Alright I’m going to split the reviews up a little differently. I’ll go over an entire main story arc for a comic series and then the following post I’ll do all the little one off stories in another post. Then I’ll repeat a similar process with the rest of these.
RIP Story Arc 1-4: Dead Connection

To be fair I suppose the comic never actually SAID it was going to be a zombie story just because it had some walking corpses on the cover.
First off I should mention that this arc doesn’t even really have a title of sorts other than “RIP”. I’m calling it the Dead Connection though for the sake of labeling things and the fact that this whole thing starts out with a show like Love Connection which was a dating game show back in the 80s-90s (And this y’know involves dead people)
Alright so first issue starts off with a nameless gameshow host crawling around with his guts spilling out and his face half hacked open. He soon learns after speaking with some other corpses roaming around, he’s dead and this is the afterlife. He also realizes someone has killed him though he doesn’t know who it was.
Putting this altogether, one of the corpses tell him that the current place they all are is a sort of Limbo where they just wait around forever. However, you can rest in peace if you get revenge on the one who killed you.
So he heads back to the land of the living as a ghost where he starts doing some investigating. It should also be mentioned he’s pretty much making snarky wisecracks and being sarcastic whenever’s he’s talking (Which is usually to himself)
Upon going back to his game show, he sees they’ve already replaced him and the woman (Loray) that was on the show the night he died is back on it and she’s picking yet another guy on it. He’s not even the one the audience voted for (They voted for the Chad football player) but he’s more what Loray is looking for which is he’s a lonely below average looking single rich guy that works on Wall Street.
Well it doesn’t take long to find out that Loray isn’t just an ordinary gold digging hussy, she’s a succubus on a mission. There’s this whole coven of succubi scheming for world domination by turning various powerful men into their slaves. Using the dating game is just one of their ways of hooking up with these men.
And yes, this DOES sound like a very silly way to go about this plan for world domination via simps, but let’s just go with it.
So she enslaves Michael who then starts telling all his other lonely buddies to go on the show to hook with succubi, though oddly Loray seems to be the only one currently working this angle so she keeps going on the show, claiming she has a contract to appear on there a bunch of times.
How does this tie in with the game show host’s murder? Well he just sort of figures that Loray must be behind it somehow so he starts following her and Michael around trying to learn more. Keep in mind that he can’t actually be heard or seen by anyone. So he’s basically just ranting a lot of times in frustration about how he hates being dead and telling Michael to snap out of it.
Eventually he DOES manage to sort of get through to him causing Michael to start “rebelling” a bit from his succubus seduction, though it’s not really clear if that’s due to the game show host’s ghost powers weakly having an effect or the succubus just stretching the limits of her own powers due to all the men she’s been seducing and controlling.
So Michael stops simping to the point where he begins to start getting jealous and angry that his succubus girlfriend is still going out with other dudes on the game show. Not wishing to be a cuck any longer he barges in on her while she’s in the middle of sucking another guy’s…soul. She’s pissed about Michael not being a good little simp and knowing his place, so she beats the shit out of him in her succubus form which definitely isn’t “waifu” material (Well I’m sure it still would be to some) and leaves him for dead.
However, Michael isn’t quite dead yet and he manages to drag his ass to the game show studio and interrupting the show screaming that she’s a monster, killed people and all that.
Now what she does next isn’t the brightest move if you’re in a secret society, instead of say playing innocent and just saying she doesn’t know what this obviously crazy man is talking about, she ends up transforming right on fucking camera in front of a live studio audience talking about how mistakes on camera can’t be corrected. Well no shit you dumb demonic bitch, you just made a huge one by exposing yourself.
Anyway she finishes off Michael in a gruesome way (You see his ribs getting pulled out, meanwhile ghost host is yelling at Michael saying he isn’t going to just let some succubus kick his ass like that is he) In his final death moments Michael manages to pull a huge hot light down on her setting her on fire and killing her. (Meanwhile she’s saying in her own dying moments that this will stop nothing)
You see Ghost Host cheering that “his side” won, while the audience snaps out of their shock and start clapping, believing that all of this is part of the show (While mentioning somewhere a TV executive smiles knowing this is going to be the highest rated episode ever)
You then get an epilogue of Ghost Host still in the 50s Diner Limbo since the succubus wasn’t the one who killed him. He’s a bit down about it, but another dead one explains he gets a few more chances at getting revenge before he goes into the SHAME pit forever. Just then the Loray comes walking into the diner a little confused about her situation. She then recognizes Ghost Host saying that he was the one who got chopped up and if he’s here then this must mean she’s dead too.
He starts questioning her on who had him killed, but she says she doesn’t know and it wouldn’t be her group since he wouldn’t have been important enough to bother because they focus on upwardly mobile men of power. Game show hosts are a dime a dozen. She then goes on about how they have this major plan to have their agents in key locations on Wall Street and how Silicon Valley is next and how its going to be glorious, she then laments that she just wish she was still alive to see it.
Despite being told that it wasn’t her coven of demonic dominatrixes, the ghost host still believes that someone in this succubus conspiracy must know something, so his next step is heading to Silicon Valley for his next shot at revenge.
Issue 2

So this one starts off with Ghost Host helpfully explaining the “rules” to Limbo to a recently run over jogger, before he goes on his next trip to revengeville.
As expected this one picks up in Silicon Valley where the succubus group are feeding on some dude and giving some helpful exposition while doing it or at least the head succubus bitch is. She goes on to say that there’s three stages of feedings. One gets them under their power, but still keeps them somewhat independent so they can do stuff on their own. Second drains them to the point of only being good enough as mindless thugs and soldiers while the third just wastes them away to husks.
Despite all this, some are still able to resist, but they just kill them in that case. Also it shows they own an insane asylum where they can just pop in and feed as much as they want to sustain their immortality.
So at this point, it’s sort of going on the idea that in THIS world at least, succubi are more like vampires rather than demons from hell. Though it still sort of doesn’t make it clear if they’re from some hell domain. One would think not considering Loray didn’t go back to hell when she got killed she got sent to Limbo though even that is a bit odd since going by “the rules” of that place. You go there when your soul isn’t at peace. She got killed by Michael with a parting death blow, so it isn’t like she’d be able to get revenge on him though maybe she’s just eternally damned to the place or something.
I dunno, it’s a dumb horror comic, why the fuck are you expecting logic?
So bringing it back to our Ghost Host protagonist, he literally doesn’t give a fuck if the succubi take over the world, all he wants to know is if they’re the ones that were involved in killing him and then while making his point he ends up ghostly touching the head succubus who then recoils exclaiming that she felt a cold presence like they were being spied on. One her underlings says she felt it too. So now we’ve established that Ghost Host does have influence on the earthly realm after all.
So this one mostly revolves around some computer nerds George and Mark. Mark looks more like a traditional Virgin nerd, yet he’s got the girlfriend Janice. Meanwhile George looks more like a Chad, but he’s going on that “Love and Marriage” game show that the succubi are using to pick up dudes. (Again, this seems like a really convoluted plan, seriously they could easily just meet these guys the old fashioned way a lot quicker) There’s some nerd talk about computer security and the game show is brought up, but Janice doesn’t seem too happy that George is going on it. (Also brought up is how there was a monster that attacked on the show in New York, but it’s all been dismissed as a publicity stunt)
Cut to Mark later calling out his girlfriend Janice that he knows damn well that she’s been looking at George and doesn’t really love him. Janice tries to explain that she really wanted it to work out between them, but well she can’t help being a whore. She says she’s moving out and Mark in a major simp move exclaims that he still wants to be friends which Janice accepts because it’s always a good idea to have dick in a jar just in case of an emergency.
Janice moves out and excitedly goes to tell George who apparently went on the dating show and is now acting pretty strangely. He’s hostile towards Janice and exclaims he’s busy working. Janice is upset since her whore plan isn’t working out like she thought it was going to, then she also notices that George is transferring private info to another place that he’s not supposed to be doing.
Cut back to the succubi where one of them is going on about how this was a good plan since he’s giving them vital information, though the head succubus doesn’t like this plan. Apparently Angelica (The succubus who went out on the date with George) soul sucked him twice in one night (Because he resisted a bit) which is risky since it can turn the dude into an Incubus and you can’t have a proper girls’ coven if you got horny demon dudes now running around in it. (Plus letting transforms humans into the inner circle isn’t what the head succubus wants)
It all comes to a head when George is tired of Janice interfering with his work and he just transforms into his incubus form chasing after her, exclaiming that she will be his forever and to not resist him. After narrowly escaping and stabbing George in the eye, naturally, she goes running back to Mark to save her. (See? Keeping the dick in the jar for an emergency WAS needed sooner than she thought!)
A scuffle ensues and George probably could have easily killed Mark, but he’s so HORNY for Janice that he can’t even be bothered to finish him off before trying to RAEP Janice.
George starts going on about how long he’s waited to fuck Janice and how Mark won’t stand in his way. Mark still can’t believe all of this is real and half believes that he’s dreaming, but if it is a dream, he’s going to be the hero in it and manages to kill George by slicing his wings and then shoving him through broken glass shards.
So now Angelica has lost her link, though with some encouragement, the head succubus tells her that she can still control his body like a puppet, which she starts to do resulting in some body horror where George’s dead succubus carcass is unleashing its intestines to act as ropes to try to capture Mark and Janice. Around this point Mark tries to access George’s computer to learn where he was sending the info to so he can find out who is behind all this. He gets the info and he and Janice are soon being chased by most of the office where they work now since the succubi have already taken over most of them to use as soldiers.
Mark runs over George and his wacky intestine rodeo, but the succubus slaves manage to rip Janice out of the car. Mark just screams that he’ll be back for her which is funny though realistically leaving her behind was about the only thing he could do.
He heads back home and manages to get the exact address of where the info was sent and heads over there with a pistol in hand. There’s a short monolog by Mark about how he JUST bought the thing since being a liberal faggot guns were against everything he stood for, but as any real american knows you ALWAYS need a gun. Meanwhile Ghost Host is saying to just get on with blasting the succubitches back to hell.
He goes in the house seeing a bunch of succubi doing some sort of feeding ritual with Janice while the head succ is saying how she’ll enjoy being one of them. (Oh sure head succ made a big deal about not wanting humans into the inner circle, but she’s alright with it as long as they’re fellow vaginia havers. Women go an’ figure ‘em!)
Mark goes into supreme gentleman mode and starts mowing down the succubi, including the head succ who gets a bullet in her dome. Ghost Host is cheering him on the entire time until one of the succubi manages to tackle Mark knocking the gun out of his hand. It’s at this point things look grim until Ghost Host is so frustrated by this situation he wonders if he can move things like a poltergeist. He focuses really hard and sure enough he manages to move the gun and shoot the succubus attacking Mark. (Making Mark briefly wonder who shot her)
The surviving succubi at this point fly away and Mark goes to untie Janice saying how much he loves her and that how this time everything between them will be better. Janice exclaims that she loves Mark too, but wishes that he’d saved her in time. He’s confused by this until Janice explains she’s already been turned just as he soon will be and promptly soul sucks him.
Ghost Host is now lamenting that not only did he go through all this just to get an unhappy ending, but apparently Mark didn’t manage to kill any of the succubi that were directly involved in his death so he’s wasted another chance at revenge.
Issue 3

This doesn't actually happen anywhere in the comic, but it's still a cool cover
Okay so next one begins with an introduction to a Bruce Campbell knock off called Brad Gorman, except he’s not as cool since he doesn’t like the B-movies he’s playing in and feels he’s better than all that. Shows an obviously evil studio executive called Pressner that offers Brad a deal and to meet him later.
Cut to the next scene of this same exe with a bunch of women (More succs) doing some sort of ritual to summon some sort of demon spirit who is pissed that they keep summoning him for minor shit. He reassures them that Brad will be famous, so getting him under their control will be a good thing for their world domination plans.
Ghost Host is spying on all this and now he’s starting to wonder if the succs were actually behind his murder, he’s REALLY sure that they were so he questions the demon spirit that’s done with the succ collect call. After harassing the demon spirit long enough, eventually the DS decides that he isn’t being paid enough in souls and the succs still owe him for shit they haven’t paid yet, so in order to get rid of Ghost Host he tells them about the Brad situation.
So Ghost Host follows up on the Brad lead, keep in mind he’s STILL working on a hunch. There’s still no damn proof of anything and he could be very well wasting his chances at revenge.
Brad shows up to Pressner’s studio where he’s met with several half naked women and how this is his audition. He’s all for it at first, but then he starts feeling weird and starts asking about what’s his motivation, what’s the plot and script and then finally if this is a porn movie, because he doesn’t do porn.
Ghost Host is watching all this from Limbo in a broken down TV shop and in comic book logic without actually explaining how, he is actually able to appear on the screens in the real world at Brad’s “audition”. (Something about how him being a game show host on TV in life is implied) From there he directly warns Brad that he needs to get the fuck out of there right now lest he gets his soul sucked. Brad isn’t exactly sure what’s going on, but he’s creeped out by the whole situation enough that he escapes immediately. This pisses off the succubi of course and they nearly kill Pressner, but he manages to grovel enough that he lives for now.
Brad’s hiding out in another section of the studio, specifically Pressner’s office looking for a gun saying that all wimps like him usually own one to PROVE THEIR MANHOOD. Instead he finds files of the Love and Marriage show that look important considering how they were hidden. And now Ghost Host manages to appear once again on a TV in the office and rather than being a “kindly guide” that’s explaining the situation he’s a complete dick that starts insulting Brad immediately, calling him “jerk-toast” and mentioning that getting soul sucked into a zombie wouldn’t be too much of a stretch for Brad. (And then explains everything)
Meanwhile the succubi are calling upon their soul sucked actors to search the studio for Brad. However Pressner figures it out that Brad’s hiding in his own office since the lights are off in it and he always leaves the lights on due to being scared of the dark. Idiotically however instead of telling his succubi masters immediately, he goes to confront Brad directly and THEN calls security.
Brad easily dispatches Pressner by throwing him out the window where he splats on the ground which then alerts the lynch mob looking for him. So the next few pages are Brad monologging in his head about his situation and the various movies he’s done. He kills all the succubi chasing him on various sets he’s worked on. One gets killed by an animatronic giant octopus that drowns her (There’s actually a bit where Brad is confused on how she can fly over running water and she tells him “That’s vampires you fool!”) Another gets laser blaster by some robots on a scifi set with Brad mentioning that he once complained that the effects were too realistic.
The last one corners him in the costume room and she does the dumb villain thing of gloating about how she’s going to kill him until he manages to get away from her long enough to grab a rubber arm to smack her in the head with which causes her to fall off the platform they’re both on and into a big vat of polyurethane.
Final scene is Brad hitchhiking on some desolate road and mentioning that the files he found contain all the places the succubi have hit and the next stop is DC. Ghost Host is around cheering his fortune that finally he’s picked someone that has lived this time.
Issue 4

I like how the succubus on the covers don't look anything like the demonic monsters in the actual comic
So this starts right away with Brad in DC and confronting a senator called Clayton who has agreed to see him despite no appointment since she’s a big fan of his movies. He brings up the Love and Marriage show files and mentions that her name is on one of the faxes.
She expresses surprise and accuses this of all being a publicity stunt while showing him out. He keeps trying to explain himself, but things get worse when he recognizes one of the succubi from the “audition” and she recognizes him as well. Doesn’t take long before the senator also transforms into her natural form and they try to stop him from escaping.
He manages to get to a public area, bumping into a bunch of other male senators and then going on about the succubus conspiracy. Clayton and her fellow succ come around the corner in their human forms and she makes up a story about how this homeless man just started ranting at her about this odd tale (Brad isn’t in the best looking condition right now given he’s been travelling all the way from the west coast)
So they all decide the best thing to do is have him thrown into a mental institution since that’s where crazy people should go, plus the succ like to keep folks in there anyway until they have time to take care of them properly.
Ghost Host is pretty frustrated by all this, especially when he sticks around long enough around Clayton and her cronies discussing that they’ll take care of Brad like they took care of that “Dolt who originally hosted Love and Marriage” (Nope, you still don’t learn his real name)
Finally this bit of really lucky random gloating vindicates Ghost Host’s suspicions that the succubi had him killed (Specifically the Senator) though he’s confused on why she did except she mentions he saw something he shouldn’t have despite the fact that he has no idea what the fuck it was he supposedly saw.
Yep, Ghost Host’s murder (and reveal of the murderer) are in the scheme of things a really “Shit happens” sort of thing. He never saw anything and the succubi just thought he did and had him killed. Whoops!
Meanwhile Brad’s locked up in a mental asylum where he’s trying to figure out on how to escape along with noticing that it’s run very strangely with the staff weighing people everyday and making comments about someone being too skinny or needing to fatten up. It’s sort of implied the whole mental asylum part of the larger plan involves rounding up the homeless as the source of an easy meal whenever the succubi get hungry.
Surprisingly despite being somewhat of a security concern for the succubi, Brad isn’t really confined very tightly. The guards beat him occasionally and he’s not allowed to leave, but it’s not like he’s in a straight jacket drugged up and in a dark cell in the basement. Hell, his cell isn’t even all that bad in the scheme of things.
Eventually Brad manages to get out just by breaking a regular window with some obviously weak ass bars on it by throwing a weighing scale through it. (Who knew?) He also does this when he sees a senator arriving at the facility for election reasons or some shit. Brad remembered that this guy was there when he was trying to escape the succubi earlier and that he looked a little convinced by his story even then, or at least intrigued by it.
Brad babbles his mad tale to him once again while guards are already rushing to collect him. He’s apparently convincing enough that this senator does want to take a look around inside the place though the senator’s assistant isn’t as keen on that idea. The senator starts walking around and he smells something off. His assistant tries to stop him from going into the kitchen and he does so anyway where he finds a bunch of soul sucked staff chopping up the patients for succubus dinner.
The senator is immediately killed by his assistant who reveals that (Surprise!) she was another succ. Brad kills her with a knife while she’s occupied eating the senator then he makes his bloody escape stabbing all the succ slaves along the way until he reaches the senator’s limo where he threatens the driver to take him to a gala that Clayton is supposed to be at. Ghost Host has caught back up with him and manages to suggest (Though ghostly advice) a disguise so he can at least get inside the gala without getting shot. Brad rips off the hairpiece of the limo driver and messes it up a bit to look “raggedy”
Well, simple glasses worked for Superman as a disguise. It’s a fucking comic book, don’t think about it too hard.
Clayton is there being applauding for taking steps towards solving the homeless problem, Brad manages to get in claiming he’s one of the homeless (Who they’ve graciously allowed to attend this fancy thing presumably as examples of “the good work”) She’s going on about opening more homeless shelters and such and then Brad manages to take one of the guns away from one of the guards and riddles Clayton full of bullets like a gangsta.
At this point everyone else is in panic mode running for cover or drawing their own guns on Brad (who has surprisingly not been shot) Ghost Host is absolutely ecstatic though with the one who ordered his death now also dead. He cheers on Brad saying that he’s probably going to get his head blown off, but he’s certainly got his gratitude!
Fortunately for Brad, Clayton turns back into her natural succubus form soon after her death which then prompts a last moment attack by the other succubi in the room and they promptly get filled full of lead for their efforts. For all their plans of secrecy they have a real problem of throwing it away when things don’t go completely according to plan. I mean presumably these ladies COULD have escaped in the mayhem and regrouped in a coven somewhere.
This last bit sparks another congratulation from Ghost Host that Brad managed to also survive all this and then Ghost Host starts disappearing from the real world assuming he’s fulfilled his revenge mission.
You then get a small epilogue which has the new reports stating how Brad is a big star now especially after exposing the succubus plan. However it also shows another succubus elsewhere setting up a new plan involving children. Hey this comic already predicted the whole democrat/lizard people/satanic/pedo conspiracy long before Alex Jones!
Meanwhile Ghost Host finds himself back in Limbo, wondering why he’s still there until a shining light and voice from above calls him out and tells him to stop whining. Ghost Host asks if this is God and God relies that yes it’s him and they call him “Mr. Heaven” up there. He also says that Ghost Host did a good job of getting revenge even if he made a lot of noise along the way. As a reward he gets his own condo in heaven. Turns out God is just as snarky and wisecracking as Ghost Host.
Last scene is Ghost Host ascending to heaven asking if he can host his own game show up there.
I remember liking this story a lot when I was a teenager, mostly due to all the blood and gore in it naturally. Upon the long “older” look on it now, yeah I still don’t mind it, though some of the stuff in it would probably be considered really “Red Pill” nowadays and spark wokie outrage. Which if anything makes it more amusing.
There isn’t a single main female character that ISN’T a soul sucking succubus! They’re ALL preying upon a bunch of nerds, lonely dudes and even dumb Chads for their evil conspiracy. No man is safe!
Hell, even the one female character that doesn’t start out as a succubus, Janice from the second issue, falls into the whole thing of “Not appreciating a good guy and going for the more masculine Chad type" (Though not completely stereotypical since he is still a fucking nerd working with computers, he’s just got the “jock looks”) Later of course she turns into a succubus or as the incel crowd might say her natural form. Lol.
All the main male protagonists in it are fairly noble or don’t have any major flaws other than maybe being a little slow on what these ladies REALLY have in store for them. Hell the last one who survives is called BRAD, just a few letters away from Chad, coincidence? Of course not!
So yeah I kind of get the idea that the guy who wrote this one MIGHT have had a bad relationship break up around that time or in the past. (Maybe several) Probably was cursing women the entire time he was writing it, but hey it all makes for a good story right?
Or at least more entertaining ones. Besides once again, it’s a fucking comic book, getting triggered over something like that is silly.
I'd say the bigger story problem was the Ghost Host's revenge plan since as I mentioned a few times he really is going in blind and just assuming the succubi are behind it for most of the story. Of course his hunch paid off, but it was pretty random how the senator just decided to blab about it at the right time he heard it.
Seems like there was the whole "dead guy getting revenge so he could rest in peace" idea, but then the main writer just wanted to make something about these scheming succubitches. Well I guess it worked out if a little slap dash at the end.
Alright that’s it for the main course of the first arc. Next post will be the short stories and then we’ll move on to the second half of this RIP series.