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History page

13 years ago

I'm doing a reaserch papper on the history of interactive lititure. I cant confirm any of the claimes made by this site in the history secion. Can anyone provide source material that support the claimes of

In 778, Charlemagne was passing through the Pyrenees Mountains to conquer Spain, and decided to rest at the camp that Tydestro was currently staying. An intended two hour rest soon turned into long, three-day stay as Tydestro amused Charlemagne with his ever-changing tales of empire victories. Charlemagne fell in love with the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories and hired Tydestro as his personal storywriter and entertainer.

From then on, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories and games became very popular throughout Charlemagne's empire. However, only royalty and noblemen enjoyed these tales. There is no evidence that these stories were played by the lower class, and many provinces even barred the common people from possessing one of these works.

Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories remained in the hands of the wealthy Europeans until 1271. It was at this time that Marco Polo introduced one of these popular tales to the Chinese, who quickly came to adore these. In China, throughout the Mongul Dynasty, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories took on a completely new form. Using the art of Oragami, the Chinese Folding Fortune Teller was created by drawing possible outcomes on a square piece of paper. These fortune tellers are source of much fun and debate.

Many Chinese Nationalists contend that Choose-Your-Own-Adventure games originated in China with the folding fortune tellers. This is noted to be one of the many heated issues during the Boxer Rebellion. Mao Stung noted that "it is, however, the West who write the history books." This attitude is consistent with quite a few Eastern historians.

Some historians doubt a Charlemagne or Chinese origin. Heinrich Shlieman argues that Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Games were a sport in the ancient city of Troy and originated in prehistoric times. However, the only archeological evidence found to date are a series of Ad Libs in the ruins of Troy and a cave painting of a single Tic Tac Toe board believed to end in a violent cat's game.

The Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story telling and gaming remained relatively quiet from the 14th to 18th century. While there was a small boom tied to the Renaissance movement in the 1620's, little to no development was seen during this time.

1884 is seen by many scholars as the Great Revival of the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style. It was in this year that Alfred Binet, the Commissioner of Education in France, devised a system of learning by incorporating Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stories and games. This system was tested in three schools and it was discovered that students could learn more with less teacher involvement while having more fun than traditional learning. However, teachers vehemently opposed the idea and the system never was implemented.

Many of the students in these schools, however, went on to write their own Choose-Your-Own-Adventure tales. The concept again spread like wild fire throughout Europe and was eventually brought to America. Robert Frost was known to be a coinsurer of these tales and often made references to them in his poems. Perhaps his most famous reference is seen in his 1915 poem, The Road Not Taken: "I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence: / Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-- / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference."



Thank you

History page

13 years ago

*Pulls out reading glasses,* Oh boy.

History page

13 years ago

The only one I can confrim is the Robert Frost poem and that is a big leap to even suggest he was refering to this kind of litature.

History page

13 years ago

The date seem to be off on the frost poem all other sources say it 1916 on that one.

History page

13 years ago

Well this is still some good information to know.

History page

13 years ago

yes it good information if it can be confirmed lol

History page

13 years ago
The whole history page is a joke, it's completely fictional. :)

History page

13 years ago

HAHAHAHAA I figured alot of it was garbage. I couldnt find anything about Christians condoning CYS books.

History page

13 years ago

CYS books are the work of the devil. They will lead you astray and prevent you from having the proper reverence for God. They take up time better spent reading the Bible. They encourage tolerance for the enemies of religion. They spread dissent. They should all be exorcsized, and burned.

History page

13 years ago

I didn't even read it, I just read the bizarre spelling in the first couple of sentences and it was obviously trolling haha.

History page

13 years ago

Wow, that spelling is awefull, i didnt even notice it.

History page

13 years ago

I really didn't care to give this story a response. I'm gettin' better at this advanced editor though! ;)

History page

13 years ago

Its not a story, what are you talking about?

History page

13 years ago

You didn't? My eye started twitching, it was like I was on Wattpad all over again!

History page

13 years ago

There is alot of information here that seems to be false. Is this the only way this site can get attention by fabricating facts?

History page

13 years ago

Welcome to the forum aswell. ;P

History page

13 years ago

Lol, way to go dude. "One article the creators put up as a joke means the entire site is full of lies!". Anyway, no. I learned how to script here, which isn't exactly easy, so I would say the site  is very informational. We get attention for our great writers like Endmaster, 3J, and Madglee, as well as the ability to make a CYA story easily compared to other sites. Of course in my opinion we have a great community as well, but you wouldn't be able to tell that without being active in the forums, so our stories are probably the biggest attention getter.

While you  on the other hand seem to like getting attention by whining about one little detail and insulting people through a faceless screen. Probably because you know nothing can happen to you because of it. But no hard feelings, right? ^-^

History page

12 years ago

Are you threatening me? I need TP for my bung hole!

History page

12 years ago

History page

12 years ago
For real though, Bo, it would have been probably best if this were left alone, ignoring this person as a troll.

But seriously? you need TP for your bung hole? what the hell...

History page

12 years ago

True, I didn't even consider this guy a troll untill his last statement, I just thought he was an asshole.

History page

12 years ago
I don't think Newt was a troll. Ludlow was haha.

History page

12 years ago
I take that back. Likely the same user.

History page

12 years ago
Definitly one of the most creative trolls we've had in a while.

History page

12 years ago

We need more trolls. I'm slightly bored.

History page

12 years ago

Especially with Nevermind weaning herself off trolling.

History page

12 years ago

Are you sure Nevermind is a girl?

History page

12 years ago

Do you have evidence to the contrary?

History page

12 years ago

Uhh...the fact that most trolls aren't girls. Besides the concept of a girl making an erotica about god and satan seems far fetched to me.

     Maybe it's a bit sexist of me to think like that but It's just so awkward to think that Awesome is a 12 year old girl.

History page

12 years ago

Eh, psychological issues happen to everyone.

History page

12 years ago

Any idea what syndrome Nevermind has?

History page

12 years ago
S.T.U.P.I.D. that and Lifelessness... that does some bad stuff to the human mind man!!!

History page

12 years ago
I don't think she has one. I think she just tries to lighten the mood but fails.

History page

12 years ago
I think you might be a little auptimistic Cool ;)

History page

12 years ago
That is not a word.

History page

12 years ago

Read between the lines ^-^

History page

12 years ago
It's a play on two words, in fact.

History page

12 years ago
I see Optimistic But what is the other one?

History page

12 years ago
Autistic + Optimistic = Auptimistic haha.

Not actually calling you autistic by the way, but you're so unpredictably supportive, it's crazy.

History page

12 years ago
No, calling me Autistic is actually correct. I have Asperger syndrome.

History page

12 years ago
So, does that make it harder to spell?

History page

12 years ago
No, It is autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical use of language are frequently reported.

So it might explain my crazy protectiveness as you call it.

History page

12 years ago
My bad you said "unpredictably supportive, it's crazy."

History page

12 years ago
The way I see it, you defend whoever is garnering the strongest negative attention regardless of whether or not they deserve the negative attention.

History page

12 years ago
And the problem with that is?

History page

12 years ago

that they don't deserve the attention.... as he clearly said. If someone goes around insulting everyone on the site (not saying she did, although I do think she made several insults at one time or another) and then whines when it results in negative backlash, why would you defend them? Because they are the underdog? That's just stupid.

History page

12 years ago
All I said is that I don't think she has a physiological issue.

History page

8 months ago
how about we make it into a cys cultural history page instead since the whole thing is bs and also unused and poorly formatted to the point of barely existing

History page

8 months ago
Why do you feel the need to disturb these threads that are quietly resting?