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Return of the Bling

one month ago

Hi, I'm Blingus! You may have remembered me from being a fucktard who claimed he wasn't coming back to the site!

Well, here I am again proving that not only am I still a fucktard, but also a weak willed faggot who can't stick to his promises!

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I’m betting zero dollars on it taking one hour for my mom to suck off 100 black dudes! Hah, those are rookie numbers for her!

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Although frankly I’m just shocked that it didn’t take one hour for endmaster to ban me even though I did exactly what RK told me to do.

Man oh man I sure am a lying cheating little retard, but it sure is a good thing that that’s normal around here.
Who are you? Ben, Fresh out the oven, RK? Who knows. But boy am I glad to hear your typing again

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 2/23/2025 10:01:34 PM
Hey Bling,
As far as I can tell my advice did work, so not sure what your point is. In my last post to you, I told you to cool off, then come back a month later and you won't be banned. It sounds like you're not banned since your account is still functional.

My advice basically applies to new members who start off on the wrong foot, post too much spam, then get banned. That happened to you. But now, the best way to not get banned again is to engage in the community. One cool way to do that is reading a story, rating it, then commenting. Authors love it when people comment on their stories since it's the only way we know people are out there reading.

I wasn't being passive aggressive in my last response, nor am I in this one. I think right now the best thing you could do to not get banned again(heed this carefully ) is to pick a random story, read it, rate it and then leave a comment. That's a great way to get to know people, the different writing styles, and also have fun!

If you want any recommendations, name a book you like or a genre you enjoy. Based on that, people can give good recs on what to read.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Bit of additional advice: when leaving a comment, make sure it's relevant. Even something as short as "good story" is a lot better than some of the bilge we see.

For reference on comments you don't wanna leave, please refer to the Interesting Comments section of the forums

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Yeah ben is right, make comments that are relevant to the story. I forgot to add that. This isn't a slight against you. It's just that sometimes people leave comments like "skibidi" or "rizz" that are just spam that the admins have to clean up.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Those people sound like they have two brain cells fighting for third place

Return of the Bling

one month ago
lol, that's good.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Sorry for the that man. I got very defensive in the situation and also the long talky fucked with my thinky and I went apeshit. Thanks for trying to help. Also do you have any clue who hacked my account? I’m very afraid of them.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
All good.

If you mean who edited your post, well let's just say that the gods have their ways and leave it at that. But as long as your posts are generally topical and normal you don't have to worry about your posts being edited. The main thing to worry about is getting banned again, since you've been banned previously once before. People who come back after being banned tend to do the same things that got them banned, leading to the same result. But that probably won't happen to you, you seem sensible.

Enjoy your time on the site, and definetly check out the stories! We appreciate all comments/ratings because that's the best way to know that people are out there reading the stories.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Why was I drug into this

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Because you called me a retard. And I assume you as one of the people who would want to fuck with me.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I don't even know who you are, you retarded schizo

Noobs, I swear. They think they're fuckin special

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Funny how you say “I didn’t call you a retard” by calling me a retard.
Probably because I am one.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I have no doubt I called you a retard, I just don't care. People like you seem to think their presence was a lot more impactful or memorable than it really was. I only remember one insult I've handed out on these forums, ever, and it took a little more prodding than one shitty thread

Return of the Bling

one month ago
What Fresh is saying is that to us, newer members are pretty much all alike because we just don't know enough about you to actually hate you. All we remember is, "noob shitposts a lot", but as time goes on and you start reading/writing your stories, you slowly start to develop a trademark/identity.

For example, Fresh writes really great short stories, her stories are really funny, and she also makes art.

Mystic is an overachiever who writes really long fantastic stories, and she writes really long reviews.

Darius writes really good stories that are also really gay. he makes really good art that's also kind of gay. He writes really good reviews. I think you get my point.

Ben writes really good edgy fiction, although his stories can be polarizing sometimes. he also occasionally dabbles in non-edgier stories that do quite well.

My point is in order to develop that identity, you have to start participating, reading, and writing so that you get recognized in a positive way. That's the best way to build a good rep and make friends.

Hope this helps!

What you DONT want your trademark/identity to be is the guy who posts too much and argues with everyone, or whines and complains. Again, not targeted at you, just general advice.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I'll add that most (I think all except Mystic, maybe Darius though he's certainly been considered annoying) on that list have had their moment as "guy who posts too much". It's possible to be rehabilitated. Retardism may not go away, but you can learn to cope with it.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
That's a really good point! Heck, I started my time here whining about something really silly, and then getting rightfully trolled so it's all about what you choose to do afterwards.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
You didn't even have to get banned first!

Return of the Bling

one month ago
That's true lol.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

We didn't get banned cause we knew when to stop and didn't make a bunch of alts.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Dude I got told to look at myself in a mirror while I hung myself. This is not me whining about something silly

And I'm serious about being afraid of all the mean bullies and the god-like power of the mods, I'm literally pissing myself in fear as I type this. I can feel it running down my pantleg and soaking my socks to puddle up around my feet. It's all warm now so kind of nice I guess, but soon it will be cold and it might be hours before my crackwhore of a mother finishes blowing all those guys and lets me back in the house.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I'm saying I was whining about something silly. And I get it, you didn't like that. Honestly, it's dark humor that isn't targeted at you specifically. This forum tends to run on the edgier side of things, and established members say that to each other all the time, and no one bats an eye. But they don't actually mean it.

It's a writing site, so people will craft insults carefully and test them out. It almost becomes a kind of skill, and every once in a while, you see an insult that's just so good that you have to marvel at it. It's kind of an art form, and keep in mind, not everyone engages in this, and the people that do are still nice and chill people, it's just the way things go.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
It's a good thing we have your wholesomeness to balance the cosmos.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
thanks! that's nice of you to say.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I'm a very nice person.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Oh, is that all? God, what a whiny little faggot.

That's not even an insult, that's just a helpful suggestion. Ungrateful, whiny, retarded, petulant little bitch boy.

If you're struggling to find a mirror, maybe you could try a particularly reflective window. Not sure what else could be the hold up here.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I just found a frog up my butt, and it's still alive!

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Please keep responding to all of this with wide-eyed terror. Don't listen to RK.

Every now and then we need a village idiot, and Alien seems to have gone off into the shadows to lick his wounds.

The best part is that I wasn't even going to acknowledge you; you brought me into this yourself.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Because you called me a retard and I mentioned you offhandedly as somebody who would want to toy with me. Especially since when I got banned you said you were “having fun”

Return of the Bling

one month ago

You really took that to heart, huh?

Keep talking. I'm sure being called a retard is the worst thing that can happen, so why stop now?

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Because I’m already tying a noose. Great job bullying me to death. Ribbit

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Really, you practically begged for this. If you want bullying I'll give it to you.

You made a return thread after your thread with the first account was ill-received. That takes a special kind of autism, kid. No one cares that you're here, RK is the only person who will care if you leave. You think you're something special, but you're just another dumbfuck noob who thinks they're hot shit and that anyone besides them is keeping track of their existence.

The only reason you'd choose to come back here after the first time is because you don't get any attention at all from real life people, so you chose to subject yourself to another round of cyberbullying. It's like watching a toddler trip over his own shoelaces and then throw a tantrum about the floor being unfair, but 10,000x funnier because you're just tripping over and over again and not thinking to change anything.

You have no reason to be here and if you can't take the insults, the little x next to the tab at the top of your screen seems like a far less dramatic solution. Of course, you're incapable of thinking for yourself, so you wouldn't ever think of that. Go with that suggestion or the noose, doesn't matter to me. Doubt it matters to anyone else, either, because you'd be off whining to your parents if they actually cared about you.

The most funny part here is that you think all of this is some grand injustice against you, like we’re cruel villains in the tragic tale of Blingbus, when really I'm just pointing and laughing at how seriously you take yourself. The only thing more fragile than your tweenage male ego is whatever flimsy excuse you have for thinking you're owed respect here. Your skin is so fucking thin I'm legit surprised you haven't dissolved into the atmosphere just from being exposed to reality.

I'd tell you to "grow up", but maybe it would be better if you never did that.

Go read a story, dumbass, and write a review if you can manage to string together more than two sentences without your fragile little brain short-circuiting from the effort.

Dammit, ofc he's a Warden. I never catch any breaks.

But seriously, shut up now. This is getting old.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller. I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat. I wish I could remember the words.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Whoever keeps editing these, know that I have the intelligence and learning ability of one of the lesser invertebrates, and so will simply keep posting.

The frog is now speaking inside my head and I am very afraid.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I'm going to see if I'm flexible enough to lick my own nonexistent balls while the rope is still around my neck. If you don't hear back from me in fifteen minutes please do nothing for me because I am an annoying little dickface.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Finally. You wrote again. Something I have never done and will never do.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Fiesty. I bet you think that was a really good one.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Yeah? Have you seen the forums? I've been told to kill myself, hang myself, drink bleach, get a sex change so I can't reproduce, etc. I still never whined this much.

Like everyone here keeps telling you, the best thing to do is back off the forums, go contribute to the site with some feedback on a few stories, and chill.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

Wait, who told you to get a sex change?

It would be pointless anyway since you've already reproduced.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I forget. It was during the baby's momma incident. I've looked for it before but it's unfortunately part of the "lost archives."

By the way, am I crazy or do people somehow get more brutal after you adopt them? Is there some kind of noob-slaying training regimen you put them through?

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I should hope so, otherwise I haven't been teaching the right lessons.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
I don't think it's lost, it's right here!

End archived it in the current thread so it has all the original details.

The chronicles of the baby momma incident

Return of the Bling

one month ago

There were parts of the thread that were lost to time. End references this in the CYS History thread I think 

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Ok, go do something

Return of the Bling

one month ago

You should use your pug avatar again to keep from getting mixed in with the other nameless retards.

Also it's a perfect representation of you which is that of a genetic abomination that struggles to breathe, drools and snots all over the place while doing the most simple of things.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I like cookies.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
What is the context of this?

Are you a bot?

Return of the Bling

one month ago

It's an old trolling tactic. Spamming long random shit in an effort to be annoying. There was a guy called "Chowhall" that used to do that on here.

I assume it's part of the tactic of wanting to get banned or whatever retarded game he's trying to play.

I mean in any case, he's free to continue to act like a retard or actually do something productive. It's his time to waste after all.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I can't believe I actually wasted time trying to help. I thought he was genuinely trying for a fresh start.

If I'd known he was trolling, I honestly wouldn't have bothered replying to him with genuine advice.

I can't believe he came back just to waste everyone's time. To be fair, I should have known when he didn't ask for story recommendations, and instead proceeded to get in a fight over something that happened 2 months ago.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
Well you get a comm for your efforts anyway.

Return of the Bling

one month ago
That's really nice of you, thank you!

Return of the Bling

one month ago

You're fine dude. Nothing wrong with trying to help noobs. 

I'm actually surprised that I wasn't more rude towards him. Then again, between Fresh's through thrashing and the fact that he's apparently still affected over something that happened two months ago, I'd say it was unnecessary for me to do so this time.

Return of the Bling

one month ago

I can't wait for blingbus18!