Noremac2018, The Reader
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2/28/2025 2:26 PM
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You get separated from your robbing party in an undiscovered pyramid and have to make your way out before some unknown creature takes your soul as punishment for awakening them.
(A pencil and paper is recommended for chapter 1{Maze section})
There is 20 total endings. See if you can get them all
Also, some people complained about the North East South West system however it would be 10 times more complicated for me to use a straight left right back system. There also may be a couple misspellings, so if any grammar is wrong just please tell me what the title of the slide is.
Also, the relic can be used in intersection 17(XVII), and the totem if you find it can be used on an ending where you sink into sand. I apologize for any things that don't make sense, just let me know what pages you have problems with. I am open to criticism, however I am also only 12 years old. There is 3 total chapters, so don't be too upset if you only get through the maze.
(Starting at room 1 it is east south south leave north west north north west north west north east north collect south east east south south use relic) or if you want the basic ending you can go east instead of using the relic. But it you wanna speed run the maze its room (1 2 3 4 5 6 17 east) the route mentioned previously with the several moves is to collect 2 vital items, one is the relic but the totem isn't as important. It'll just take you to chapter 3)
Also you don't refuse death, that's just a re-word of what's basically *Try Again*
And it's not a mummy you see in the beginning. If you reach chapter 2 you'll see what it was