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Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask it, but I couldn't see where else to post this question.

I'm working on storygame right now that features some images that include swastikas in them. They are there because the story takes place in alternate-fture dystopia where Nazis have taken over America. I want to include pictures that include swastikas in them, but I'm not sure if they are allowed here or not, so I wanted to ask.

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago

Yeah go for it.

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago
Yes, just don't write the Nazis as the good guys and don't glorify Nazism. It sounds like it's a dystopia when the Nazis are the bad guys in control from what you're saying, so I think you'll be fine. Interesting concept! I really liked Phillip K. Dick's "The Man in the high castle", it's a really cool novel that follows the "what if Germany won World War 2" trajectory.

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago

Looks like he's writing High Castle fanfic.

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago
Oh wow that's really cool!

Also, I didn't respond to you on the comics post because I was last minute rushing for Corgi's contest, but I really want to check out your comics reviews, because it sounds really cool and I definitely am looking for new comics to read.

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago
Idk, some might argue that current world events could indicate the Nazis didn't always have the worst ideas. 🤔 But realistically the existence of the Villain Protagonist tag means anyone can write about about being Hitler or whatever, the rules would not forbid this unless you made Hitler a pedophile or a talking cat. (Though I'm sure Celicni would be a fan either way.)

And I mean to be fair we've got pro genocide fantasy stories already. The real challenge to writing historical fiction like this would be in not immediately marking yourself as an autistic, tank-obsessed degenerate furry femboy. Most people online who are self proclaimed Nazis would have been rightfully purged by the real ones.

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago
Even the highest rated story on the site features genocide!!

Question:are swastikas allowed as part of a story?

2 months ago

Just to be clear, this isn't actually true. Write your pro-Nazi Adolf Hitler / Anne Frank slashfic if that's what the muses ask of you.