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New Category Page!

19 years ago

The Categories and Game list page have been redone.

For the category page, the biggest change is in the apperance -- we've made the cysid pictures bigger.

As far as the game listing page, lots of changes happened here. You can now sort the game list by any of the columns and filter games you don't want to see (for example, poorly rated ones). These preferences (sorting and filtering) are saved so that they remain the same whenever you log on.

Also, by default, games with a rating of 1 and 2 are filtered out. You can change this by altering the filter settings.

New Category Page!

19 years ago
It's great!  Phenomenal, truly!  Just need to get teh order back....

New Category Page!

19 years ago
Cool.  Why don't you add the frontpage in.  Make it from scratch.  I know, have this thing where you can instantly log in from the front page.  Put the latest news (mabey allow mods to do that), and the top 10 games.

New Category Page!

19 years ago

Probelm with the filtering:

If someone wanted to play only good games, then there would be no problem with the filtering, right? Wrong! Suppose someone only wanted to play the finest games, but there's this game that they would've loved to play-- but it wasn't shown because everyone else hated it! Yet, still the reverse could happen. They're playing only high quality games, but they don't like one of them. But the problem more lies in the former problem. They could never have rated it good or bad if they never found it!

Also, what would happen if a featured game was so badly reviewed, even that was filtered. There's so many possible problems just bounding to happen...

New Category Page!

19 years ago

This is one of those 95 / 5 solutions: 95% of the time, it works great for everyone. 5% of the time, it doesn't work as desired for some.

Some of the games that are filtered really deserve to be. I present you with The Whirwind of Time. There are numerous examples just like this.

But then again, there are some that probably don't deserve such a low rating. Take What REALLY goes on in Las Vegas  for example. Unfortunately, it made the list because there is only ONE rating on it. That's unfortunate in my opinion.

The good news is that you guys (the members) can shoot up the games that don't deserve low ratings.

New Category Page!

19 years ago
Yep.  If you dont agree with a rating, change it.

New Category Page!

19 years ago
I suppose. I was thinking; what about when we all eventually are over taken by the newbs-- when we all retire, who'll be there to point out hte good filtered games. The only probelm with changing the ratings, is some people havne't played all of the games yet-- actually, I'm not sure if anyone has, so therefore people might not want to play the good games which are left out. Follow?

New Category Page!

19 years ago

How about this for a filter option: Rated games on bottom!

Those unrated would be sorted by stats (stat choosen by person).  It would add more personalization which everyone likes.

New Category Page!

19 years ago
I don't understand what you're saying. Possibly, there could be something like in i-Tunes, where you could have your own game ratings which would sort games by order. What this would mean is not only would it help to differentiate games people have played with what they haven't, but it would also multiply member production, and when they start playing games as a member, they start making 'em. All of the personal member ratings would only be visible to them of course, but it sounds like a really snappy idea... that is, if it's cool with you, alexp...?

New Category Page!

19 years ago
By the Rated games on  bottom those would be games you have rated.  Not games that others have rated.

New Category Page!

19 years ago
How bout you all get out there and rate games and quit complainin' geeze.  Also, why dont you just congratulate Alex on a job well done instead of bickering about the problems.  Grow up.

New Category Page!

18 years ago
It's not a matter of immaturity. I was just trying to be helpful to alex with some feedback. I think alex would like to know if there were any complaints.

New Category Page!

18 years ago
Yeah but theres a difference between feedback and arguing.

New Category Page!

18 years ago
Listen, I apologize if you think that it's argueing, but if you saw the recent post of mine, you saw that I'm making a compromise, or suggesting how to be on mutual turns.

New Category Page!

18 years ago
Ya but he's the programmer or the creator.  Alexp just made a beautiful thing and the second it coems out your all against it.

New Category Page!

18 years ago
Looks wonderful. Haven't been on here. (I've been freakin' sick for 3 days). It's wonderful looking though,

New Category Page!

18 years ago
Well, it does look wonderful.

New Category Page!

18 years ago
yep, it does.