TheWriterInTheDark, The Wordsmith

Member Since


Last Activity

1/26/2025 1:41 AM

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Duel Stats

1 win / 0 losses


Marauder Exemplar



"This story is told through the eyes of a madman... Who, like all of us, believed that he was sane." ~Edgar Allan Poe



Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Having 1 Storygame(s) Featured


Featured Story Hastings, 1066: Aftermath

In 1066 England, all is chaos. King Harold has been killed by the Norman, William, who has usurped the throne. The sky is darkened by smoke and reddened by fire. Carrion crows circle and swords clash. The fate and future of England is at stake. Blades will strike. Men will die. Blood will flow.



A Brief Note: I am somewhat hesitant to classify this storygame as 'historical'. Of the fifty-two endings, only a couple bear any resemblance to actual history. Many of the people and places are real; however, many more have been fabricated. I decided very early on to sacrifice authenticity in exchange for enjoyment. Please play this game knowing that it will be full of anachronisms and other a-historical events, and please DON'T use it to study for your upcoming history test. Despite its inaccuracies, I still had a lot of fun writing it and I hope that you, the reader, are equally entertained while reading it.

In The Deep Of Night

A man on the edge of civilization, haunted by memories, journeys into the darkness of the forest in search of a monster; for in the deep of night, an evil creature hunts.


(Submitted For January's "A New Frontier" Writing Contest)

Stranded: On Familiar Shores

Play as a person stranded in his/her own backyard. At just under two centimeters tall every insect is a deadly predator and every trickle of water is an impassible river. Do you have what it takes to survive? Can you make it out alive, stranded in the most familiar and yet alien place on Earth?

Vikings: Britain Asunder

Long ago have the Romans abandoned Britain. Their edifices and monuments have crumbled to dust and ash and in their wake chaos reigns. The men of Wessex, East Anglia and Mercia all look to their Christian God to deliver them from the fury of the Northmen and the Bretons, who swarm Britain like flies on a carcass. Now more than ever must they pray, for a coalition of Danes descends upon Britain, taking kingdoms one by one. In these uncertain times men look to shieldwalls as an opportunity for glory...
Or death.

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Introducing Delight Games Interactive Fiction on 1/7/2019 10:11:08 PM

But only briefly.

Introducing Delight Games Interactive Fiction on 1/7/2019 10:05:22 PM


Hastings, 1066: Aftermath on 8/21/2018 3:14:13 PM


Hastings, 1066: Aftermath on 8/20/2018 2:39:51 PM

I certainly considered entering into the competition, but I had a slight (almost a year) head start on everyone else. It didn't seem fair.

Hastings, 1066: Aftermath on 8/19/2018 10:27:01 PM

Apologies for the haphazard punctuation, it's an old enemy of mine. I'm glad to hear that my story is considered entertaining, but not epileptic.

January New Frontier Contest on 1/12/2017 7:33:52 PM

I would like to enter into the "New Frontier" Contest, just for 25 points.