mrcrimsonclean, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

2/2/2025 12:03 PM

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0 wins / 2 losses





go read in moonlit waters, its good :)


Anya's choice

Setting is WW2, your partner has went off to war, Your only communication is through letters. This is a very short story.


unpublished , coauthor

In "Monster Hunter," you step into the boots of a seasoned hunter tasked with tracking down and defeating legendary creatures that have plagued villages and cities for centuries.

This game is a thrilling mix of action, suspense, and strategy. Each decision you make will impact your journey, from choosing your weapons and allies to deciding whether to confront or avoid certain monsters.

The game is serious and intense, with a dark atmosphere that pulls you into a world where danger lurks in every shadow.

You'll need to think quickly and strategically to survive as you encounter fierce beasts, cunning rivals, and mysterious characters.

Your choices will shape your path in this high-stakes adventure.




Recent Posts

Cyto is a retard on 11/21/2024 6:02:27 PM

Its sad to be both broke and have no time. If i have no time i better at least not be broke, you have my condolences, but since youre broke our communications end here. Once you get your money up we can initate discussion once again. 


EDIT: im on a different browser and didnt see it automatically logged me into this account smh

storygame suggestions on 10/19/2024 9:42:37 AM

I'll save it so I can get back to it in the near future. Personally, I think we need more goblin slaying fantasy stories on this site, matter a fact, I'll write one myself. 


Here's the plot: you're a loser guy, you procrastinate, live at home with your hypocrite asshole mom who gaslights you and shit. All your friends drifted away, the only person who gives a shit about you is a girl you speak to online with the discord handle #lily_brokenxxx. Anyways, she is using you, you meet up with her, you get jumped, you lose your money. Mom is asking where rent money is, blows up into a huge argument. You start fighting your mom in rage, accidentally killed her, then you kill yourself. Then you wake up In another world with goblins and shit and knights and dragons, who will you become with a second chance? That's my story, definitely not cliche. 

storygame suggestions on 10/19/2024 9:34:11 AM

Nice profile. I'm unsure how you will bring back the golden age of gaming, but good luck on your life mission. 

Eikas - chill cooking IF on 10/18/2024 2:22:28 PM

A room used for entertaining guests, although, that sounds, super broad to me. I'll be good and stop teasing you now. 

The Comma, Debate on 10/18/2024 9:37:15 AM

"Like fragile blown glass" I don't know why this is so funny to me. 

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/18/2024 9:29:12 AM

I hope it mildly frustrated you. 

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/18/2024 9:14:54 AM

I really will not care, I'm very serious with reviews, I won't be petty. 

The Comma, Debate on 10/17/2024 2:24:04 PM

I quite like where the commas are placed In those sentences. It feels like it would follow the natural speech pattern of a real human speaking the words. Although you did have the same issue with my comma usage in your story review on the one I made. 


Or maybe I just like breathing. I feel like you must read at a very fast, so lots of commas can get annoying for you. 

Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest on 10/17/2024 9:36:41 AM

Can't wait to hopefully see warwick in season 2 and Viktor ASCENDING. 

Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest on 10/17/2024 9:33:40 AM

I can fix her.