DBNB, The Apprentice Scrivener

Member Since


Last Activity

10/17/2024 10:19 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

108 wins / 92 losses





“Writer’s block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they can have an excuse to drink alcohol.”—Steve Martin










Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Rated 96.5% of all Stories Given by BerkaZerka on 02/22/2024 - You should have more of these :D


99 Problems but a Girl Ain't One

Samson, the biblical hero of great strength, seemingly had much going for him.  He was strong, had women, and could even kill 1000 men with only the jawbone of a donkey for a weapon.  However, in the biblical account, Samson is betrayed by Delilah, and ends up blind and imprisoned before his heroic death.  Could he have chosen a different path? Or was the path he chose the best one available. You get to choose. 

This storygame was created as an entry for EndMaster's Myth & Religion Contest

End of the World as You Know It

The end of the world is nigh - or at least the end of your world. Rebellion has been stirring in the Middle Kingdom, which is nothing new. But now, the Empress' book of power is missing. This book contains the secret words of power by which she created and set the foundations of her kingdom. In the wrong hands, they could undo everything, including you. You play as Artem, the Empress' top champion as you seek to retrieve the book and keep the kingdom in status quo.


Created as an entry for EndMaster's Crisis Contest



Just Another Saturday Night

You play as Peter, a young high school student attending a Halloween Party. But remember, things, and people are not always what they seem.


An entry for Mizal's Damned and the Shamed Contest 2023.

A Certain Story

A certain story

Recent Posts

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/17/2024 4:54:12 PM

Not sure. I got distracted by beer.

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/17/2024 4:40:39 PM

whoa there... monotony does not modify or describe beer - blasphemy.  Beer is awesome.

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/17/2024 4:34:25 PM

Too many commas, Mr. Dickens. Makes your writing boring and it feels... bad.  Please tighten up your prose.

Useless Retarded CoGite Faggot Whining on 10/16/2024 11:55:30 AM

I would read that.  Im sure it would be tastefully done

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/16/2024 9:44:09 AM

Absolutely solid and airtight reasoning.  I am jealous that I failed in recognizing this supremely important fact, so I think I will just go have a beer. (or two...)

Recent bugs on 10/15/2024 2:03:07 PM

These sound more like "features"

Thunderdome 15: Darius vs Benholman! on 10/15/2024 11:11:15 AM

Congrats to both for turning in decent stories that didnt totally suck.  It was also a nice surprise that Ben proved he could actually write a passable story without relying upon excessive profanity every other word in a vain attempt to shock the reader - Nice work Ben, whichever story you wrote. 

Story A: I liked this one. It seemed to start perhaps a little slow, but I really enjoyed the aspect of discovering the story through journal entries.  It did seem like the ending came a bit fast (most likely due to time constraint and word count), but I would really enjoy this journey developing further if the journal entries were able to go on for a few more days. Ending was fine, though a little predictable. 

Story B: This story made good use of dialogue and I liked how it used the relationship with the missing daughter to evoke emotion.  The ending here was effective, and was done well.  However, the story leading up to the ending was not as strong for me, but overall a respectable Thunderdome entry.

So, overall, my vote is for STORY A

Am I racist? on 10/11/2024 1:45:34 PM


Help on 10/10/2024 7:11:27 AM

Just make Ford a Co-author. He loves to help.

Am I racist? on 10/9/2024 10:20:25 PM

Yep. What Ogre said.