4. The Crown of Kings

This is it
Alright so this is final book so let’s get to it. As I said in the last post, if you managed to beat the chicken soup out of all the serpents in the third book, you won’t be recognized at the fortress and can avoid the encounters whenever you specifically get called “The Analander” or at least avoid immediate danger with said encounters, no guarantee they won’t still be assholes to you independent of recognizing you.
Starts out with you climbing up the foothills leading to Mampang Fortress and you needing to find a place to camp for the night. Fortunately for you, there’s not one but three caves nearby.
So there’s only one of these caves that’s safe to actually be in. One of them has a skunk bear in it which you’ll have to fight. Never addressed the infamous skunk bear you could encounter in the Shammy Hills, but they’re a pretty nasty animal. Generally crossing a bear with another animal that can add its already formidable abilities makes them worse. Seriously owls, skunks, even Wizard of Oz had fucking tiger-bear crossbreeds (They were called Kalidahs)
Since you’ll probably want to avoid that hassle there’s another large cave with hoof prints going to which already is bad news. When you get inside you’ll see a saytr like creature with its back to you, however if you mess about with it, you’ll soon learn that it’s already dead and you can sleep here “safely” (More on that later)
Finally there’s a really small cave you can crawl into. As soon as you get in though, you’ll hear a really horrible noise which can lead you to run out of the cave, but if you insist on facing what it is, you’ll soon learn it’s only one of these guys, a Jib-Jib!

I always thought he was hilarious though still cool looking
After scaring the tribble with feet out of his own home (You asshole) you can safely sleep in the cave. You can also find a few items in the cave, one of which is a parchment that will come in handy soon.
So there’s a couple ways you can travel, but there’s only one correct path which will lead to this important encounter.

It’s alright, the kids nowadays see way worse on social media.
So these She-Saytrs first treat you like a potential foe, but you the correct approach here is to not fight them and actually tell them everything about your mission. They’re very willing to help you in exchange for a tale about your entire journey so far. In fact they get a little sad when you tell them about the death of the Bakland’s ferryman since apparently he was quite the well known character.
They will also help you out in a few ways. Especially if you give them that parchment which was apparently written by one of their people who disappeared from the village, and yep, that would be the dead one in the cave. She left the village to die because she had the dreaded trembling disease. And this is why staying in that cave is a bad idea as you’ll learn that you’ve caught the disease if you slept the night there.
They’ll also give you a hardwood spear and tell you to seek out this holy man called Colletus nearby who can not only bless the spear but also tell you how to get past the Groaning Bridge. If and ONLY if you’re a warrior, you’ll also receive a bottle that apparently has a genie in it. The book then tells you gameplaywise of when you can actually use it. It’s obviously very important if only the warrior can get it, so you’ll want to hang on to it.
Failing all this with the she-saytrs is going to lead to a walking dead scenario because at some point you’ll need the items/info they gave you.
The next major event is getting close to the Groaning Bridge and calling for Colletus like the She-Saytrs told you. When he shows up, he will be doing his fanatical preacher routine of warning people not to go to the fortress as it’s a place of great evil. Telling him you’re going there to destroy the evil convinces him to help you out even if he thinks you’re going to fail. The blessed spear will actually kill a lot of the Mampang guards in one hit so it’s pretty useful especially since you’re usually fighting them in groups, if you run afoul of them.
He’ll tell you how to get past the Groaning Bridge too, which you definitely need some help with, because it’s one of those illusion things where if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing, you’ll die instantly. Now you CAN still get to Mampang by going a long way around (and over a rock slide) but if you did that, then that means you probably didn’t meet Colletus and it’ll make things a lot harder.
So the night before you actually reach Mampang, you’ll get one last visit from your goddess Libra who will give you some last minute info to help you in the fortress since once you’re inside you will not be able to call upon her since the place has some sort of anti-diety shield on. Of course this is assuming you didn’t lose your faith to her by following Throff or something at which point you’re in a walking dead scenario since Libra gives you a much needed clue on how to open up a secret door later down the adventure.
The next day you’ll get to the fortress proper, but getting inside is a another issue. The easiest way is to simply knock. This will either lead to combat or if you were clever enough to climb on the ledge above, you can watch a guard come out and wonder who the hell knocked. However, you need to wait a bit before dropping down, because not one, not two, not three, but four guards eventually come out to look. Dropping down before then results in a fight rather than stealthily sneaking in.
So now you’re inside the fortress, congrats, now you have a shitload of things to do inside. The main obstacle that you’ve probably heard about at least once if you’ve been playing correctly are the Throben Doors which are a series of magically sealed doors with all sorts of traps accompanied with them.
You’ll have to scrounge around in the first bit of the fortress for a key to the first door, this search can lead to this place.

Now just picture Malk’s hand fishing out a huge turd from that hole and the immersion is complete!
If you’re really determined, you can search the latrine despite the text going on about how vile it is (To say nothing of the actual picture)
This is a horrible idea. You might think “Hey, there’s probably something hidden in here!” but this would be a retarded assumption. The funny thing is you have to pass a luck role to even muster up the endurance to search it without puking. Failing the luck roll actually saves you since you’re puking and running out the bathroom before you can linger too long in there (And losing stamina in the process). Passing the luck test on the other hand leads to you not finding shit except shit and disease thanks to the flies in the place and probably biting you.
This disease has an ongoing effect of you losing stats with every battle. The text is even grim about your situation since it says you MIGHT survive long enough to complete your mission, but even if you do, you probably won’t live too much longer afterwards.
And you don’t even have access to Libra now to cure you of your disease either. Nice going shitboy.
Searching elsewhere you’ll bump into something just as bad as a latrine.

Again with the black elves. They certainly weren’t niggardly with their representation
Now these black elves are slightly more along the lines of how they’re usually portrayed as villains, though even by the pic, these guys are just low class minions. in usual fashion with these guys they’re immediately RACIST towards you saying how ugly the color of your skin is and how they couldn’t imagine having skin like that.
Now you actually can talk shit back at them saying at least you don’t lose yourself in the dark and how the hell they don’t bump into each other during the night. This of course doesn’t go over too well, or at least they’re fine with ONE joke, but you took it a bit too far with them.
Alright so eventually (or hopefully you’ll find a key to open up the first set of doors and now you’ll be in a big ass courtyard with a lot of potential encounters. Let’s go with a simple one first.

“I didn’t know she was 14, she looked mature for a goblin.”
This lowlife will beg you for some food, which you can provide if you find wasting your provisions to be a good use of your time. You can even set him free (He might ask you to do so after being fed) however this is a case of no good deed goes unpunished since as soon as you do set him free, he’ll pull the old “Hey look over there!” trick and smash you in the back of the head before putting YOU in the pillory. He explains he needs time to escape so the pillory can’t be found empty and your supplies will help him in his escape. What he doesn’t tell you is that he was going to be executed in three days, so it’s an instant death situation.
So what’s the best choice with this guy? Well there IS an option that allows you to flat out mock him. You get text saying a “Sadistic urge seizes you” (I know the feeling) and you just mercilessly insult the hell out of him even saying he deserves a fate worse than being drowned skunk bear dung. (Which might very well be how they’re planning to execute him)
There is no downside to this option and what the hell this guy would have fucking sacrificed you to save himself, so he fucking gets what he deserves.
So besides taunting the prisoners, there are a lot of guards around engaging in a lot of idle downtime such as playing games or just hanging around not doing shit. However, purposely walking any of these groups is likely to draw unwanted attention. Like you definitely don’t want to stumble into these guys.

Red Eyes. Great it’s a whole reunion of past assholes.
Funny enough these Red Eyes are slightly more social than the ones you ran into in Khare. They don’t immediately recognize you either thanks to their “unique” form of sight. They’ll get a little inquisitive about where you’re from though. Telling them you’re from Analand is obviously retarded though unlike in the second book, you CAN actually fight these Red Eyes, but it’s pretty deadly to do so since they got those fireball casting eyes.
Telling them you’re from Khare has a more interesting effect of them being even more talkative since that’s where they’re originally from. Of course since this is the case, they’ll start questioning you about shit there. Namely the name of the priest of Slangg. He never actually gave it out though, so telling the truth that you don’t know is the correct answer since he never gives his name to anyone.
Any other name you give out is leading to a fight. For lols, say his name is Vangorn (the murderer) and they’ll be super offended you called a leading citizen and high priest a murderer.
The most important encounter around here involves a blind beggar though. She’s asking for money as beggar’s do and you get the option doing so. You need to be the charitable one here since the beggar has something you need and you actually get a foreshadowing hint about something due to the text saying “Sometimes a blind beggar can see better than a hawk eyed sight master.”
Whatever you do though, keep your distance since she’s also crawling with disease. Tossing her a coin is enough for her to tell her her name is Javinne. Continuing to ask her questions is a good idea since you’ll get one story about her tormentors that bully her for the lols. Calls them “sight monsters” and says they’re super loyal to the archmage in exchange for a large stretch of territory in Analand when he eventually takes over.
And this is where you get the option to help her by offering to fuck up said tormentors. They’re not far away in this courtyard and you can go to them immediately (You get instructions to subtract a number from a paragraph reference to return to Javinne when you’ve done the deed)
Well if you haven’t guessed who her tormentors are yet (or have a bad memory) here they are.

Treachery! You can’t trust folks with anime eyes.
Yep, turns out the Sightmasters have been traitors all along and were probably instrumental in the theft of the Crown of Kings. Also explains how the Sightmaster sergeant knew your progress would be “watched” in the Baklands before even the high ups in Analand knew it would be. Now it’s not exactly clear if the entire sight master race has thrown in their lot with the archmage, but the ones in front of you certainly have.
If they recognize you (The Analander), they’ll try to pretend they’re actually infiltrating the fortress and offer to help you by giving you a cloak to put on. Trusting these anime eyed assholes will get you an instant game over as the cloak will tighten around you.
Regardless of whether they recognize you or not, you need to just kill them as traitors deserve. Using the spear on them works best. Nobody gives a shit when you kill them since hey it’s a evil lair, fights break out all the time.
Better yet you’ll get rewards from Javinne after doing so. She’ll give you some holy water, a lucky pendant and give you info on who knows the password for the Throben Doors, some guy named Valignya. She warns you that you have to get past the Mucalytics first who were sort of the reason why she lost her sight. They’re a miserable race created by the arch mage as soldiers for his army. They had some defects though and Javinne was charged with “fixing” them, but she couldn’t so the arch-mage blinded her for his own fuck up (Like any good overlord)
Anyway this is all very interesting but you need to be getting on with it.
So now your next step is finding Valignya to get the password for the Throben Doors, since if you try to open them without the password, you’ll get another insta-game over due to the door magically wiping out your memory.
He’s around in this section, but like the beggar said, you have to get past the mucalytics first. The mucalytics must be the fat miserable lol cows of the army because you’ll bump into a gnome that asks if you’re here to “torment” the mucalytics. Saying that you aren’t makes him give you a strange look and then following up with how you can’t be wanting to meet the Spiny Ones.
So here you get two paths, though one of them is just a way for you to get fucked up by the Spiny Ones. The Spiney Ones are in a pitch black room and they shoot quills at you in the fucking dark with great accuracy. You can survive this and go the other way, but the better plan was not to go meeting the Spiny Ones at all. I can only assume the Spiny Ones are another “super soldier” for the arch mages army.
Go in the right direction and you’ll finally meet the infamous mucalytics or at least one of them.

More like MUCUS-lytic
Now looking at this thing, I’m not sure why it’s considered a great idea to torment it and if you’re unfortunate enough to learn of its powers it’s even less of a good idea, but then the minions of the archmage don’t seem to be the brightest.
What powers does it exactly have? Well it’s breath is just pure poison. If it lands three hits on you, it gets close enough to just kill you instantly. In fact you can die like this if you try to talk to it. The creatures are pretty much deaf and they can barely speak above a whisper, so you get close (Which is retarded anyway, I mean LOOK at it!) and then it unleashes its Zyklon Breath. (The beggar woman was supposed to be trying to fix the whole deaf/mute issue)
So around this point it’s possible to get a call from your old hermit pal Shradrack from the Baklands. He mentions some of the archmage’s boys came by his cave not too long ago and tortured information out of him about you and he’s currently staked up on a cross as you speak. In fact, he’s fucking dead and you’re talking to his spirit which managed to travel all the way here to help you out one last time.
I like how your goddess Libra can’t contact you in the place, but this simple old hermit who just died had the power to do so.
He mentions Valignya again, but that you also need to find another guy named Naggamanteh who is the torturer since he knows how to get past the next set of Throben doors. Also mentions you need to find some guys known as the Samaritans of Schinn since they’re trying to stop the arch mage as well.
After vowing revenge for Shradrack’s death, you’re getting close to finding Val, so another door to go through and you’re there.

More evil dark skinned people. Even his kitty is black.
So the first thing this fat asshole does is demand gold from you since he’s the tax collector of this place. You can play along and give him gold, talk with him, etc. but most of the shit is going to result in him siccing his jaguar on you or lying to you at best. The only reliable way of dealing with him is to immediately launch yourself at the fat man with your sword at his throat demanding he tell you the password. The REAL password.
At which point he’ll go into a drawer and give you the real password, then you can finally go open those mind wiping doors safely.
Well that’s two major sets of doors you’ve gotten through and now you’re in the inner keep of the place. The first thing you’ll notice is the increase in birdmen guards now. The birdmen were of course the main minions who stole the crown in the first place (Probably with the help of the sightmasters no doubt)
Now a lot of this book in general (like most of these books really) requires a trial and error approach of “winning” mainly due to some of the random/chaotic nature of finding necessary shit. The Sorcery series semi-does an alright job of at least providing some places where you might learn vital info about where you should go.
However the next bit is not one of them or at least not an obvious one.
So there are some birdmen who are actually friendly or at least they hate the archmage and really don’t want to follow him, but most of their race has thrown their lot in with him not to mention they sort of live in the neighborhood so its a case of “follow or die” thing.
These birdmen would be the Samaritans of Schinn which to be fair, you can learn about from Shrad’s spirit, but he didn’t really mention them being birdmen, and you don’t really have any way of knowing since it isn’t obvious and most of the birdmen will actually be hostile to you. There’s even two types of birdmen, those that honor their fathers and those who honor their mothers. You can learn this info at some earlier point, but going around randomly asking birdmen how their mothers or fathers are gets some strange looks and potentially will offend them if you ask the wrong type of bird man.
So the Samaritans you’re looking for are the birdmen honor their mothers (Who birth them and take care of them as babies), while the other ones honor their fathers (Who teach them how to hunt for prey). While nowadays this would probably cause some sort of retarded debate about “wokism” and how the good ones are feminists and the evil ones are part of the patriarchy, this was the fucking 80s and it was just a simple way to confuse the shit out of you. Nothing more to it.

How the fuck are you supposed to know which is which? They’re all fucking furries.
So the ones in the pic ARE the Samaritans but unless you decide to not only risk talking with them but also confessing who you actually are, you will not get the needed item from them which is another MAGIC WHISTLE! They’ll tell you to use the whistle as soon as you get the crown and they’ll come get you to take you back to Analand. A free flight home, can’t beat that.
So besides the birdmen, other places of note are the basically the kitchen run by a hobgoblin chick. She won’t appreciate you coming into her kitchen when she’s still working on dinner for the troops, but she’ll just hand you a jar of ant meatballs and have at it if you’re hungry. This is a terrible event. Not because you’re eating bugs (The meatballs are actually quite tasty and you heal at bit) but actually because you’ll soon learn that you AREN’T eating bugs.
The hobgoblin chick comes by to check on you and to her horror she realizes you aren’t eating ant meatballs. The original label under the ant one says MUTANT MEATBALLS, of which you’ve just eaten a handful. Prepare to mutate.
You roll the dice on this one and can grow mutations everything from a horn on your head to an extra arm, your leg turning into a tail, etc. All of these will affect your stats in some way. Not all negative either, the extra arm or horn actually aid in combat for example. Your skin turning black makes you look more like one of the many niggardly guards and they won’t recognize you assuming you didn’t already have this advantage by killing the seven serpents. However, there are many more that are negative and fuck up your stats.
In fact rolling snakes eyes will result in a rearrangement of your internal organs causing you to die instantly. While rolling a twelve will result in your brains growing bigger and exploding out your skull. Two of the more METAL ways to die.
Rolling a seven results in you being immune and you walk away without any issues.
You can also stumble into a room which has a good example of what the meatballs do.

You ever see that movie Freaks?
It’s not really clear if these goblins are all failed experiments of eating the meatballs or they just accidentally ate them like you did, but either way you don’t want to hang around in this room.
Alright, birdmen feminists, mutant goblins, what else? Well there’s one place you really need to find in this section and that’s the torturer, the Ogre named Nag-whatever it’s too fucking long let’s just call him Nagga, since it fits with the ongoing racial jokes on the review.

Anyway here he is, a true Nagga.
Nagga isn’t immediately hostile, but he definitely sees you as the next victim of his S&M Dungeon. Especially if he knows if you’re the Analander. You can bribe him though. He’ll do the whole ask a question or face the consequences thing if he doesn’t recognize you, but you get to ask him a question too. Now you can just kill him, but you need the info to get past the next set of Throben Doors, so playing his game it is.
It’s actually easy, just compliment him on his torture chamber. This simple act of respecting his profession catching him completely by surprise since nobody in this den of evil actually says anything nice to anyone. He’ll be so overcome with emotion he’ll assist you in getting past the next set of door which actually aren’t locked, but they do have one those “real” illusions that you have to focus on not believing to get past. he won’t even ask his question and just allow you to leave.
The only other encounter that’s sort of necessary is a merchant who has a shop set up in the fortress. A couple of his items are straight up rip offs. The only thing you really need from him are some self-lighting candles. One of them is a blood candle which lasts longer, but you might have gotten a warning not to use it.
So at this point you’ll have reached the next set of Throben Doors. As soon as you open them you’ll see a huge inferno. Entering it is an instant death unless you talked to Nagga about it and you’ll dispel the illusion. Your troubles of course aren’t over as now your next step is into place called “Chamber of the Night” which is where the candles come in.
So you can fumble through dark without the candles, but you’re most likely going to die in this dark maze loaded with spikes. Same is true if you use the blood candle since that particular candle has a way of leading you INTO the spikey areas and falling to your death.
Navigate your way through this horrible maze and you’ll walk right into the Captain of the Guard’s office. Why the fuck he’s got an office leading right into the Chamber of Night is anyone’s guess. Like does he and whoever else have to maneuver through the death maze every fucking time? Mampang’s layout is really odd from a logical perspective, but hey it’s an evil wizard’s lair, doesn’t have to make sense I guess.
So the captain of the guards isn’t a darkie, he’s no white man though and it’s presumed he’s probably some renegade from the Baklands. Obviously mixed with mongrel Asiatic blood. Now regardless of whether he recognizes you as the Analander, you’re still pretty fucked since you’re deep in the heart of darkness by this point and Captain Cartoum wants to know what the hell you’re doing barging into his office in the first place.

Hey wait, something looks very familiar…
Hopefully you still got that locket of the girl on his wall ALL the way back from the first book. This is the easiest way to get past him. You make up a story about how a beautiful woman in Khare told you to give him the locket. He’s a big simp for this girl so he’ll not only believe everything you say, he’ll also outright help you by giving you a key to unlock the last set of Throben Doors. (Throben made a killing on the door sales for this place)
You can fight him and get the key that way (You have to spare his life though otherwise you won’t find the key), but it’s more fun to leave him crying over his lost girlfriend.
Moving on to one of the encounters you were warned about even all the way back in book two by a dead Khare noble.

The Sleepless Ram, its own bad self.
As you can probably guess, it’s going to come to life try to smash you into bits. And it will succeed if you don’t have the key as you’ll get an ongoing loop of running around as it just barely doesn’t kill you. Even passing the luck tests will often result in some damage, so it’s really just a matter of time before your stamina (and luck) run out.
However, even having the key isn’t really enough since it could very well kill you before you can even get to the door. This is where that vial of liquid that the Sham gave you comes in. Throw it at the ram and it’ll partially fall apart and not be able to chase you down. However, this effect lasts only long enough to get to the doors where you can use the key without getting hurt in the process. If you still don’t have the key, you’re fucked.
So throw the vial, use the key and get the hell out of there. You’re now in the REALLY inner sanctum.
However after climbing some stairs, it’s not quite what you expected.

What the fuck?
So this guy who was about to bash your head in with his chamber pot is Farren Whyde. (He couldn’t do it because he’s sick of all the violence in the fortress) he mentions he was captured by the archmage thanks to his vast knowledge on science and weapons development. So now he’s working here against his will.
He also mentions that the archmage is in ANOTHER TOWER.
No shit, he actually says this. He’ll point to some mountain peaks in the distance where the other tower is supposed to be located outside the fortress, stating that the archmage doesn’t even hang out at the fortress since it’s a den backstabbing assholes who might kill him. (Well there is some logic to that)
So now Farren undoes the magic that’s hiding this invisible tower from the public and says there is a secret door around that will get you quickly out of the fortress, however he doesn’t know the password. Otherwise you’ll have to leave the fortress the hard way.
Your enthusiasm for this mission is at an all time low at this point. It will only improve if you go through the secret door and use the password clue that Libra gave you since that will lead you outside the fortress and you can make your way to the tower. Attempting to leave the fortress the way you came is doomed to failure since you get captured not long after you leave Farren Whyde. Even if you got the spear it mentions you just can’t kill enough guards before they overwhelm you.
So you get inside the tower and there’s a couple ways you can go and while both will lead to the same result eventually, one of them is slightly easier as it only leads to a trapped room attempting to crush you, but you can escape using your spear as a wedge (say goodbye to the spear though).
The other one however is a little more interesting so we’ll go over that one instead (or in addition to since I actually did mention the other way) So you’ll come across a room with some rotting carcass in it that looks reptilian (Hope you didn’t get the mutant meatball mutation that makes you extremely allergic to reptiles causing you to die instantly). However, this corpse starts moving which should be a clue to just leave. You also get a voice warning you not to leave, but again getting the hell out is the better idea, before this thing forms…

This book really delivers on the creepy illustrations
So this hydra starts sprouting the heads of the Mampang Gods which is a really bad thing. However as I said, the best thing you could have done is just run away immediately. By the time you’ve gotten to this point you’re in for an extremely tough fight which ironically is better if you lose immediately OR cast a spell like HOT at it to kill it immediately. Fighting it and somehow winning combat rounds against it results in more damage than you would take if you lost a combat round since it turns out this is all an illusion. As soon as you lose it disappears and you don’t take damage. If you keep winning however, you’ll usually get hit by another attack and lose stamina. After three rounds it’ll disappear anyway, but yeah it’s another case of “losing is better.”
Regardless of how you get past this bit, your next encounter is the one you’ve probably been waiting for this whole adventure.

The Arch Mage at last?
So as soon as you enter, he’ll call you the Analander and this time your little trick of not being recognized won’t work, at this point your identity is known. He will however actually offer to just give you the crown of kings as he’s eager to be rid of the cursed thing.
Taking him up on this surprising offer of course comes with the catch of giving up your sword first. Doing so results in being captured and thrown into a cell. In fact refusing or casting a spell will ultimately still result in being captured. You can’t really avoid it. So it’s off to prison for you.
At this point you’re locked in a cell at the top of the tower, but you aren’t alone, to your surprise you find Jann the minimite there! Even though he’s a troublesome little pest if you’re a wizard, you’re still interested in how the hell he got here. He mentions he was saddened when you parted ways (regardless of how it happened) He’ll mention that he didn’t follow you into Khare because he won’t enter the city port (Which can explain why even if you didn’t get rid of him, he doesn’t follow you there) He mentions nearly catching up to you in the Baklands, asking Fenestra about your movements. He couldn’t fly the entire length of the lake though so he had to skirt it. You then notice his wings are gone saying that the red eyes captured him and cut them off.
He’ll also go on to say you are not actually in the arch mage’s tower at all, you’re in his special prison tower where he keeps prized prisoners. If you tell Jann about Farren Whyde, Jann will tell you that you’ve been horribly tricked and that Farren is actually the archmage!
Lol wut?
Seriously? This is getting fucking unecessarily convoluted. In any case, you get another one of those “subtract this number from this reference” if you encounter Farren again since you know his true identity now.
So now you’re stuck in this tower with Jann, meaning that even if you are a wizard you can’t do shit because spells won’t work around him. Attempting to escape by bashing the guard’s head in when he brings food is doomed to failure. (As is jumping out the window casting the FAL spell, since y’know it won’t work) Unfortunately you don’t get the option to kill Jann by throwing him out the window so your choices are limited.
So if you’re a wizard you can talk to Jann about spells his little anti-magic field can’t stop, he won’t react until you get to the ZED spell though at which point he’ll go into some lore about the spell if you press further for info. (You really should do this)
The ZED spell basically controls time. In fact the minimites abandoned magic thanks to all the trouble it caused their race, so now they’re a bunch of littler anti-magic nomads. He goes on to tell you they stole the secrets of the ZED spell a long time ago from the wizards who developed it right here in Mampang. They then traded it to the infamous necromancer who cast it and nobody knows what happened to him. Well he transported himself either back or forward in time hence why nobody knows what the fuck happened to him or saw him again.
(I didn’t really consciously plan or even think about this book at the time, but I’m wondering if sub-consciously the time fuckery in Necromancer was mildly influenced by this)
Anyway that’s it about it for the ZED spell and Jann has no intention of having anything to do with such a dangerous spell, but that doesn’t mean you won’t!
So there’s a couple ways this can go, if you were smart and pressed Jann for further info on the spell, his info allows you to control the spell so when you cast it, you’ll get the right result.
If you didn’t press him for info, well you’re most likely fucked even if you got the stamina to cast the spell (It still costs 7 stamina points to cast!) because you have to roll the dice to see where in time (and space!) you actually transport yourself. This can very well lead to transporting yourself ALL the way back to the beginning of book 1! It’ll even tell you which paragraph in which book to turn to. (If you don’t have those books, well I guess you just got lost to a time warp or something)
As usual rolling a 2 or a 12 leads to some insta-lose endings. Rolling 2 results in you seeing some very ancient flying reptiles that have been extinct for thousands of years, meaning your ass warped to the prehistoric age.
Rolling 12 places you in the same location but the entire fortress is GONE. this one is a little more ambiguous in that you may have still travelled so far in the past before it was actually built OR the warped so far into the future when it’s been destroyed.
In both cases it says since you can’t control the ZED spell, you’ll never manage to make it back home. Though I don’t exactly agree with this. Theoretically you’ve got all the time in the world to try to get it right eventually. You might have to rest up a bit in-between castings, but presumably you’d probably get it right or at least close to it. Hell, better yet, warp back to BEFORE the crown even got stolen.
Well that’s the downsides of fucking around with writing time travel shit. Moving on…
Only one result leads to transporting you where you want to be is just before meeting Farren Whyde and as I said, you’ll get this automatically if you talked with Jann. Speaking of Jann, he dies when you cast the spell. The spell is just too powerful for his little anti-magic shell. Or at least it does if you don’t know how to control it, not sure if you do since you don’t get the same paragraph about him dying.
Oh so what happens if you’re a warrior? Well hope you got that bottle from the she-saytrs, because this is where you get the option of using it. Uncork the genie and tell him you want to go to where the arch mage is, and presto, he’ll transport you to the moment before you met Farren Whyde. Sometime being a warrior is a lot easier. It’s unknown what happens to Jann in this case. Presumably he’s still in the prison tower though.
Alright so you’re back to the point where ol’ Farren is going to molest you, no wait wrong Farren, he’s just struggling with the morality of bashing your skull in with a chamber pot instead. This time however you get to turn to a different paragraph after the math equation and discover Farren’s true form which is actually worse than just an archmage.

This book had more twists than it really needed to
So Farren’s body is now dead and the demon that was in possession of it starts forming before you. What might seem like a potentially epic battle, is the exact opposite since the Netherworld Demon doesn’t have many skill or stamina points. However, you have to make every hit count because if you don’t beat it within a certain amount of rounds it fully forms and kills you instantly.
Of course you can also just cast a powerful spell like HOT or ZAP and kill it immediately.
Alright so you killed the demon and got the crown, now you have to get the fuck out of the fortress…again. Unfortunately you can’t use the secret door trick again for some reason and once again attempting to leave the way you came means you get overwhelmed by guards and lose despite getting the crown.
So you either need that magic whistle you got from the birdmen OR you can use the holy water you got from the beggar to bring Farren back to life at which point he’ll give you a magic whistle to call the birdmen if you somehow missed it (It’s actually pretty likely)
Use the whistle and the birdmen show up to fly you back home and you get some text about how your name will go down in history as the greatest heroic legend of all time. And ends with these words…

Your journey is over. You have earned your rest.
So it’s generally agreed upon that the ending of the book could have been better with the whole Farren Whyde/Demon/Archmage thing. Seemed like Steve Jackson was either running out of time or ideas on wrapping things up. Or he might have just been sick of writing and haphazardly put the ending together at the last moment. It happens.
Changes in the digital version? Well there’s plenty. Probably just as many changes as there were in the third book, maybe more since apparently you can get a few different endings. (Like taking the crown for yourself!) They actually eliminated the whole Farren Whyde really being the archmage thing too. In the digital version he’s the long haired guy with the glasses who apparently was just one of his court wizards in the book. Farren himself is a minor character in the digital version.
There’s a lot more time travel shit in the fourth book and so many changes in general. Suranna if she gets to the books can do the review of it.
And that is it for another gamebook series review.