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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Will's new CSI series

one year ago
For those of you who only check the storygame page twice a year when you misclick from not reading the forum, Will just released a set of investigative crime thingies yesterday: Serious Crime Investigation. He might go around with that big creepy smile, but he's not joking around this time, this crime investigation is serious! Anyway, since he is too shy I'm dropping the link here, because I like detective stories and he's said he'd do more if there seemed to be interest. If you can't take half an hour to read through and rate so that the site gets more of these, let's see you go and write me something better then. But I've seen that Will has also been leaving comments on other stories daily, it'd be nice for a few of you to return the favor given I'm sure he has other things to do besides pretending to be interested in fantasy.

Will's new CSI series

one year ago
The storygame is split into the different cases, so reading just one is an easy way to see how you like it.

I know a lot of peeps are signed up for the prompt contest, so this is also a great way to procrastinate!