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Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Honestly, I haven't been keeping up too much with this (Other than seeing your name flood the recent comment section) or the Thunderdome shit, but if you were an artist type, you probably could have gotten all those points back and more if you could draw me a new family portrait since the one with Green is horribly out of date now seeing as she's dead and all.

But as far I know you aren't, so can't do anything for you.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Okay I will 

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

How's this? @EndMaster 

I'm not an artist, but at least I tried

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago
I'm impressed

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

You'll only get your points when you tag him three times

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago


Well it's not good enough to use, though I do find TCat's angry/annoyed face to be amusing. Though I'm not exactly sure how Tcat would want to be portrayed. (Cat with a hajib? Human wearing a hajib with cat ears? She probably could keep the angry expression though even if her eyes are just showing though)

Maybe Tcat herself will weigh in for future artists portrayals of her.

Anyway I can't fix you up with everything but here's some of your points back for the attempt.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

On another note, that's gotta be one of the most trailer trash portrayals of Thara I've ever seen. Good thing she's not currently around or you might get even more points taken away. Lol

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago
Holy shit. It really is. TC is cute though.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Thanks I tried


Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

So, is the family portrait drawing still available? I'm always down for some free points. 

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Somehow I knew you were going to pop up to ask.

Yeah you might as well give it a go, not like you're getting many points from your writing abilities.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

I'll try to get Stargirl to draw, but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be worse than mine.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Why would I draw? 

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

To get tons of points

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

People already read my shitty writing. Why would I torture them with my crude stick figures? 

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Now I cant unsee EndMaster as a stick figure, thanks for that stargirl.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Oddly I was going to do a family portrait through the years drawing stick figures.

But then I got lazy and didn't do it since I remembered why I stopped drawing my stick figure comics in high school and focused on writing instead.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

I would like to see you draw the family portrait

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Who knows I might get around to it one day.

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago
@Suranna please leave your mom out of this

Family Portrait Side Quest

9 months ago

Split off from the Ab Points Lol thread (But this one could still produce lols of its own)

EDIT: Ah damnit I didn't realize there was still more of the points conversation still going on under my post, oh well.

EDIT 2: Fixed.