There are three types of people in this world;
Those that make things happen,
Those that watch things happen,
And those that ask - 'what happened?'.
The day starts badly: Late for work, you rush out the door forgetting your wallet and Smartphone.
It gets worse: Someone robs a STAPLES office supply store and you end up with the loot! - Someone else plants a bomb at a Starbucks and you’re holding the detonator!
How the day ends… is up to you.
Race against time or run for cover - the choice is yours - as you encounter COUNTDOWN TIMERS and PUZZLES along the way. 'Make Things Happen' and finish with the highest SCORE finding the Easter Eggs and hidden bonuses along the way. Do nothing and you will find the 'Watch Things Happen' ending or you might stubble upon the hidden ending that will leave you asking 'What Happened?'. Still... whatever you decide to do... don't forget... you're one click away from a BOOM!

“Answer The Call” is a new and complete CYS game, by magcos and SindriV and will be coming soon on X-Box, PS3 and Nintendo Wii, sponsored by Jeremy Irons and...Yoda.