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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Homo Perfectus 8

12 years ago

I'm stuch where you fight the exact copy of yourself (after I 'killed' all my teammates... whatever.)

Even if my health reaches zero, I just keep using items :/

Homo Perfectus 8

12 years ago

Yes, a majority of readers preferred the usage of items over links when it comes to combat in the Homo Perfectus series, and variables don't kick in until links are used (meaning that if Health reaches 0, you'll only die the next time you use links) is a side effect.

Anyway, you could have just messaged me, but the enemy you're talking about is not just a copy of yourself, it's a live mirror reflection, and he moves in exact coordenations with your own moves. This of course means that you can only hit him if he hits you, because if you dodge, he dodges in the exact same way (and any attempt to counter the dodge will he do as well and so on and so on). You loose exactly as much Health as he does, so even if you defeat him, that means you're defeated as well.

You have to find a way to make this mirror reflection of you stop fighting. Wonder how you could ever do that?

Homo Perfectus 8

12 years ago

I am astounded that something so simple escaped me, haha. Thanks.

Homo Perfectus 8

11 years ago

i got it never mind :) its a cool game

Homo Perfectus 8

11 years ago

SindriV, I still didn't understand how to beat the replica of yourself cause the replica does the exact same thing! It's so tough! I tried everything yet I can't beat him! Can you give me another hint? This is the only point point in the game where I'm stuck! (Atleast I hope it is!) :)

Homo Perfectus 8

11 years ago

You're supposed to stop fighting, and since the replica only acts when you act, this causes it to stop fighting as well. Increase your brain capacity and your character just stands there, thinking, for a while.

Homo Perfectus 8

11 years ago

Thanks mate. But that's not all! You need to exert a lot on the replicas of your companions and only then will Photon be unstable. I just realised that! Anyway, great game, amazing story, I really loved it. I can't wait for the 'School of Assassins'! Keep up the good work SindriV.