Have you ever read Redwall books? It's like Watership down....only theres mice....in habits....that fight with swords......yeah...
But it's awesome. Really. Check it out. It's by Brian Jaques.
My favorite is Tagarung, which is very cool, because Tag never (directly) kills someone till the end of the book. And he's so...otter-ly...cool! (puns puns puns) I fangirled like you would never believe over Marlfox or whatever it's called because this:
"....wai- WHA...? Chicken Hound, only like the most stupid thing since dvd rewinders DIDN"T DIE and suddenly becomes wickedly cooler than beans, kidnapping children AND SELLING THEM AS SLAVES TO AN OLD RAT-THINGY THAT LIVES ALONE IN A HOLE???!!!!"
".....cool beans."
Yup. Whats your favorite Redwall book? I swear, I totally frugged out when Later Rose died at the end of Martin the Warrior (Only like the King Arthur of mice). That, and naming the squirrel kid "Chugger" in Tagarung are the only things of his books I disagree about.
And maybe when he killed Warbeak. That was traumatic too.