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The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

It was a day three months ago in the kingdom of Cystia. It was a beautiful kingdom with a rich culture and while it's size and population were tiny compared to the massive Facebook Empire, even so the people there were content with what they had. However, the kingdom was now rotting from within, months before, a large number of people from distant lands immigrated to Cystia, they called themselves the Warrior Cats or WC for short. As it had been for years since the foundation of the kingdom, new people were always welcome and the WC were given a place here. However, it was soon discovered that the WC culture was degrading the kingdom, slowly choking Cystia's own culture out. At first, only a few radicals of the kingdom were pleading to the King Alexp and his ministers, the Mods, to banish this scourge and restore the kingdom to it's former glory.

The Mods did not do that, instead, they asked the nobles and people of Cystia to try and show these new people how things run here. The nobles and the people agreed, however, any attempt at this was rebuffed by these new people. So, the mods answered by turning the WC culture into a sub-culture of the larger Freeform Culture. This however, did little to stop the WC from spreading their horrible literature and culture around the kingdom. Slowly, the people joined the radicals and demanded the banishment of these people. The WC responded by declaring war to Cystia and it's people. The war was short-lived as a few more rational people of the kingdom already had signed a peace treaty with the WC that turned the conflict from a war to a cold war and effectively stopped the actual fighting.

This did not stop the hate for the WC from growing to a point where even the most cultured nobles began to hate the WC and it was even harder for the mods to keep the situation from escaping out of hand and into a conflict yet again. For the time, everyone was somewhat calm, some action having been made against the WC, many of their books were banned and their growth had been slowed down to a degree. But the WC answered only by publishing more of their books and refusing the help of the few people of Cystia that still wanted to help them.

Only the Mods know what made them to start to start the Purge of Cystia, but whatever happened, it angered the nobles greatly. And thus, it started, at first, all freeform was to be stopped completely until a better decree could come in place to make the situation of the kingdom better. And when it came, it hit hard, a decree was put that said what the kingdom banned:

  • Low quality literature
  • Low Quality or Freeform Plays
  • Warrior Cats and poorly conceived fan fiction in general
  • Sexual Plays
  • Mindless arguments
  • Empty discussions devoid of meaningful content.

And what they desired:

  • High quality stories or literature
  • Sophisticated or intellectual debates
  • Sophisticated or exceptional plays
  • Events
  • In progress announcements for upcoming stories or works of literature
  • Discussion about the better stories or works of literature
  • Good conversation between mature people

The decree, now known as the Purge of Cystia all but destroyed the WC culture, most of it's adherents having left the kingdom for another place, or having been banished out of the kingdom for good. However, the Purge, severely damaged the larger Freeform culture and many of the adherents of this culture left and formed a so called empire, called the Empire of the Wolf God, created by a influential man named DerpBacon. Quite a few people left Cystia to gain citizenship of this new empire where they could practice their beliefs, including the WC.

Following the fall of Freeform from favor and losing it's power, the System culture gained a large following and influence not seen since it's glory days of Commander. Most of the people that adhered to freeform, now turned their heads and joined the System culture. A few people tried to convince the Mods to modify the decree in order to allow freeform back, but their voices fell short, being denied.

Since then, Cystia's population had increased a while after the Decree was set, replacing the old ones that had inhabited the kingdom and left it after the Decree was set in motion and now it is yet again thriving, with many of the new people only adding and improving the culture of Cystia after it's decline during the cultural attack of the WC and it's future seems bright, with nothing bad on the horizon...

NOTE: This is not meant to insult, anger, or offend anyone. I was also not sure if this was to be placed here or in the Writing Workshop since I don't really plan on making a storygame out of this.

Having said that... comment away!

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

I feel like I'm reading Australia's history in the same timeframe with a CYS theme XD Also you totally jinxed us with the last line. 

Pretty cool of you to do a sort of history thing. It'd be awesome if someone made a complete history of CYS thing. 

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

How did I jinx us, you mean with the "with nothing bad on the horizon..." part?

I know, I would write it, but I can't since haven't been here since the start of CYS...

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Precisely that part. And you don't need to have been around from the beginning, per-say. Just scroll back through a whole lot of forums and piece together history, like we do nowadays. 

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Well, yes, but I would miss the part of the forums that were made by trolls and deleted, though I could ask someone who has been here longer than me(and is still active) to help me with this...

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

I can invite Virt back. She had been writing up a history of CYS for a while and she's been on this site for ages.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Sure, if she's willing to help! I've been thinking of how to make this, and I think that I should write on chapters.


The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Sounds like a great idea; this was actually one of my longest ongoing projects (that I've simply kept to myself over the past three years or so), but it's obviously quite outdated as it's been a while since I was last active (which was somewhere during the entire WC incident) - though if we passed each other what we've got, and did a bit of forum digging, I'd imagine we'd have quite a bit of content.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

I believe that's best. Though let's not clutter the thread. I'll PM you later today to check out what's happening.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

I am beginning to think that most of humanity has an ingrained psychological need to kill something then gloat about it.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

This isn't gloating... at least it wasn't intended to feel like gloating.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

No, just  a shitty post and a weird attempt to curry favor. 

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Ok... I didn't do this to brag or to curry favor to anyone. I was just bored, got the idea and wrote it, simple as that.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Ugh, you are such a downer.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

No he's not, he's right. Quit shitposting, the new guidelines happened months ago, and people are still talking about it. Why can't you all just move on?

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

... I am not shitposting, as I said, I was bored, this idea came to mind and I thought it would be fun to write it... I was clearly wrong about this though.?


The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

I won't call it a "shitpost", but a lot of the reason that everyone, my self included, wanted any mention of Warriors removed from the site was so that we wouldn't have to read about it constantly.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Right, I suppose I forgot about that...

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

So, uh... *pokes thread* What exactly is this? I mean, it seems pretty cool and all to sum up what happened the past few months here.

Is this basically a piece of some sort of CYStian history book?

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Pretty much, yeah. I got bored, the idea came to me... and so I started to write it.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

Why are people still talking about this? -_-

> inb4 claw makes more "new guideline" shitposts for the rest of his lfe

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

On the other hand, this is a creative writing website, and he's writing creatively. It doesn't sound like a protest post to me. Moving it to the writing workshop.

The Purge of Cystia

9 years ago

*shrugs* Is it so hard to come with a RP game with actual rules in place? That's all you need really, to start RPing. So, I don't really see the problem here.