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9 years ago

Holy fucking shit! That was quite a book... I just finished reading it, and it's... It's.... I don't know, It was like sifting through war movies, pulling out Inglorious Bastards, and then realizing 20 minutes in that someone switched out the Inglorious Bastards DVD for The Hurt Locker. Holy damn.

It really was quite a book. It felt allegorical, though I can't draw enough solid conclusions from it to tell what the hell it was about. I don't know what it was trying to tell me, but I can't shake the feeling that it was trying to tell me something. Maybe that's just because Flan felt a lot like me. Maybe not as horny, but I could really get into his mindset, because I have similar thoughts all the time...

Or maybe the only thing it was trying to tell me was that it wasn't an allegory, and to stop looking into it... It was just a cloud the whole time...

All I can say is, dammit, Aman, read this! Your sanity isn't worth it!


9 years ago

Wasn't this the book Aman told me to read about raping people and looting villages and then Tan said that it would rob me of my innocence?


9 years ago

Other way around, but yeah. It's pretty amazing, though it probably matters who you are personally if you'd either enjoy it, hate it, or get some sort of epiphany due to it.


9 years ago

I'm definitely not getting much of an epiphany out of it. I'm the kind of person that requires long, unrelenting exposure to something trying to make the point before I got one of those. Still trying to get a meaning out of it, but there's really a zillion directions it could be going.