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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?


3 months ago
Ninja did it again. It seems reports of his death were premature.

I know we're all busy with being gay for the rebellion contest and assorted Christmas stuff, but since I'm not sure how familiar the current crop of noobs is with Ninja's work I thought I might as well make a thread to say that a new story from him is usually a pretty solid "put down whatever you're doing and read" moment.


3 months ago
I read it last night and it was amazing! It was just the right length, and I gave it an 8. It was a really captivating pirate adventure and I’m planning on writing a review once I finish the other paths, and work a little on my story for the contest. I really loved the main character and the mix of a religious mission in between the pirate/seafaring adventure stuff. As a member of the current crop of noobs this is my first experience with Ninjas work, and in a word it was breathtaking. If you enjoyed the pirates of the Caribbean movies, you will love this story, it has a more serious protagonist, because after all he’s trying to save his kingdom which is plauged with disease and ghouls, but the same magic is there. It’s also more grimdark, and that made it even more captivating at times


2 months ago
Saw your comment. Thank you for your service. I'll repay with a review of my own, again, time-permitting.


2 months ago
Yeah for sure, I really enjoyed your story so I wanted to make a detailed and comprehensive review after reading all the paths, I hope you liked it! That's really nice of you to offer to write a review, I definitely appreciate all the comments on my stories.


2 months ago
I was going to uncharacteristically make an announcement post, time-permitting, but I should have known. The mods around here fire from the hip.

Maybe I did return from the dead. Honestly, I thought Mercenary was published in January. It was, just two years ago. Shit. For you newer members, if you've done any storygame reading, my name should look familiar. If it doesn't, then I'd suggest spending more time reading than Forum posting.

But I haven’t been lazy. Far from it. It’s been a while since a smug Ninja article, so let me get a fix with a Forum post. I’ve written two novels since my death. I’m mostly through a third, too, except I hit the Trump wall of writer’s block. In storygames, shitty pages turn into End Game links. Gay linear stories don't have that luxury.

In that time, I also hit the gas with fitness and stopped drinking for a period. If you've read those smug, flexing articles, you'll remember that I write with a bottle of medicine nearby. (Johnny Walker, just what the doc prescribed.) Now this isn't gay high school weight room stuff. I did a mile of lunges. I ran a marathon without training. I did 3,000 push ups and ran 30 miles within 30 hours.

How does that relate to CYS? Heavenspire is my first storygame written without the bottle, and it required waking up at 5:30 every morning to write before work. Read, review, comment. If it turns out to be a steaming pile, maybe I should revisit alcoholism, but I think it's rather good.

In the meantime, I'll be around, not as active as in previous years, but I don't see a reality where my CYS death is final. Maybe not until the real one. Or Alex forgets to pay the electricity bill.


2 months ago
Crimson should take notes, this is how to brag, minus the humble.