solostrike, The Expert Scrivener
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IF you have suggestions or ideas for any of my games, even little add-ins, or name ideas, please PM me :)
Also, if you like one of my storygame ideas, and you would like to use it for your own storygame, let me know and if i havent spent too much time on it, then maybe you can use it.
Trophies Earned

is locketh before thee,
Unlock it and thee shall be rich,
One mistake and thee shan't live again'
You are a relic hunter in search of the Cryptode. You begin your search in Rome. While searching you are confronted by the Group, a band of men who are also in search of the Cryptode. You are almost killed in the fight.
You must use weapons, skill, strategy and luck to find the cryptode before the Group does. You can choose between many different transportation methods like taxi, train, car, bus, helicopter, and plane. There is one secret level in the game, see if you can find it.
To make it a little fun, there are also four different endings:
Best/Special Ending - Exceptional Gameplay
Normal Ending, You did not meet the requirements for Best Ending but you found all the combinations for the Cryptode
Lucky Ending - Guessed on the Cryptode combination.
Wrong Guess Ending - Did not unlock the Cryptode and lose the game.
Please PM me your ending!!!
Extra-terrestrial beings have invaded Earth. They have only killed forces that have opposed them. The aliens claim that they only mean to have control over Earth, they do not wish to kill the humans.
One hundred years of alien occupation passes, without problem or conflict. The aliens have left the people of Earth alone. People have only just stopped fearing a suprise attack from the aliens.
"Go through the story as a young, boy genius, and experience life in an alien-occupied planet." - plot idea 1
"Follow the story as a young, boy genius and find out what the aliens are planning." - plot idea 2
"Over the years, scientists, professors, and other intellectuals begin to disappear. With notices that they are on vacation, however, they are never spotted again. You, as the player, have noticed these subtle occurences and have come to realize the aliens are planning something." - plot extension...
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis (CIPA)
- is a rare inherited disorder of the nervous system which prevents the sensation of pain, heat, and cold. A person with CIPA cannot feel pain or differentiate extreme temperatures.
Most human-beings with CIPA die before their third birthday. Kenny Cartel is one man to have survived and is now at the age of 26. After fully understanding his condition, Kenny began to walk down a path of crime and violence. He was arrested twice and released on bail, and incarcerated once for a prison sentence. He is associated with a gang and has also killed a few rival gang members. He is not a stranger to the wrong side of the law.
Simply put, one day, Kenny decides to go crazy on the streets.
Control Kenny Cartel and choose just how crazy he becomes. If you die at the end of the game, or cause much devestation before the game ends, it means a better score for you!
This description is quite vague as to how the story is, there is more background than plot, eventually, more of the plot will be released.
Articles Written
Account, Profile, SettingsHow to Use Chapters, Pages, and Links
How to use Random Variables
Intermediate Scripting
Scripting Random Encounters and Events
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