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Guys, what's going on with the Pit and shaming?

4 months ago
So, I've been looking at some past threads and I'm noticing something called shaming. So there's shame, double shame, triple, shame, 9th circle of shame, banned and then Detroit.

To my best understanding, some of these are temporary and you can recover but others you can't.

But in order to recover, you need to be able to join another contest? Like if let's say you get shamed in Contest A in May but then in Contest B in November, you submit an entry. Does your shame cancel out?

Or are you not even allowed to enter Contest B because you got shamed earlier? And if so, how do you get redeemed then? Sorry if these are dumb questions

Guys, what's going on with the Pit and shaming?

4 months ago

So from what I understand, yes, if you're shamed in a contest, you can join a later contest and get out.

If you fail three contests in a row, you're triple shamed and are essentially banned from joining contests, with a few rare exceptions.

If you are triple shamed and are given special permission to join a contest, you are sentenced to the 9th circle, which is account deletion.

Detroit is for moderators who are too valuable to the site to get deleted due to their contributions. TBH I have no idea what this entails, and if you're not a moderator it's not really relevant.

Now, this system is actually kinda fair. You can be double shamed and submit a valid entry, which will get you out of the shame pit. You have three (sometimes four) chances to fuck up, and only need to do what's expected of you once.

Some site members spend years in the Shame pit, get out with a clean slate, then immediately get tossed back in at the next contest (looking at you Suranna).

Only real complaint I have is that mods tend to be a little slack on actually submitting valid entries, but considering their heavy workload and their efforts towards keeping the site running, it makes sense.

Unless you're Ford. He joins knowing damn well he's not gonna submit something. He has permanent residency in Detroit at this point, but he handles the site's code so we kinda have to keep him here.

Guys, what's going on with the Pit and shaming?

4 months ago

It's mostly explained in the Pit of Shame post.  This is my understanding: If you are shamed or double shamed you cannot remove that marker until you successfully submit a contest entry or perform other action as dictated by an admin. Triple shamed and 9th circle you can only enter a contest with express permission from and admin (level or number of admins to approve is the differentiator between triple and 9th).  Detroit is for shamed admins.  Banned is pretty self-explanatory.