigns published anywhere or were they all for personal use?

Greetings, All

10 months ago
This is so much better than Ashura's garbage noob thread.

Greetings, All

10 months ago
Welcome to the site, I hope you are still around!

Greetings, All

10 months ago
It's possible that holman scared him off with random edgelord "poetry" about Jason's butthole.

Greetings, All

10 months ago

Greetings, All

9 months ago
It seems this guy will not, after all, be the heroes the Wardens need. But they've still got Petros....hurray?