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Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago

Hi, gang. This is Thomas La Homme. You may remember me from such storygames as "The Doll's Quest" and "Aphrodite's Orphan," and from the poetry advice I've doled out to the young people on this site. Well, I've been posting my poetry and Fantasy stories on the Booksie web site, lately. Everything was more-or-less okay, until recently when I tried to renew my Premium Membership-- where they take 40 bucks from you in exchange for giving you further "exposure" on this site. I don't own any credit cards, so I've used money cards. The use of money cards proved an issue when I tried to renew my membership. At first nothing went through, so I had to write to the site Warlord, Booksie Guy (he actually calls himself Booksie Guy) and he tried to suggest things I could do. Eventually, I deleted the old money card info and ran my new money card info through by itself and the damn thing finally turned over and I was pretty sure I was set for another year. Then this past Saturday, I checked my site and found I was no longer enrolled in the Premium membership. I've sent two messages to Booksie Guy and he's yet to respond to me. Maybe the site had a glitch or crashed. Maybe I should purchase another money card. Maybe I should close my account on Booksie and go through the laborious process of re-uploading all my stuff on another site. Or maybe I should drink a bottle of strychnine and curl into a fetal position. All this time, I've been working on a Fantasy novel and I've already written 105 pages. I'm very stressed out and heartbroken right now.

Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago

Sorry to hear that happened to you.  Hopefully you have backups of everything.

Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago

Thanks for you concern. Looks like they fixed it. 

Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago
That sucks man. Hope you didn't lose money on their incompetence. Also good luck on your new novel. Whats it about?

Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago

Entrepide, they got it back up, so no money lost. Thanks. The novel is the third Sword & Sorcery story about my character, Syndeeka, Warrior-Astronomer. It's like Conan if you took out the magic and replaced the barbarian warrior with an African woman who started as a prostitute, became an astronomer's apprentice, and then a sword-wielding itinerant mercenary. It's not really set in our world so she's not actually from Africa-- more a quasi-African kingdom. Here's the link for the first story, "The Inevitable Corpse Season". The Inevitable Corpse Season, short story by Thomas LaHomme (

Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago
That entire site sounds like a scam.

Bloody Pain and Misery of the Booksie Writing Site

11 months ago

Mizal, I'm not sure if it's a scam, but there apparently is a lot of bias and favoritism on the site. Be that as it may, I'm just trying to get my work out there in the public sphere so people can read it. I hope you've been doing well.